Editor Profile

Dr. Sandesh Chibber
Assistant Professor
Mehsana Urban Institute of Science

I graduated in Biochemistry. During my PhD, I have reported that mobilization of endogenous copper by chemotherapeutic drugs can induce a pro-oxidant effect in cancer cells. Thus, we have proposed and reported a putative anticancer mechanism against prevention of cancer. The research explored promising, therapeutic and cellular mechanism in the prevention of cancer. In-line with I am having publications in which I have reported that dietary polyphenols induce a prooxidant effect in cancer cell. I am having 12 years of Academic and Research Experience post PhD in a relevant field. I am having academic experience by teaching at Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India, Ahmedabad University, Ahmedabad, India, Rai University, Ahmedabad, India and Ganpat University, Mehsana Gujarat, India. I am having experience in teaching the discipline of Biochemistry to UG and PG programs. Furthermore, I gained experience in writing research grants for the award of my Senior Research Fellowship and Research Associate ship Slab I, Slab II and Slab III funded from Indian council of Medical Research. This helped me to gain skills in writing future extramural research grants. I have credited into my account 30+ International publications in peer reviewed, web of science, and Scopus listed journals, 1 Book and 1 Indian Patent with specialization in Cancer biology, Free radical Biology and Nanomaterial toxicology.
- Nehal Rami Bhushan Kulkarni Sandesh Chibber Devendrasinh Jhala Nilam Parmar and Krupali Trivedi. Unveiling the therapeutic potential: in vitro anticancer activity, analytical profiling, and molecular docking analysis of plant extracts. Advances in Bioresearch. (2023) Accepted. WOS.
- Nehal Rami Bhushan Kulkarni Sandesh Chibber Devendrasinh Jhala Nilam Parmar and Krupali Trivedi. In vitro antioxidant and anticancer potential of Annona squamosa L. Extracts against breast cancer. Int. J. Exp. Res. Rev., 30 (2023) 264-275. Scopus index.
- Salauddin and C. Sandesh. Heavy Metal Pollution of Soil and Crops in Rural Gujarat, Next to an Industrial Area: A Correlation Study. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology (2023) 22(2). Scopus Index.
- Pradeep Kumar Singh, Sandesh Chibber, Veerendra Singh Nagoria. Isolation and Characterisation of Bio-Surfactant Producing Bacteria from Oil Contaminated Soil. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences (2022). 11(1) 351-360. WOS Index Impact factor 4.9.
- M Al-Shaeri, R Satar, SI Ahmed, M Oves, SA Ansari, S Chibber Utilization of Doped Nanoparticles of ZnO and TiO2 As Antimicrobial Agent Oriental Journal of Chemistry (2019) 35 (3), 1235 (2019). (Scopus Index).
- SA Ansari, MA Jafri, R Satar, SI Ahmad, S Chibber. Molecular docking as a computational tool for analyzing product mediated inhibition for β-galactosidase immobilized on glutaraldehyde modified matrices (2018) Oriental Journal of Chemistry 34 (2), 820. (Scopus Index).
- Komal Agarwal, Sandesh Chibber. Titanium Dioxide (Tio ) Nanoparticles Induced ROS Generation and its Effect on Cellular Antioxidant Defense in WRL- 68 Cell. MOJ Bioequiv Availab. (2017) 3(3): 00036.
- Sandesh Chibber, Amee Sangeet, Shakeel Ahmed Ansari. Downregulation of catalase by CuO nanopaticles via hypermethylation of CpG island II on the catalase promoter. Toxicol Res (Camb). 2017 May 1; 6(3): 305–311. (WOS Index) Impact Factor 3.5.
- Mohd Farhan, Sandesh Chibber, Mohammad Oves, Sheikh Mumtaz Hadi and Aamir Ahmad. Mobilization of Nuclear Copper by Green Tea Polyphenol Epicatechin-3-Gallate and Subsequent Prooxidant Breakage of Cellular DNA: Implications for Cancer Chemotherapy. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 18 (2017) 34.Impact Factor 6.2.
- Sandesh Chibber and Rishi Shanker Hypothesis Review: Can CuO Nanoparticle lead to epigenetic regulation of antioxidant enzyme system? Journal of Applied Toxicology, 1 (2016) 84-91. (WOS Index) Impact factor 3.2.
- Sandesh Chibber and Irshad Ahmed. Molecular docking, a tool to determine interaction of CuO and TiO2 nanoparticles with human serum albumin. Biochemistry Biophysics Report, 6 (2016) 63-67. (WOS Index).Impact factor 3.0.
- Ghulam Md Ashraf, Sandesh Chibber, Syed Kashif Zaidi, Shams Tabrez, Ausaf Ahmad, Shazi Shakil, Gohar Mushtaq, Saleh Salem Baeesa and Mohammad Amjad Kamal. Recent updates on the association between Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia. Medicinal chemistry, 12 (2016) 226-37. (WOS/Scopus Index) Impact factor 8.
- Sandesh Chibber · Athanasios Alexiou · George E. Barreto · Gjumrakch Aliev · Ghulam Md Ashraf. A synopsis on the linkage between age-related dementias and vascular disorders. Cns & neurological disorders drug targets, 15 (2016) 250-8 (WOS Index) Impact factor 2.8.
- Farhan M, Zafar A, Chibber S, Khan HY, Arif H, Hadi SM. Mobilization of copper ions in human peripheral lymphocytes by catechins leading to oxidative DNA breakage: A structure activity study. Archive of Biochemistry Biophysics. 580(2015)31-40. (WOS Index) Impact factor 4.0.
- Eram Husain, Sandesh Chibber and Imrana Naseem. Amelioration of 5-FU induced toxicity by using RF under white light: An in vitro study. Integrative Pharmacology Toxicology Gentoxicology, 1(1) (2015) 43-48.
- M. Shahida, Armeen Siddiquea, Istikhar A. Ansaria, Farasha Samaa, Sandesh Chibber, Mohd Khalida, Zafar A. Siddiqi, Md. Serajul Haque Faizic. Synthesis, crystal structures and genotoxic studies of cis-μ-1,2-peroxo dicobalt(III) complexes. Journal of Coordination Chemistry, (2015). 68 (5). (WOS Index) Impact factor 1.75.
- Asim Rizvi, Sandesh Chibber, Imrana Naseem. Cu(II)–Vitamin D interaction leads to free radical-mediated cellular DNA damage: a novel putative mechanism for its selective cytotoxic action against malignant cells. Tumor Biology, 36(3) ( 2015) 1695-700. Impact factor 3.65.
- Naseem Imrana, Hassan Iftekhar, Alhazza IM, Chibber Sandesh. Protective effect of riboflavin on cisplatin induced toxicities: A gender-dependent study. Journal of trace element in medicine and biology, 29 (2015) 303-14. (WOS Index) Impact factor 3.75.
- Shakeel Ahmed Ansari, Rukhsana Satar, Dibya Sundar Panda, Syed Kashif Zaidi, Sandesh Chibber, Mohammed Jahir Khan, Taqi Ahmed Khan, Mohammad Alam Jaffr, Mohammed Hussein Alqahtani. Surface Engineering of Multifunctional Nanocomposites for Biomedical Applications: a Brief Update Iranian Journal of Biotechnology, 12(1) (2014): (WOS Index) e11124.
- Mohd Shahid, Prashant Kumar Sharma, Anjuli, Sandesh Chibber, Zafar Ahmed Siddiqi. Isolation of a Decavanadate Cluster [H2V10O28] [4-picH]4_2H2O (4-pic 5 4-picoline): Crystal Structure, Electrochemical Characterization, Genotoxic and Antimicrobial Studies. Journal of Cluster Science, 25(5) (2014) 1435-1447. (Scopus Index). Impact Factor 3.0.
- Sandesh Chibber, Iftekhar Hassan, Maria Salman, Imrana naseem. White light augments chemotherapeutic potential of cyclophosphamide: An In vitro study. Biometals, 26 (2013) 22-31. Impact factor 3.284 (Scopus Index). Impact factor 2.9.
- Sandesh Chibber, Shakeel Ahmed Ansari, Rukshana Satar. New Vision to CuO, ZnO and TiO2 nananoparticles: their outcome and effects. A Review, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 15 (2013) 1492.Impact factor 2.4 (Scopus Index). Impact factor 2.5.
- Iftekhar Hassan, Sandesh Chibber, Imrana Naseem. Vitamin B2: A promising adjuvant in cisplatin based chemoradiotherapy by cellular redox management. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 59 (2013) 715-723.Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Index). Impact factor 4.6.
- Iftekhar Hassan, Sandesh Chibber, Aijaz A. Khan, Imrana Naseem. Cisplatin induced neurotoxicity In vivo can be alleviated by riboflavin under photoillumination. Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals, 28 (2013) 160-168. (Scopus Index). Impact factor 3.6.
- Shakeel Ahmed Ansari, Rukhsana Satar, Sandesh Chibber, Mohd Jahir Khan Enhanced stability of Kluveromyces lactis β galactosidase immobilized on glutaraldehyde modified multiwalled carbon nanotubes. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 97 (2013) 258-263 Impact factor 2.83 (Scopus Index).
- Sandesh Chibber, Iftekhar Hassan, Imrana naseem. Novel aspects of Chemo- phototherapy in treatment of cancer; A review, Tumor Biology, 33 (2012) 701– 706.Impact factor 3.6.
- Sandesh Chibber, Iftekhar Hassan, Mohd Farhan, Imrana Naseem. Light- mediated interaction of methotrexate with transition metal Cu(II). Medicinal Chemistry Research, 21 (2012) 2379–2387. (Scopus Index). Impact factor 2.3.
- Iftekhar Hassan, Sandesh Chibber, Aijaz A. Khan, Imrana Naseem. Riboflavin Ameliorates Cisplatin Induced Toxicities under Photoillumination. PLoSONE, 7(5) (2012): e36273. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036273 Impact factor 3.7.
- Sandesh Chibber, Mohd Farhan, Iftekhar Hassan, Imrana Naseem. White light- mediated Cu (II)–5FU interaction augments the chemotherapeutic potential of 5- FU: an in vitro study. Tumor Biology, 32 (2011) 881–892. Impact factor 3.6.
- Sandesh Chibber, Iftekhar Hassan, Mohd Farhan, Imrana Naseem. In vitro pro- oxidant action of Methotrexate in presence of white light. Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 104 (2011) 387–393.Impact factor 6.8(Scopus Index).
- Iftekhar Hassan, Sandesh Chibber, Imrana Naseem. Ameliorative effect of riboflavin on the cisplatin induced nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicity under photoillumination. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 48 (2010) 2052-2058.Impa Factor 4.6 (Scopus Index).
- Sandesh Chibber, Imrana Naseem. An altranative approach for treatment of cancer: A preliminary study: Interaction of anticancer drugs with divalent metal Cu (II); An in vitro study. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (June 5, 2012) ISBN-10: 3659111295.