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Dr. Chetana Anand Deoghare

Assistant Professor




Indus University

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Dr. Chetana Deoghare, is having doctorate degree in Polymer Science & Engineering form BITS Pilani, Rajasthan, India. She has completed her graduation and postgraduation in Chemistry from Nagpur University, India. She is expertise in the Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Spectroscopy, Chemistry of Natural Products, Drug Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Applications of Organic Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry. She has a depth knowledge in Polymers synthesis and designing and many publications in reputed journals. She is also a member of Editorial board for ‘New Environmentally-Friendly Materials’ and reviewers for many journals.

Dr. Chetana is having a special interest in the career which provides cross functional exposure to the variety of research and academic work. She is excited about the opportunity of work in a dynamic and innovative organization that matures leadership, team work and creativity in education and internships. She has a systematic approach towards problem solving and wish to be part of a motivating team. She is having a desire to work in the field of macromolecular synthesis, characterization and their applications for mankind. Also, she would like to use the knowledge of Computational Chemistry towards the development of Polymer/Organic Chemistry.

Dr. Chetana is having a great passion for teaching and research in various field of Chemistry. She believes that research is a process of mutual learning; and this is especially so in a research environment where we explore the limits of knowledge. Research exclusive of teaching is likely to be far less fruitful this is true of undergraduate teaching as well as graduate teaching. Teaching requires one to clearly state and explain concepts to the learner.

  • Synthesis
  • Organic Synthesis
  • Multistep Synthesis
  • Nikita Pandit, Chetana Deoghare, & Sujoy Chaudhury, A Review on the Green Chemistry Perspective of Multipurpose Use of Cow Urine, (Submitted to the Journal “Pure & Applied Chemistry’’).
  • Nikita Pandit, Chetana Deoghare (January 2024), "Unravelling the Chemotherapeutic Potential of Cow Urine in Context of its Importance to Humanity" in "Global Journal of Medical Research: K" Interdisciplinary, Volume 23 Issue 7, (DOI: 10.17406/GJMRA).
  • Chetana Deoghare, (June 2023), “Random and Block Architectures of N-arylitaconimide Monomers with Methyl Methacrylate”, Physical Sciences Reviews, https://doi.org/10.1515/psr-2022-0327.
  • Chetana Deoghare, (March 2023), “Mechanistic aspect for the atom transfer radical polymerization of itaconimide monomers with methyl methacrylate: a computational study”, Pure & Applied Chemistry, https://doi.org/10.1515/pac-2022-1108.
  • Pandit N., Singh, Y., Chauhan R.S., Deoghare C., (February 2023). Cow Urine: Mediated Antibiosis and Immune Modulating Anthelmintic Agent, Alternative and Integrative Medicine, 12, 01. DOI: 10.37421/2327-5162.2023.12.437.
  • Chetana Deoghare, (May 2022). Thermally Stable Copolymers with Pendant “N-Arylimide” Groups via Reversible Deactivation Radical Polymerization Technique”, ECS Transactions, 107: 18175-18187.
  • Chetana Deoghare, (March 2022). “Experimental determination of activation rate constant and equilibrium constant for bromo substituted succinimide initiators for an atom transfer radical polymerization process”, Pure and Applied Chemistry, 94: 839-858.
  • C. Deoghare, S. Balaji, S. Dhandapani, H. Srivastava, A. Ganguly and R. Chauhan (December 2021). “Antimicrobial and anticancer activities of copolymers of tri-O-acetyl-D-glucal and itaconic anhydride”, Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 87: 629–640.
  • C. Deoghare, (2020). A Computational Study of Homolytic Bond Dissociation Process Involved in the Initiation Process of Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization, Journal of Applicable Chemistry, 9: 638-648.
  • C. Deoghare, H. Srivastava, R. N. Behera, and R. Chauhan (2019). Microstructure Analysis of Copolymers of Substituted Itaconimide and Methyl Methacrylate: Experimental and Computational Investigation, Journal of Polymer Research, 26:204- 218.
  • C. Deoghare, V. S. Nadkarni, R. N. Behera, and R. Chauhan (2019). Copolymers with Pendant N-arylimide Groups via Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization: Synthesis, Characterization and Kinetic Study, Polymer Science, Series B, 61:170-179.
  • C. Deoghare, V. S. Nadkarni, R. N. Behera, and R. Chauhan (2017). Synthesis and Characterization of Copolymers of Methyl Methacrylate with N-arylitaconimides via AGET-ATRP, Journal of Polymeric Materials-An International Journal, 34:455-466.
  • C. Deoghare, C. Baby, V. S. Nadkarni, R. N. Behera, and R. Chauhan (2014). Synthesis, Characterization and Computational Study of Potential Itaconimide-based Initiators for Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization, RSC Advances, 4:48163-48178.
  • Chetana Deoghare, (October 2023), "Random and block architectures of N-arylitaconimide monomer with methyl methacrylate "Sustainable Chemistry Research - Chemical and Biochemical Aspects" Volume 1, Published by De Gruyter 2023; ISBN 978-3-11-107090-2, e-ISBN 978-3-11-1071423-5. https://degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783111071435-018/html.