Editor Profile

Prof. Okediran Babatunde Samuel
University of Ilorin

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- Oladele, G.M., Abatan, M.O., Olukunle, J.O. & Okediran, B.S. (2009): Anti-inflamatory and Analgesic Effects of Aqueous Leaf Extract of Gomphrena celosioides and Momordica charantia. Journal of Natural Science, Engineering and Technology. (2); 1-8, Published by Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. Available online at http:// www.unaab.edu.ng/index.php/JAgSE/article/view/1077/1021
- Fasanmi, O.G., Ajibola, E.S., Biobaku, K.T., Ajayi, O.L., Okediran, B.S., Olurode, S.A., Thomas, F.C. & Adebayo, O. (2009): Effects of Administering a Combination of Vitamins A and E on Fertility and Hatchability of ANAK 2000 Breeders. ASSET. Series A (1); 110-114, Published by Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. Available online at http:// journal.unaab.edu.ng/index.php/JAgSE/article/view/1073/1028
- Ajibola, E.S., Oyewusi, I.K., Okediran, B.S., Thomas, F.C. & Rahman, S.A. (2009): Effects of Administration of Crude Aqueous Leave Extract of Anarcardium occidentale on isolated Rabbit Intestine. ASSET. (9):1, Published by Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. Available online at http:// (www.unaab.edu.ng/index.php/JAgSE/Article/view/1061/1016)
- Thomas, F.C., Adebayo, A.O., Adeleye, E.O. & Okediran, B.S. (2011): Plasma Lipid Profile and Some Biochemical indices in Domesticated Greater Cane Rats (Thryonomys swinderianus Temminck). Journal of Natural Science, Engineering and Technology. 10(1); 81-89, Published by Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. Available online at http:// www.unaab.edu.ng/inde.php/JAgSE/Article/View/1090/1060
- Okediran, B.S., Ajayi, O.V., Suleimam, R., Adah, A.S., Biobaku, K.T., Adam, M., Suleiman, K.Y. & Sanusi, F. (2018): Haemato-biochemical changes following inhalational exposure to commercial grade pyrethroid mixture in male Wistar rats. Savannah Veterinary Journal. 1; 14-18, Published by Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Ilorin. Available online at https://savannahveterinaryjournal.com.ng/issues/7.pdf
- Ajibola E.S., Adeleye O.E., Okediran B.S. & Rahman S.A. (2010): Effects of Intragastric Administration of Crude Aqueous Leaf Extract of Anacardium occidentale on Gastric Acid Secretion in Rats. Nigerian Journal of Physiological Society. 25; 59-62, Published by the Nigerian Physiological Society. Available online at https://www.ajol.info/index.php/njps/article/view/84582
- Oladele, G.M., Faramade, A.I., & Okediran, B.S. (2010): Evaluation of the Effects of Aqueous Extracts of Calotropis procera on the Haematology and Serum Biochemistry of Adult Albino Rats. Animal Production Research Advances. 6 (1); 58-61, Published by Tapas Institute of Scientific Research and Development. Available online at https://www.ajol.info/index.php/apra/article/view/76147
- Oladele, G.M., Ode, O.J. & Okediran, B.S. (2011): Serum and histopathological changes associated with anti-fertility effects of the aqueous extracts of Carica papaya Linn seeds in male rats. Biological and Environmental Sciences Journal for the Tropics. 8 (3), 250-253, Published by Bayero University Kano. Available online at http:// (www.sci.buk.edu.ng)
- Olukunle, J.O., Ajayi, O.L., Adenubi, O.T., Okediran, B.S. & Akinkuotu, O.A. (2012): Evaluation of the Toxic Effect of Aqueous Extract of the Bark of Moringa morindoides in Male Wistar Rats. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production (NJAP). 39 (2); 179-183, Published by The Nigerian Society for Animal Production. Available online at http:// www.ajol.info/index.php/njap
- Olukunle, J.O., Ajibola, E.S., Biobaku, K.T., Okediran, B.S. & Akinkuotu, O.A. (2012): Effects of Lippia multiflora Leaf Extract on Semen of Wistar Rats. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production (NJAP). 39 (2); 172-178, Published by The Nigerian Society for Animal Production. Available online at http://www.ajol.info/index.php/njap/article/view/117157.
- Biobaku, K.T., Yusuf, A.A., Mshelbwala, F.M., Ajibola, E.S., Okediran B.S. & Akinloye O.A. (2014): Subchronic toxicity study of Khaya senegalensis aqueous extract in rats. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production. 39 (2); 235-243, Published by The Nigerian Society for Animal Production. Available online at http:// www.ajol.info/index.php/njap
- Okediran, B.S., Olurotimi, A.E., Rahman, S.A., Michael, O.G. & Olukunle, J.O. (2014): Alterations in the lipid profile and liver enzymes of rats treated with monosodium glutamate. Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences .12 (3); 42-46, Published by Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria. Available onlne at http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/sokjvs.v12i3.9
- Biobaku, K.T., Oluwabi T.M., Oni, O.O. Takeet, M.I., Okediran B.S., Olukunle, J.O., Ajibola, E.S. & Eruvbetine, D (2014): Preliminary Evaluation of Coccidiostatic Effect of Khaya senegalensis Bark Powder and Aqueous Extract in Combination with Vitamin C in Broilers. Nigeria Poultry Science Journal.411; 54-64, Published by Worlds Poultry Science Association Nigeria Branch. Available online at www.libonline.bowenuniversity-edu.org:8000/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?...13703
- Biobaku, K.T., Agaie, B.M., Onifade, K.I., Odetokun, I.A., Okediran, B.S., Ameen, S.A., Ismaila, M.S., Adam, M. & Raji, L.O. (2016): Effects of Xylazine on Physiological and Biochemical Parameters of Shael bucks Exposed to Twenty-eight Hours Road Transportation. Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences.14 (2); 43-52, Published by Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria. Available onlne at http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/sokjvs.v14i2.6
- Okediran, B.S., Biobaku, K.T., Ajibola, E.S., Omotainse, S.O., Thomas, F.C., & Adah, S.A. (2016): Effects of Prolonged Administration of Graded Doses of Lead on Some Electrolytes in Albino Rats. Sahel Journal of Veterinary Science. (14) 2; 81-86, Published by Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,University of Maiduguri, Borno, Nigeria. Available online at: www. jol.info/index.php/sjvs)
- Thomas F.C., Aduloju O.S., Okediran B.S., Ajibola E.S. & Maduagwu E.N. (2016): Presence of Nitrites, Nitrates, Nitrosamines in the Eggs of Intensively Raised Layers in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. Nigerian Veterinary Journal. 37(3); 123-132, Published by Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association.
- Oladele, G.M., Faramade, I.A. & Okediran, B.S. (2018): Effects of aqueous extract of Nelsonia canescens leaf on the osmotic fragility of red blood cell and blood parameters of Wistar albino rats. Abuja Journal of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences. 1; 1-10, Published by Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Abuja. Available online at http:// www. Uniabuja.edu.ng
- Olaifa, F.H., Bello, A., Adah, A.S., Basiru, A., Sanusi, F., Suleiman, K.Y., Azeez, O.M. & Okediran, B.S. (2021): Effect of Daytime on the Vital Parameters of Nigerian Local Dogs. Savannah Veterinary Journal, 5 (1): 28-3, Published by Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Ilorin. Available online at https//: doi.10.36759/svj.202.154.
- Sanusi, F., Okediran, B.S., Suleiman, K.Y., & Akorede, G.J. (2022): Haematological and Biochemical Changes Associated with Male Albino Rats Intubated with Graded Doses of Curcuma longa. Savannah Veterinary Journal, 5 (1): 15-19, Published by Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Ilorin. Available online at https//: doi.10.36759/svj.202.161.
- Fatima, S., Abigail,C.A., Okediran, B.S., Yusuf, K.S. & Yusuf, I. (2023): Evaluation of the Haematology and Serum Biochemistry Profile of Albino Rats Fed diets Composed of Cowhide Processed by Various Singeing Methods, Journal of Veterinary and Applied Sciences, 13(2): 260-272, Published by Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria. Available online at https://jvasonline.com/vol13iss2-11
- Oyeyemi M.O. & Okediran B.S. (2007): Testicular Parameters and Sperm Morphology of Chinchilla Rabbits Fed with Different Plane of Soyameal. International Journal of Morphology. 25 (I); 139-144, Published by Chilean Society of Anatomy, Argentine Association of Anatomy and Panamerican Association of Anatomy. Available online at https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/5deb/7224e9d569eb22334baf77868ba0223f1539.
- Ademuyiwa, O., Ugbaja, R.N., Rotimi, S.O., Abam, E., Okediran, B.S., Dosumu, O.A. & Onunkwor, B.O. (2007): Erythrocyte Acetylcholinesterase Activity as a Surrogate Indicator of Lead-induced Neurotoxicity in Occupational Lead Exposure in Abeokuta, Nigeria. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology. 24; 183–188. Published by ELSEVIER. Available online at https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1382668907000713?via%3Dihub
- Abam, E., Okediran, B.S., Odukoya, O.O., Adamson, I. & Ademuyiwa, O. (2008): Reversal of Iono-regulatory Disruptions in Occupational Lead Exposure by Vitamin C. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology. 26; 297-304. Published by ELSEVIER. Available online at https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1382668908000860?via%3Dihub
- Okediran, B.S., Abam, E., Ademuyiwa, O., Odukoya, O.O. & Adamson, I. (2009): Membrane, Intracellular, Plasma and Urinary Sodium and Potassium in Occupational Lead Exposure: Effects of Vitamin C Supplementation. Trace Elements and Electrolytes. 26; 49-59, Published by the Dustri-Verlag. Available online at https://www.dustri.com/article-response-page.html?artId=5986&doi=10.5414%2FTEP26049
- Okediran, B.S., Ajibola, E.S., Olaniyi, M.O., Oladele, G.M. Thomas, F.C. Rahman, .A. & Adekunle, M.A. (2010): Haematological and Biochemical Changes following Lead Toxicity in Male Wistar Rats. Folia Veterinaria. 54 (3); 126-129, Published by the University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice, the Slovak Republic. Available online at https://www.uvlf.sk/document/folia-veterinaria-volume-54-issue-3.pdf
- Okediran, B.S., Ajibola, E.S., Biobaku, K.T., Thomas, F.C., Rahman, S.A., & Anise, E.O. (2010): Invivo Effects of Lead on Haemogram and Hepatic Enzymes. Folia Veterinaria. 54 (4); 214-217, Published by the University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice, the Slovak Republic. Available online at https://www.uvlf.sk/document/folia-veterinaria-volume-54-issue-4.pdf
- Okediran, B.S., Ajibola, E.S., Thomas, F.C., Abam, O.E., Biobaku, K.T., Olaniyi, M.O. & Rahman, S.A. (2010): Investigation on Subchronic Lead Intoxication on Blood Indices of Male Rats. Global Veterinaria 4 (5); 532-535. Available online at http:// www.researchgate.net/journal
- Okediran, B.S., Rahman, S.A., Ajibola, E.S., Biobaku, K.T., & Thomas, F.C. (2011): Biochemical Parameters of Liver and Kidney Functions in Rats Experimentally Exposed to Lead. Folia Veterinaria. 55 (1); 50-52, Published by the University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice, the Slovak Republic. Available online at https://www.uvlf.sk/document/folia-veterinaria-volume-55-issue-1.pdf
- Okediran, B. S., Kasali, O. B., Omotainse, S. O. & Akinloye, O. A. (2016): Haemato-Biochemical Alterations as Biomarkers of Lead Induced toxicity in male wistar rats. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine. 14 (2); 227-232, Published by Bangladesh Society for Veterinary Medicine, Bangladesh. Available online at https://www.banglajol.info/index.php/BJVM/article/view/31401
- Biobaku, K. T., Okediran, B. S., Adebiyi, A. T., Aremu, A. & Atata, A. J. (2016): Evaluating the Anti-stress Potential of Propofol in road Transportation Welfare using Bio-markers in West African Dwarf Goats. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine. 14 (2); 171-177, Published by Bangladesh Society for Veterinary Medicine, Bangladesh. Available online at https://www.banglajol.info/index.php/BJVM/article/view/31388
- Ola-Davies, O.E., Biobaku, K.T., Okediran, B.S. & Adah, A.S. (2017): Evaluation of the “Antidotal” Potential of Mangifera indica L. leaves extract on sodium arsenate exposed male Wistar rats using some biochemical markers. Ceylon Journal of Science. 46 (1); 97-102, Published by the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Available online at DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/cjs.v46i1.7421.
- Okediran, B.S., Biobaku, K.T., Olaifa, F.H. & Atata, A.J. (2017): Haematological and antioxidant enzyme response to Lead toxicity in male Wistar rats. Ceylon Journal of Science. 46 (2); 31-37, Published by the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Available online at DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/cjs.v46i2.7427
- Jegede, H. O., Omobowale, T. O., Okediran, B. S. & Adegboye, A. A. (2017): Hematological and plasma chemistry values for the African rock python (Python sebae). International Journal of Veterinary Science and Medicine. 5, 181–186. Published by Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo Egypt. Available online https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1016/j.ijvsm.2017.10.001
- Adah, A.S., Okediran, B.S., Biobaku, K.T., Adah, D.A., Azeez, O.M., Adenkola, A.Y. & Kigir, E.S. (2017): The Physiological Potential of Ghrelin in Enhancing Feed Intake in Livestock. Journal of African Association of Physiological Sciences. 5 (2); 79-84, Published by African Association of Physiological Sciences. Available online at https://www.ajol.info/index.php/jaaps/article/view/164908
- Okediran, B.S., Adah, A. S., Sanusi, F. & Suleiman, K. Y. (2018): Lipid changes in male Albino rats exposed to graded doses of Lead. Ceylon Journal of Science. 47(2); 159-163, Published by the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Available online at DOI:http://doi.org/10.4038/cjs.v47i2.7512
- Okediran, B.S., Sanusi, F. & Suleiman, K.Y. (2019): Electrolytes Alterations in Some Organs due to Lead Exposure. Advances in Clinical Toxicology. 4(2); 1-10. Available online at DOI: 10.3880/act-1600010
- Okediran, B.S.,Suleiman, K.Y., Adah,A,S. & Sanusi, F. (2019): Mitigation of Lead Acetate Induced Toxicity by Ginger (Zingiber officinale). Annals of Clinical Toxicology. 2(2):10-20. Available online at remedypublications.com
- Okediran, B.S., Olatunde, O.A., Oladesu K.O. & Samuel E.S. (2020): Responses of Male Albino Rats under Stress of Mixed Pyrethroids. Artech Journal of Innovative Research of Animal Veterinary Sciences. 1 (1): 4-10, Published by Artech Journal. Available online at http://artechjournals.com/issue_view?i=c3VwZXJlbmNrZXkxMjAxMDExM3N1cGVyZW5ja2V5MTIwMTA
- Okediran, B.S., Amid, S.A., Sanusi, F. & Oladesu, K.O. (2021): Haematological and biochemical changes associated with male rats deprived of feed and water. Ceylon Journal of Science. 50(1); 11-16, Published by the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Available online at DOI: http:// doi.org/10.4038/cjs.v50i1.7842
- Okediran, B.S., Amid, S.A., Suleiman, K.Y., Makinde, O.A., Alaba, B.A. & Olajide, E. (2021): Mitigation of Welding Fume with Vitamin C. Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal. 67(169); 15-20, Published by the Assiut University, Egypt. Will be available online at https://avmj.journals.ekb.eg/?_action=current&_is=Current%20Issue
- Shola, D.O., Isaiah, O.A., Johnson, O.A & Okediran, B.S.(2021): Haemoparasites and the Haemato-biochemical Profiles Associated with Anaplasma marginale infections of cattle in Ilorin, Nigeria. Veterinaria. 70 (3); 335-349, Published by Veterinaria. Available online at DOI: doi.org/10.51607/22331360.2021.70.3.335
- Kolawole,Y.S., Emmanuel, O.A., Khalid, T.B., Okediran, B.S., Misitura, O.A., Ganiu, A.J., Abdulfatai, A. & Akeem, O.A. (2021): Cardioprotective Effects of Aqueous Extract of Ripped Musa paradisiaca Peel in Isoproterenol Induced Myocardial Infarction Rat Model. Biomedical Research and Therapy. 8 (10); 4634-4648, Published by BioMedPress. Available online at DOI: 10.15419/bmrat.v8i10.699.
- Okediran, B.S., Sanusi, F. & Suleiman, K. Y. (2015): Veterinary Biochemistry Instructional Practical Manual for Students. Published by the Department of Veterinary Physiology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Kwara State. Pp: 1-47.
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