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Dr. Mohamed Rifai (Mohamed Sadek Rifai), M.D

Emeritus Professor




Cairo University

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  • Myringoplasty: Trans canal procedure using tragal perichondrium. Medical J. Cairo University. 50:459-466, 1982.
  • Neoplasm of the Middle ear cleft and temporal bone Bulletin of Egyptian Society of Physiological Science. 3 (1): 25-33, 1983.
  • Attic Cholesteatoma: Modalities of Surgical Treatment. Bulletin of Egypt. Soc. Phys. Sci. 3 (4), 1983.
  • T-cell Immunity and Serum Immunosuppressive Effect in Cancer Larynx. The Egypt. J. Haemat. 9 (1-2) : 93 – 102.
  • Human Placental Extract as a Local Treatment of Atrophic Rhinitis. J.Otolaryngol. 1 (2): 129-132, 1984.
  • Temporalis fascia versus tragal perichondrium in Myringoplasty. Med.J. Cairo Univ. 53 (1): 19-21, 1985.
  • Reconstructive Ear Surgery in Children, Med.J.Cairo Univ. 53(3):369-371, 1985.
  • Nasal Vascular Response to Cutaneous Thermal Stimulation Bulletin of Egypt. Soc. Phys. Sci. 5 (1): 57-72, 1985.
  • Cancer Larynx: A Clinic pathological study of 120 cases. Med.J.Cairo Univ. 53 (3): 411-416, 1985.
  • Unusual Cases of Proposes. Egypt.J.Otolaryngol. 2 (2): 173 – 183, 1985.
  • Middle Turbinectomy. Med.J.Cairo Univ. 55 (1): 27-30, 1987.
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  • Otogenic Intracranial Complications: Pitfalls in Diagnosis and Management. Med.J.Cairo Univ. 55 (1): 7-13, 1987.
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  • Pharyngeal repair after Pharyngo-Laryngectomy: 4 years' experience. Head and Neck Surgery. Vol. 10 #2, Nov. Dec., 1987.
  • Craniofacial Resection for the Treatment of Tumors of the Para nasal Sinuses. Egypt.J.Otolaryngol. 6 (1): 63 – 64, 1989.
  • Epiglottectomy to Relieve Laryngeal Stenosis Following Ingestion of Caustic. Egypt J.Otolaryngol. 6 (1): 63 – 64, 1989.
  • Submandibular Salivary Gland Neoplasm. New Egypt. J. of Medicine. 3 (3): 567, 1989.
  • Laryngotracheal Resection for Post Scleromatous Laryngeal Stenosis. The Journal of Laryngology and Otology. Vol. 103: 935-938, October 1989.
  • Visual Dysfunction: Abnormal signs of Benign Spheno-ethmoidal Lesions. The Journal of Laryngology and Otology. Vol. 104: 217-221, March 1990.
  • Direct Extensions of Laryngeal Carcinoma to the Skin of the Neck. The Journal of Laryngology and Otology. Vol. 104: 824-826 October 1990.
  • Arytenoidectomy and posterior cordectomy for bilateral abductor paralysis. The journal of Laryngology and Otology. Vol. 105: 454-455, June 1991.
  • A comparative study between Bloom-Singer voice prosthesis and oesophageal speech in the rehabilitation of post total laryngectomy patients. Med.J.Cairo Univ. Vol 60, No 2, 455-460: June 1992.
  • Management of Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma. Egypt.J.Otolaryngol. Vol 14 No 1:1-6, January 1997.
  • Anterior commissure carcinoma: I- Histopathological study. American journal of Otolaryngology, vol21, No 5 (September- October), 2000: pp. 294-297.
  • Anterior commissure carcinoma: II- The role of salvage supracricoid laryngectomy. American journal of Otolaryngology, vol23, No 1 (January- February), 2002: pp. 1-3.
  • Critical Analysis of Recurrences after Trans-Oral Endoscopic Laser Resection of Laryngeal Cancer. The Medical Journal of Cairo University. Vol. 71, No 3, Suppl. Sept 2003: 53-57.
  • Post intubation subglottic and upper tracheal stenosis. Kasr El Aini medical journal. Vol 11 No 5, Supl. September 2005, 137-145.
  • Extended Supracricoid Laryngectomy With Excision Of Both Arytenoids: The Modified Reconstructive Laryngectomy. Acta Otolaryngol. 2007 Jun; 127(6):642-50.
  • Diagnostic Role Of multi-Slice Computerized Tomography in Laryngeal Lesions. The Medical Journal of Cairo University.Vol.75, No 2, Suppl. June 2007.
  • Experience with supracricoid laryngectomy variants. Head Neck. 2010 Oct 27.
  • Evolutions in the conservation of the larynx: my journey over the years. Egypt J Otolaryngol 2013, 29:63–65.
  • Unidentified Hyoid Bone Fracture and its Possible Impact on the Patient’s Life: A Report of 2 Cases. Ann Otolar­yngol Rhinol. 2016, 3(7): 1121.
  • Recurrent Post Tonsillectomy Hemorrhage: an Alarming Complication. Otolaryngol Open AccessJ. 2016, 1(2): 000111.
  • Road Map to the Sphenoid Sinus in Trans-Nasal Endoscopic Pituitary Surgery. Otolaryngology Open Access Journal. 2016, 1(6): 000135.
  • Endovascular Embolization of Posttonsillectomy Pseudoaneurysm: A Single Center Case Series. CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology. 2018  December 2018. ISSN 0174-1551. DOI 10.1007/s00270-018-2131-9.
  • Quality of life after supracricoid partial laryngectomy. Advances in Environmental Biology. September 2016, 10(9).137-145.
  • The interarytenoid fold of the larynx: Is it immune to cancer? EJENTAS_Volume 19_Issue 3_Pages 101-102., November 2018, Page 101-102. DOI: 10.21608/EJENTAS.2019.6268.1052
  • Highlights on the Management Laryngotracheal Stenosis (LTS). American Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery.2019 Short Communication Published: 06 Jul, 2019. Volume 2 | Issue 7 | Article 1061.2019.
  • Giant Myxoid Osteoma of the Frontoethmoidal Region. Case Report Otorhinolaryngology Clinics: An International Journal, 2014 No. 3, Page 1-3.
  • The Neoplastic Thyroid: The Villain often missed in Ear, Nose, and Throat Examination. 2021. M Rifai, A Younes Ali, AA Ahmed Adel Abdallah, AM Eltelety. Ann Clin Otolaryngol.; 6 (1) 1048.
  • Monoclonal anti-IgA antibody expression in the posterior commissure mucosae of laryngeal cancer patients. 2022. M Rifai ; M Negm2; S Abdalgaleel ; A Younes Ali EJENTAS. 23 (23) 1-7.
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