Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

English must be used to prepare the document. The manuscript must be well documented, with a sufficient margin and double spacing between lines. The document's pages, including those with figures, tabular columns, acknowledgements, references, etc., must all be numbered consecutively. The manuscript's figures and tables must all be attached in one document.

It is advised that authors submit their work in any underlying format.

  • Microsoft Word (doc or docx)
  • Rich Text Format (RTF)
  • Portable Document Format (PDF)
  • Open Document Format (ODF)

The link to submit your manuscript is provided here. Submit Manuscript

The following format must be used for all manuscript submissions to the WebLog Publications journal.

  • Cover letter
  • Abstract
  • Title and Authorship Information
  • Introduction
  • Materials and Methods
  • Results and Discussion
  • Acknowledgements
  • References

Cover letter

  • It is required to include a cover letter with the manuscript.
  • Any possible conflict of interest must be declared.
  • A statement from each co-author attesting to their approval for the paper to be submitted.
  • Confirmation that the manuscript's contents haven't been published or submitted for publication anywhere else.
  • Consent attesting to the fact that the paper has not been published in any other journal or is pending publication there.


A simple title that precisely describes the key points of the research is required for an abstract. It is necessary to come up with a 200 - 250 word abstract that provides a quick overview of the completed work.

Title and Authorship Information

The following details need to be provided.

  • Title of the paper
  • Authors complete names
  • The complete mailing address of the institution
  • Email addresses


It is necessary to provide a succinct overview of the subject that highlights the key findings of the research.

Materials and Methods

Your consent is granted for the materials described in the manuscript by submitting it to the journal. This includes all data that will be made publicly available to scientists and researchers for non-commercial use, as long as participant confidentiality is maintained.


  • The outcomes of the conducted experiments should be covered in this section.
  • Subheadings might be used to divide up this section.
  • Make sure it is evident how new results differ from published findings or accepted facts.


This section needs to provide an explanation of the results' importance and put them within a more general narrative.

Note: For research reports, the Discussion and Results sections needs to be consolidated into one section.


  • A single paragraph that comes after the Discussion section should contain all of the acknowledgements.
  • It is recommended that authors only provide credit to individuals who have significantly contributed to the research, along with the affiliation of those they mention.
  • List the members of the collaborating bodies along with their names and affiliations.
  • A separate support statement should be used to recognize the study's financial assistance.


In the References section, all references cited within the text must be listed. It is recommended that authors use the following specimen style when listing citations in the References section of their work in the National Library of Medicine (NLM) format.

Format for Journal References

Name, initial(s), and surname of the author: Title of the article. shortened version of the journal's name, if available year, volume number, page numbers, and publisher information (if any)


Rose ME, Huerbin MB, Melick J, Marion DW, Palmer AM, Schiding JK, et al. Regulation of interstitial excitatory amino acid concentrations after cortical contusion injury. Brain Res. 2002;935(1-2):40-6.


  • Kindly refrain from providing tables in a different file.
  • Sequentially number the tables.
  • For every table, include a concise footnote that defines any acronyms and symbols used.
  • As part of the manuscript file, include tables.


  • Images should not be embedded in the primary manuscript file. Provide them independently.
  • Provide line drawings and photos in PDF, JPEG, TIFF, or Adobe Illustrator formats.
  • Bar charts and graphs can be provided in Excel or a related spreadsheet format.
  • Every submitted figure needs to have a distinct name and number.
  • Make sure that the backgrounds of bar charts and graphs are white, without any gridlines or shading.
  • Provide each figure a descriptive caption.
  • It is necessary to expand all acronyms.

Different Types of articles we accept

Article Type Word limit (do not include references) Article Configuration
Case Blog Below 1500 words Title designation, authors' names and affiliations, Essentials of the corresponding author, Narration in text, References
Case Report Below 1500 words Title designation, authors' names and affiliations, Essentials of the corresponding author, Narration in text, References
Case Series More than 1500 words Title designation, authors' names and affiliations, Essentials of the corresponding author, Narration in text, References
Clinical Image Below 150 words Title designation, authors' names and affiliations, Essentials of the corresponding author, a succinct text summarizing the image
Commentary Between 500-1000 words Title designation, authors' names and affiliations, Essentials of the corresponding author, Narration in text, References
Editorial Below 1500 words Title designation, authors' names and affiliations, Essentials of the corresponding author, Narration in text, References
Letter to Editor Between 500-1000 words Title designation, authors' names and affiliations, Essentials of the corresponding author, Narration in text, References
Mini Review Below 2000 words Title, author(s), affiliations, essentials of the corresponding author, Keywords, Abstract, Abbreviations, Introduction, Headings, Subheadings, Conclusion, and References
Opinion Between 500-1000 words Title designation, authors' names and affiliations, Essentials of the corresponding author, Narration in text, References
Perspective Below 1000 words Title designation, authors' names and affiliations, Essentials of the corresponding author, Narration in text, References
Research Article Below 5000 words Title, author(s), affiliations, essentials of the corresponding author, Keywords, Abstract, Abbreviations, Introduction, Subheadings, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, and References
Review Article Below 5000 words Title, author(s), affiliations, essentials of the corresponding author, Keywords, Abstract, Abbreviations, Introduction, Headings, Subheadings, Conclusion, and References
Short Communication (or) Rapid Communication Below 2000 words Title designation, authors' names and affiliations, Essentials of the corresponding author Keywords, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, References
Systematic Review Below 5000 words Title, author(s), affiliations, essentials of the corresponding author, Keywords, Abstract, Abbreviations, Introduction, Headings, Subheadings, Conclusion, and References