Editor Profile

Ali Gamal Ahmed Al-kaf
Associated Professor
2012 - Present
Sana'a University

PhD. in pharmaceutical sciences from Russia 2006, Previous Chief Council for Accreditation and Quality Assurance. Previous Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy at Sana'a University. Dean of Faculty of Medical Sciences at National University – Sana'a Yemen. Professor of Medicinal Chemistry Department. Member of Yemeni Higher Medical Council. Member of many associations and international groups. Chairman in Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. Editor and Associate Editor of some international journals. My interest is synthesis and biological activity of 4-oxopyrimidine and quinazolinone -4 derivatives, Structural biology and bioinformatics in drug design, study of Yemeni medicinal plants, development and validation of Spectrophotometric and HPLC methods for different drugs and antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance in Yemen.
- Structural Biology
- Bioinformatics in Drug Design
- Study of Yemeni Medicinal Plants
- Synthesis of quinazolinone-4 derivatives by the heterocyclic reaction o-benzoylaminebenzoic acid//Development, research and marketing of new pharmaceutical production: scient.works collect. of PSPA. - Pyatigorsk, 2004. - Iss. 59. - Pp. 178-179 /Kodonidi I.P., Magonov M.M., Ivanov R.V., Al-kaf A.G., Mutsueva S.H.
- Pharmacology of the new 4-oxopyrimidine derivative (analogue of GABA)// Person and a medicine: thesis of the 12th Russian International Congress Report..18-22 april. 2005. - M., 2005. -P. 672 / Kodonidi I.P., Kuleshova S.A., Arl't A.V., Ivashev M.N., Magonov M.M., Al-kaf A.G., Mutsueva S.H., Nechvolod D.A.
- The forecast and targeted synthesis of N-heterocyclic derivatives of quinazolinone-4 //Modern high technology techniques.-2004. – No.6.-Pp.109-110 /Oganesyan E.T., Kodonidi I.P., Magonov M.M., Ivanov R.В., Kuleshova S.A., Ivashev M.N., Al-kaf A.G., Smirnova L.P., Rotenko A.A.
- A.G. Al-kaf. Acute toxicity investigation of new 4-oxopyrimidine derivative obtained on the basis of a drug “Streptocide” PDMS. - Pyatigorsk, 2006.-Deposit in Russian Scientific & Research Academy in 03.02.2006, No. 117-B 2006.-14 p.
- A.G. Al-kaf. Acute toxicity investigation of new 4-oxopyrimidine derivative, synthesized on the basis of, a drug “Dapson”, BisPDMD. - Pyatigorsk, 2006.- Deposit in Russian Scientific & Research Academy in 03.02.2006, No.118-B 2006. - 14 p.
- Some pharmacological indices investigation of 4-oxopyrimidine and quinazolinone-4 derivatives //Development, research and marketing of new pharmaceutical production: scient.works collect. of PSPA. - Pyatigorsk, 2006. - Iss. 61. - Pp. 333-334 / Al-kaf A.G., Kodonidi I.P., Kuleshova S.A., Lysenko T.A., Ivashev M.N.
- Some pharmacological indices investigation of 4-oxopyrimidine and quinazolinone-4 derivatives // Person and a medicine: Person and a medicine: thesis of the 12th Russian International Congress Report. April, 3-7, 2006. - M., 2006.-P. 490 / Al-kaf A.G., Kuleshova S.A., Kodonidi I.P., Oganesyan E.T., Ivashev M.N.
- Synthesis of new N- sulfanilamide derivatives of 4-oxopyrimidine, influencing on arterial pressure and having analeptic activity// Person and a medicine: Person and a medicine: thesis of the 12th Russian International Congress Report. April, 3-7, 2006. - M., 2006.-P. 20 /Kodonidi I.P., Al-kaf A.G., Lysenko T.A., Kuleshova S.A., Ivashev M.N., Smirnova L.P., Mutsueva S.H.
- Synthesis of N-arylsulfonic derivatives of 1,3-diazines having hypoglycemic, glucosuric and diuretic activity// Person and a medicine: Person and a medicine: thesis of the 12th Russian International Congress Report. April, 3-7, 2006. - M., 2006.-P. 20 /Kodonidi I.P., Al-kaf A.G., Pogorelyj V.E., Makarova L.M., Mutsueva S.H.
- Synthesis of N-arylsulfonic derivatives of quinazolinone-4 having anti-inflammatory activity / Al-kaf A.G., Kodonidi I.P., Oganesyan E.T., Kuleshova S.A., Ivashev M.N.// Current principles and technology development of remedies.- Scientific practical conf. 28 feb. – 1 march. 2006. - scient. works collect. of conference. – M. 2006. – Pp. 41-42.
- Synthesis of N-arylsulfonic derivatives 4-oxo-1,4-dihydropyrimidine having hypoglycemic, glucosuric and diuretic activity / Al-kaf A.G., Kodonidi I.P., Oganesyan Pogorelyj V.E., Makarova L.M.// Current principles and technology development of remedies.- Scientific practical conf. 28 feb. – 1 march. 2006. - scient. works collect. of conference. – M. 2006. – Pp. 43-44
- Priority certificate for patent Russian Federation №2006106046. – N-arylsulfonic derivative 4-oxo-1,4-dihydropyrimidine having hypoglycemic, diuretic, glucosuric and analeptic activity. /Oganesyan E.T., Kodonidi I.P., Al-kaf A.G., Pogorelyj V.E., Lisenco T.A., Makarova L.M.// (RF) № 2406015 presented 01.03.2006. – 20 p.
- Priority certificate for patent Russian Federation №2006106056. N -arylsulfanilamide derivatives 4-oxo-1,4-dihydropyrimidine having hypotensive, hypoglycemic, glucosuric, diuretic and analeptic activity. /Oganesyan E.T., Kodonidi I.P., Al-kaf A.G., Pogorelyj V.E., Lisenco T.A., Makarova L.M., Magonov M.M.// (RF) № 2406015 presented 01.03.2006. – 26 p.
- Priority certificate for patent Russian Federation №2006111540. – N-arylsulfonic derivatives of quinazolinone-4, having analeptic, antihypoxic and anti-inflammatory activity. /Oganesyan E.T., Kodonidi I.P., Al-kaf A.G., Kuleshova S.A., Lisenco T.A., Ivashev M.N..// (RF) № 2406015 presented 11.04.2006. – 22 p.
- Priority certificate for patent Russian Federation №2006111542. – N-arylsulfanilamide derivatives of quinazolinone-4, having analeptic, antihypoxic and anti-inflammatory, glucosuric and diuretic activity. /Oganesyan E.T., Kodonidi I.P., Al-kaf A.G., Pogrelyj V.E., Kuleshova S.A., Lisenco T.A., Makarova L.M.// (RF) № 2406015 presented 11.04.2006. – 25 p.
- Alrahawi Kh, Al-kaf A. Synthesis and antibacterial activity of new N-R-oxamoylamino acid derivatives and their salts of 2-ethoxy-6,9-diaminoacridine: Yem. J. for Med. Sci Nov. 2007; 3: 32-36.
- Ali Al-kaf and Khaldoon Al-rahawi.Hypoglycemic,Diuretic and Glucosuric activity of BisPDMD compound in experimental diabetes,synthesized by the prediction of PASS.Yemeni J.Biol.Sci.4(2) 2008:263-274.
- Ali Al-kaf and Ayman A.Gouda.Spectrophotometric Determination of Tadalafil in pure and dosage forms.Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly 17 (2) 125-132 (2011).
- Mohamed-I.Kotb El-Sayed,Hatem-K.Amin and Ali –G. Al-kaf.Anti-Microbial.Anti-Oxidant and Anti-Ulcerogenic Effects of Shilajit on Gastric Ulcer in Rats. American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology 8 (1) : 26-39,2012.
- Al-kaf Ali Gamal. lecturer notes on quality control. .-1 ED.-YEMEN.AL-JIL AL-JADID PUBLISHER.2011; 212.
- S.N.Martinov,I.P.Kodonidi,A.G.Al-kafA.N.Murashev,M.N.Ivashev.Study of hypoglycemic activity of N-arylsulfonic derivatives of 4-oxo-1,4-dihydropyrimidine on the model of streptozotocin induced diabetes in rats. //Development, research and marketing of new pharmaceutical production: scient.works collect. of PSPA. - Pyatigorsk, 2007. - Iss. 62. - Pp. 503-506.
- I.P.Kodonidi,A.G.Al-kaf,G.S.Gutenova,A.V.Ivchenko.Logico-structural basis,target synthesis and results of immunotropic activity of N-arylsulfonic derivatives of 1,3-diazinone-4. //Development, research and marketing of new pharmaceutical production: scient.works collect. of PSPA. - Pyatigorsk, 2007. - Iss. 62. - Pp. 303-305.
- A.G.Al-kaf,I.P.Kodonidi,S.Kh.Mutsueva,T.A.Lisenko.Logico-structural and computer prediction of sulfoderivatives of 4-oxopyrimidine and quinazolinone-4,having psychstimulating activity. //Development, research and marketing of new pharmaceutical production: scient.works collect. of PSPA. - Pyatigorsk, 2007. - Iss. 62. - P.432.
- A.G.Al-kaf,I.P.Kodonidi,E.T.Oganesyan,T.A.Lisenko,l.P.Smirnova.Logico-structural and computer prediction of sulfoderivatives of 4-oxopyrimidine and quinazolinone-4,having hypotensive activity. //Development, research and marketing of new pharmaceutical production: scient.works collect. of PSPA. - Pyatigorsk, 2007. - Iss. 62. – P.433.
- Al-kaf Ali Gamal. lecturer notes on Analytical Chemistry.(Qualitative) .-1 ED.-Yemen.Hael Centre Publisher.2013; 120.
- Al-kaf Ali Gamal. lecturer notes on Analytical Chemistry.(Quantitative) .-1 ED.-Yemen.Hael Centre Publisher.2014; 233.
- Nasser A. Awadh Aliab*, Farukh S. Sharopovc, Ali G. Al-kafb, Gabrielle M. Hillb, Norbert Arnoldd, Composition of Essential Oil from Tagetes minuta and its Cytotoxic, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities.NPC.2014.vol.9.No.0:1-4.
- AL-Rahawi K, AL-Kaf A, Yassin S, EL-Nabtity S, EL-Sayed K, et al. (2013) Synthesis and Biological Activities of 2-Carboxyphenyloxamoylamino Acids, their Salts with 2-ethoxy-6,9-Diaminoacridine and D-glucosamine. Adv Pharmacoepidem Drug Safety 2: 129. doi:10.4172/2167-1052.1000129.
- Shada.H.Yassin, Ali Gamal Al -kaf, Mohammed Kotb,Jalal. H.Abdullah andTawfeek.A.Yahya.Antimicrobial,anti-oxidantand hepatoprotective activities of quinazolinone-4 derivatives on Paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in Guinea pigs. University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences2014.vol.18.No.1
- Nasser A. Awadh Ali*1, Martina Wurster2, Ali Gamal Alkaf3, Iman Fadail1, Iman Sharaf4, Ulrike Lindequist2.Lavandula pubescens Decne- A Potential Source of Carvacrol-Rich Essential Oil in Yemen. University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences2013.vol.17.No.3
- Ali Gamal Alkaf1, Nasser A. Awadh Ali2, Nasr Abdo Ghaleb,3,4.Isolation of Dihydroquercetin and its Glycoside Dihydroquercetin- rhamnoside from Catha edulis Forsk. University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences2013.vol.17 No.3.
- Jalal H. Abdullah1*, Tawfeek Ahmed Ali Yahya1, Ali Gamal Alkaf1, Mokhtar AbdHafiz Alghorafi2 and Shada H. Yassin1. Selective spectrophotometric methods for the determination of azithromycin in pharmaceutical formulation. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2014, 6(12):202-208
- Fuad A. Saad and Ali G. Al-Kaf. ANTIBIOTIC SENSITIVITY IN PSEUDOMONAS AREUGINOSA IN TAIZ, YEMEN-2013. International Journal of Current Research,Vol. 7, Issue, 01, pp.11245-11256, January, 2015 .No.1
- Ali G. Al−Kaf, Saeed M. Alghalibi, Wadhah H. Edrees (2015) Microbial and physicochemical assays of paracetamol in different brands of analgesic syrups sold in Sana’a City-Yemen. J Pharm Pharmacogn Res 3(1): 6-12.
- Ali G. Al−Kaf, Saeed M. Alghalibi, Wadhah H. Edrees (2015) Evaluation of microbial and physico-chemical qualities of some cough syrups marketed in Sana'a city, Yemen. J Pharm Pharmacogn Res 3(4): 92-99.
- Ali G.Al-kaf(2015) Prodrug.Medicinal Chemistry journal. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/283005346_www.omicsonline.orgpptsali-gamal-ahmed-al-kaf-prodrug-11508.html.
- Ali G Al-kaf, Rebecca A Crouch, Annika Denkert, Andrea Porzel, Othman SS Al-Hawshabi, Nasser A Awadh Ali*, William N Setzer, Ludger Wessjohann. Chemical composition and biological activity of essential oil of Chenopodium ambrosioides from Yemen. American Journal of Essential Oils and Natural Products 2016; 4(1): 20-22
- Al-kaf Ali Gamal. Synthesis and Activity of 1,3-diazines derivatives.1.ed.Lambert Academic Publishing.German.2016;52.
- Kariem AG, Algaradi AA, Al-Kaf AGA, Alssmani T (2016) Development and Validation of an RP-HPLC Method for Estimation of Cefuroxime Axetil and Its Degradation Products in Tablets. Pharm Pharmacol Int J 4(5): 00086. DOI: 10.15406/ppij.2016.04.00086
- Al-kaf et al., Synthesis and antimalarial activity of new quinazolinone-4 derivatives. Research in Pharmacy and Health Sciences | Vol 2 | Issue 4 | Oct-Dec, 2016;227-233.
- Ali Gamal Al-Kaf1, Khalid Mohammed Naji2, Qais Yusuf Mohammed Abdullah3 and Wadhah Hassan Ali Edrees3*. Occurrence of Paracetamol in Aquatic Environments and Transformation by Microorganisms: A Review. Chronicles of Pharmaceutical Science 1.6 (2017): 341-355.
- Kariem AG, Algaradi AA, Al-Kaf AGA, Alssmani T (2016) Development and Validation of an RP-HPLC Method for Estimation of Prednisolone and Its Degradation Products in Tablets. EC Pharmaceutical Science 2.3 (2016): 312-324.
- Ali Gamal Al-kaf. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.Itech for science,technology and medicine publisher.2017.
- Ali Gamal Ahmed Al-Kaf1, EL-Rashed. Ahmed Gad kariem2, Ali Abdo Saif Ahmed Algaradi1* and Talal Alssmani3. Development and Validation of an RP-HPLC Method for Estimation of Secnidazole and Its Degradation Products in Tablets. Glob J Pharmaceu Sci. Volume 1 Issue 1 - March 2016.
- Mohammed Kassem Othman Al-qadasy1, Abdulla Saleh Babaqi 1, Mukhtar Mohammed Al-Abyadh2, Ali Gamal Ahmed Al-kaf3. TRACE METALS IN SURFACE SEAWATERS IN THE RED SEA AND GULF OF ADEN-YEMEN. Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2017, 2(6), 53-61. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22270/ujpr.v2i6.R10.
- Mohammed Kassem Othman Al-qadasy1, Abdulla Saleh Babaqi 1, Mukhtar Mohammed Al-Abyadh2, Ali Gamal Ahmed Al-kaf3. ANALYTICAL ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY ON THE POLLUTION EFFECT OF HEAVY METALS IN SOME TYPES OF THE FISH IN YEMEN. Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 2, no. doi:https://doi.org/10.22270/ujpr.v2i6.R11.
- Mohammed Kassem Othman Al-qadasy, Abdulla Saleh Babaqi, Mukhtar Mohammed Al-Abyadh, Ali Gamal Ahmed Al-kaf, INVESTIGATION OF TOXIC METALS POLLUTION IN WATER, SEDIMENT AND FISH AT ADEN COAST, GULF OF ADEN, YEMEN , Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research: VOLUME 2, ISSUE 6, NOVEMBER- DECEMBER 2017
- Ali Gamal Ahmed Al-kaf, Ahmed Mohamed Othman, A REVIEW ON NEEDLE FREE INJECTIONS , Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research: VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, MARCH-APRIL 2017
- Al-qadasy MKO1, Babaqi AS1, Al-Abyadh MM2* and Al-kaf AG3. The Effects of Lead, Cadmium, Mercury and Arsenic on Fish and Seawater in Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden at Three Different Locations in Yemen. SF J Pharm Anal Chem. 2018; 1(1): 1002
- Ali Gamal Ahmed Al-kaf, Ahmad Mohammed Othman. A REVIEW ON PHARMACOSOMES: AN EMERGING NOVEL VESICULAR DRUG DELIVERY SYSTEM. Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research: VOLUME 2, ISSUE 1, 2017
- Prabodh Satyal1,2, Tyler H. Jones2, Elizabeth M. Lopez2, Robert L. McFeeters2,Nasser A. Awadh Ali3,4, Iman Mansi5, Ali G. Al-kaf3and William N. Setzer2,Chemotypic Characterization and Biological Activity of Rosmarinus officinalis. Foods2017,6, 20; doi:10.3390/foods6030020
- Wadhah Hassan Ali Edrees1*, Qais Yusuf Mohammed Abdullah1, Ali Gamal AL-Kaf2, Khalid Mohamed Naji3. A REVIEW ON COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN THE PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL PROCESSES FOR PARACETAMOL DEGRADATION. Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research: VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, 2017
- Alkaff Hamed, O., Alrabeei Jamila, A and Al-kaf Ali Gamal.TREND OF KHAT- RELATED AUTOIMMUNE HEPATITIS IN YEMEN. International Journal of Current Research Vol. 9, Issue, 06, pp.53084-53087, June, 2017
- Ali Gamal Al-kaf. CORTICOSTEROIDS.Itech for science,technology and medicine publisher.2018.
- Al-kaf Ali1, Akachar Jihane2, Bennani Fatima Zahra 2, El Jaoudi Rachid2, Ansar M’Hammed3, Ibrahimi Azeddine2, Abudunia Abdul-Malik2*. SYNTHESIS, ANALGESIC, ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AND MOLECULAR DOCKING STUDIES OF NEW QUINAZOLIN-4-ONE DERIVATIVES. J.MAR.CHIM.HETEROCYCL. Volume 16, N° 1 Décembre 2017.
- Jihane Akachar1, Abdul-Malik Abudunia1, Rachid El Jaoudi1, Fatima Ezzahra Bennani1, Mohammed Ansar3, Azeddine Ibrahimi1, Ali Al-kaf2. Synthesis, Anti-hypoxic Activity and Molecular Docking Studies of New Quinazolinone-4 Derivatives. ISESCO JOURNAL of Science and Technology No 23. January 2018.
- Wadhah Edrees,Ali AL-Kaf,Qais Abdullah. Paracetamol in Environment and Its Degradation by Different Processes .November 2017 Publisher: LAMBERT Academic ISBN: 978-620-2-07916-7
- Wedad M. Al-Haik1, Ahmed M. Al-Haddad2, Ali Gamal Al-kaf3, Wadhah Hassan Edrees. ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITIES FOR HADHRAMI HONEY ON GROWTH OF SOME PATHOGENIC BACTERIA. Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2017, 2(6), 7-12.
- Wadhah Hassan Edrees1, Qais Yusuf Abdullah1, Khalid Mohamed Naji2, Ali Gamal AL-Kaf 3. BIODEGRADATION OF PARACETAMOL BY NATIVE FUNGAL SPECIES INHABITING WASTEWATER OF A PHARMACEUTICAL FACTORY IN SANA'A, YEMEN. Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2017, 2(6), 35-41.
- Wadhah H Edrees1*, Qais Y Abdullah1, Ali G AL-Kaf2 and Khalid M Naji3. Isolation and Identification of a New Bacterial Strains Degrading Paracetamol Isolated from Yemeni Environment. Clinical Biotechnology and Microbiology 1.6 (2018): 257-270.
- Mokhtar Al-alabyadh, Mohammed Al-qadasi, Ali Al-kaf, The Effects of Lead, Cadmium, mercury and Arsenic on Fish. Publisher: Lambert Academic Publishing ISBN: 978-613-9-84223-0.June 2018.
- Kapil Kumar*1, Deepak Teotia1 & Ali Gamal Ahmed Al-kaf. Clinical application of perilla oil in breast cancer. Pharm. Bioprocess. (2018) 6(2), 059–063
- Ali Alyahawi1*, Ali Alkaf2, Samar Alzaghrori3. PREVALENCE OF HELICOBACTER PYLORI AMONG ASYMPTOMATIC POPULATIONS IN SANA'A, YEMEN. Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2018; 3(3): 31-35.
- Abdulmajed Alsaifi1*, Ali Alyahawi2, Ali Alkaf3. Comparative Evaluation Quality of Different Brands of Ibuprofen 400 mg Tablets available in Yemeni’s Market. Chronicles of Pharmaceutical Science 3.1 (2018): 730-742.
- Ali Alyahawi, Saleem Alriashi and. Ali Alkaf. Evaluation of metabolicsyndrome among dm type 2 and hypertensive patients in Sana'a, Yemen. International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 10, Issue, 07, pp.71257-71263, July, 2018.
- Ali Alyahawi1*, Ali Alkaf2, Taha Alnosary3. CURRENT TREND OF RESISTANT FOR THE COMMONLY PRESCRIBED NEW FLUOROQUINOLONES AMONG HOSPITALISED PATIENTS IN SANA'A, YEMEN. Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2018; 3(5): 18-23.
- Ali Alyahawi1*, Ali Alkaf2, Rashad Alnamer3, Taha Alnosary4. Study of Resistance for Recently Marketed Carbapenem Drug among Hospitalised Patients in Sana'a, Yemen.Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2018; 3(5) : 58-62.
- Ali Alyahawi, Gamil Alrubaiee, Ali Alkaf, EVALUATION OF CARBAPENEM USE AMONG PATIENTS AT INTENSIVE CARE UNIT (ICU) IN SANA'A, YEMEN , Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research: VOLUME 4, ISSUE 6, NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2019.
- Ali Gamal Ahmed Al-kaf. Vitamin A, retinoic acid and tamibarotene, a front toward its advances: a review. Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2018; 3(6): 38-48.
- Abdul-Malik Abudunia, Ilias Marmouzi*, Mourad Kharbach, Meryem El Jemli, Karima Sayah, Abdelhakim Bouyahya, Ali Al-kaf, Ali Alyahawi, M`Hammed Ansar, Abdelaziz Bouklouze, My El Abbes Faouzi, Azeddine Ibrahimi. Hypoglycemic Effect of Calendula arvensis Flowers is Mediated by Digestive Enzyme Inhibition. April 2019 Current Bioactive Compounds 15(1).
- ALhaidari SAA, Taj Al-Deen AM, Al-Kaf AG, Al-Hadi FA, Abdullah Q, AL Mahbashi A, Al-Dubai FA. Antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of Psidium guajava (guava) medicinal plant leaves used in folk medicine for treatment of wounds and burns in Hufash district Al Mahweet Governorate–Yemen. Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2019; 4(2): 6-13.
- Aziza M. Taj Al-Deen, Samir Ahmed Ali ALhaidari, Ali Gamal Al-Kaf, Fatima A. Al-Hadi, Anas AL Mahbashi. Phytochemical screening and thin layer chromatographic of prunus dulcis (almond) medicinal plant leaves used in folk medicine for treatment of wounds and burns in Hufash district Al Mahweet Governorate–Yemen. Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2019; 4(2): 19-23.
- Al-Kaf AG, Taj Al-Deen AM, Ali ALhaidari SA, Al-Hadi FA. Phytochemical analysis and antimicrobial activity of colocasia esculenta (taro) medicinal plant leaves used in folk medicine for treatment of wounds and burns in Hufash district al Mahweet Governorate–Yemen. Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2019; 4(2): 32-35.
- Mansi I, Awadh Ali NA, Mhaidat NM, Hussain K, Al-kaf AG, Anwar S, et al. Chemical Composition and Biological Activity of the Essential Oil Isolated from the Leaves of Achillea fragrantissima Growing Wild in Yemen. Pharmacog J. 2019;11(5):1077-81.
- Ali Gamal Al-kaf. Introductory Chapter: The Newest Research in Corticosteroids. Intech for science,technology and medicine publisher.2018.
- Ali Gamal Al-kaf. Introductory Chapter-The Newest Research in Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs.Intech for science,technology and medicine publisher.2017.
- Ali Gamal Al-kaf. Introductory Chapter: The Newest Research in Quinazolinone and Quinazoline Derivatives. Intech for science,technology and medicine publisher. May 2020.
- Ali Gamal Al-kaf. Quinazolinone and Quinazoline Derivatives. Intech for science,technology and medicine publisher.May 2020.
- ALdeen AMT, El-Sadek MEA, Abdul-hakim AHS, Hussein EA, Al-kaf AG. Saponins, glycosides and flavonoids in cells and tissues of balanites aegyptiaca cultured on solid and liquid culture media. Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2020; 5(4):16-20.
- Salama A, Abudunia AM, Al-kaf AG, Ziad NM, Ibrahimi A, Chabraoui L. Comparative study of the efficacy of stem cells in corneal regeneration in a chemical burn in rabbits. Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2020; 5(4):47-51.
- Alyahawi A, Alrubaiee G, Alkaf A. Evaluation of Carbapenem use among patients at Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in Sana'a, Yemen. Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2019; 4(6): 30-34.
- Ali Alyahawi,Muneer Alwesabi and Ali Al-kaf. Antimicrobial susceptibility of Acinetobacter clinical isolates among ICU Patients in Sana'a City, Yemen. Journal of 21 September Universityof Medical and Applied Sciences. Volume (1), Issue (1):20 Nov 2022P: 9-15.
- Alyahawi A1*, Alkaf A2 and AL-Aghbari M3. Evaluation of Psychotropic Drugs and Falls among DischargedElderly Patients in Sana’a City, Yemen. Advances in Pharmacology and Clinical Trials. December 2022 DOI: 10.23880/apct-16000208.
- Ali Alyahawi and Ali Al-kaf. Evaluation of Potentially Inappropriate Medications amongElderly Patients According to Beer’s Criteria 2019. CPQ Medicine (2022) 13:6.
- Ali Gamal Al-kaf. Chapter: Adrenal Cortex Hormones Intech for science,technology and medicine publisher. Sep. 2022.
- Alyahawi A1*, Alwesabi M2, and Alkaf A3. Evaluating the Potential Statin-Drug Interactions among OlderPatients with Chronic Diseases in Sana’a City, Yemen. Advances in Pharmacology and Clinical Trials. Volume 7 Issue 4.December 2022 DOI: 10.23880/apct-16000209.
- Ali Gamal Al-Kaf1, Nwali Onubuiwe Nelson2, Ugwudike Patrick O2, Amadi Peace N3,Egbuji Jude Victor4, Sandra Oluchi Okolie3, Idoko Alexander2. PHYTOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS AND ESTIMATION OF ANTI OXIDANTPOTENTIAL OF PHYTOSOMES FORMULATIONS OF MORINDA LUCIDABENTH. UJPR.Volume 7, Issue 6, 2022.
- Ali Gamal Al-Kaf1, Nwali Onubuiwe Nelson2, Ugwudike Patrick O2, Amadi Peace N3,Egbuji Jude Victor4, Sandra Oluchi Okolie3, Idoko Alexander2. PHYTOCHEMICAL SCREENING AND ANTIDIABETIC ACTIVITY OFMETHANOLIC EXTRACT OF CAYLUSEA ABYSSINICA LEAVES.UJPR. Volume 7, Issue 6, 2022.