Open Access Policy and Information

WebLog is an Open Access publisher, we provide readers with free access to science and the most recent research. Every piece of content we publish is open access and licensed under a Creative Commons license, allowing for unrestricted sharing and reuse of the work as long as proper credit is given.

Why use WebLog for open access publishing?

  • A variety of top-notch journals extending your reach both inside and outside of your field.
  • Through WebLog Open Access Publisher, your work will have a high level of exposure and discoverability.
  • Each open access article is subjected to thorough peer review.
  • You may share your work more immediately with rapid online publication.
  • International promotion and exposure to make sure your work reaches the intended audience.
  • Editorial boards with expertise.
  • Complete copyright protection for your work.

Fully open access journals

Explore WebLog’s more than 80 complete open access journals, all of which publish open access articles. International Open Access Journals

External Resources about Open Access

The following websites or the Open Access Explained video may be enlightening for anyone unfamiliar with the concept of open access.

Definition of "Open Access"

According to the Budapest, Berlin, and Bethesda declarations, which constitute the three main definitions of open access in the scientific literature, WebLog defines open access as meeting the following criteria.

  • Peer-reviewed literature is accessible without charge or subscription restrictions.
  • Works published instantly in open access format.
  • As long as the original publication is properly cited, published content may be reused without permission.