Publication Ethics

The journals of WebLog Open Access Publications adhere closely to the policies and publication ethics, and they would also oversee a legal audit if necessary. The following lists the responsibilities of the journal's editors, reviewers, and authors. It is anticipated that the best ethical guidelines included therein would be adhered to by authors, reviewers, and editors.

Author's Ethical Guidelines

Genuine and original research

In addition to accepting responsibility for the relevance of the original research, authors are required to be accountable for the data and material in each of their publications. In their paper, the authors are expected to present genuine and original research. Incorrect, misleading claims are an example of unethical publishing practices; copied words, phrases, or outcomes are not accepted.

Preserving unprocessed data

In order for their publication to be reviewed, authors may be required to disclose their research's raw materials or data. They should also be prepared to exhibit the data in a transparent way should the necessity arise.

Staying away from concurrent publishing

It is not advisable for articles with identical scientific content to appear in many journals or publications. It is not appropriate for authors to submit an article that has been published in another publication for consideration.

Accurate citation

Authors are listed as authors in the manuscripts because they have to assume civic responsibility for the content of their work and because they have made significant contributions to the article and met the authorship criteria (research, data acquisition, design, execution, analysis of the study, and article drafting). All necessary coauthors and acknowledgements must be included, along with the signed consent of each to be named, by the corresponding author.


Any conflict of interest that could affect how the results or the paper are interpreted should be declared by the authors. Disclosure of all sources of funding and resources for the research project is required.

The publication must specifically include the author's research effort or study that includes chemical methods and any exceptional hazards encountered during the process. If there are any human or animal subjects in the study, the author must ensure that all procedures were carried out in accordance with institutional policies, applicable laws, and committee approval. Human participants' rights must always be taken into account.

In order to participate in the peer review process, authors must provide the necessary information, clarifications, proof of ethics approval, copyright authorization, and participant or patient agreement. If required, authors must make revisions to their manuscripts and submit them again.

Reviewer's Ethical Guidelines

Supporting editors during the process of peer review

Reviewers help authors improve their manuscripts and support editors in the decision-making process of peer review. Peer review requires that reviewers contribute fairly to the process. Reviewers who decline an invitation to review a manuscript should inform the editors of their unavailability, incapacity, or inadequate expertise so that the editors can reach out to other reviewers.

Preserving confidentiality

Peer review should be carried out by reviewers with a moderate level of experience. Reviewers must obtain prior permission from the journal's Editorial Board before sharing, preserving, or discussing any material about the assigned submission with third parties.

Resource identification and assessment

In order for authors to use reviews to improve their articles, the review process must be carried out impartially, objectively, and with clear, supporting arguments. It is unethical to criticize the authors in such a manner. Reviewers must adhere to the whole peer review procedure and notify editors of any knowledge gaps in papers, whether published or unpublished.

Giving unbiased, helpful feedback

It is expected of the reviewers to make sure that the language they use in their feedback to the authors is appropriate without any kind of disrespectful or personal criticism.

Managing time and workload

To accelerate the process of articles and get them to the publication stage, reviewers must complete the review procedure within the allotted time. The authors will have a sense of trust due to their regular publication schedule.

Editors's Ethical Guidelines

Impartial publication decisions

Editors are responsible for keeping an eye on and guaranteeing the fairness, promptness, diligence, and decorum of the peer review editorial process. Editors make sure that every manuscript that is submitted goes through the peer review process. The peer-reviewed manuscript should be considered by at least two reviewers who are experts in the subject.

Without taking into account the author's gender, ethnicity, affiliation, political influence, or prejudice, editors assess the papers based only on their academic excellence, creativity, and relevance to the journal's scope. The journal's editorial board will decide whether or not to publish an article, and no other government or agency will be held accountable.

Preserving confidentiality

Except for the possible reviewers, corresponding author, and publisher, where appropriate, editorial staff and board members will not disclose any information regarding the manuscript submitted to the journal. Without the author's express written consent, the journal's editorial board will not use any unpublished material for their own study or purposes. All thoughts and information gathered from managing the editors' manuscripts will be kept private and not exploited for personal gain.


When an editor has a conflict of interest originating from a competitive, collaborative, or other relationship with an author, an organization, or an institution connected to the manuscript, they will release themselves from that manuscript and assign the manuscript to another editorial member.

When unethical behavior or concerns are reported about submitted manuscripts or published articles in the journal, even after several years of publication, editors (in collaboration with the publisher) will act promptly. Any suspected misconduct or unethical behavior that is reported will be investigated, incidents of misconduct will be taken into consideration, necessary changes will be made, and any concerns raised will be published in the journal.