
Research Article | Open Access

WebLog Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology

Published on :   23 Aug 2024

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Knowledge and Awareness of Orbital Mucormycosis in Post COVID-19 Recovered Patients in India

Vishwdeep Mishra1, Dr. Ragni Kumari2, Dr. Gaurav Kumar Bhardwaj3, MD Masihhuzzaman4, Dr. Kamal Pant5, Dr. Aditya Tripathi6, Sandhya Shakya7, Akshya Kumar8

Background: The emergence of mucormycosis cases amid the COVID-19 pandemic and the fear associated with mucormycosis may turn out to be a terrifying public health issue. The current study aims to assess knowledge and awareness about orbital mucormycosis in post COVID-19 recovered patients.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out among 242 COVID-19 recovered population from August 2021 to February 2022. A semi-structured online questionnaire wa

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