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Dr. Wannee Tangkham, Ph.D.

Associate Professor



United States

McNeese State University

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Dr. Wannee Tangkham is an associate professor of the Food Technology program at the School of Agricultural Sciences, McNeese State University, Louisiana, USA. Her research focuses on food trends by using 3D food printing and developing new food products by adding insect and/or plant-based proteins. Her lab is currently working on several projects including food product development, food packaging, and food safety. Dr. Tangkham has published 17 journal articles, 3 peer-reviewed proceedings, 27 peer-reviewed abstracts of food product development, food packaging, and food safety, and presented at 29 research projects in various conferences: RMC, ICoMST, ASM, and IFT.

Dr. Tangkham received her Ph.D. degree in Nutrition and Food Science from Louisiana State University. She started to work at McNeese State University (MSU) as a visiting assistant professor from August 2012 to December 2014. Then, she continued to work at MSU as an assistant professor between January 2015 to July 2019. Currently, she works as an associate professor.

  • Food Trends by Using 3D Food Printing
  • Developing New Food Products by Adding Insect and/or Plant-based Proteins
  • Duyen Bui, Zhimin Xu, Wannee Tangkham, and Frederick LeMieux, F. 2024. Effect of beeswax edible film on preservation of Naem product quality during storage. Agriculture and Natural Resources.
  • Tangkham, W., Bui, D., and LeMieux, F. 2023. Effect of Hibicus sabdariffa on the Nutritional and Sensory Properties of Novel Naem Product. Journal of Food Research, 12(1): 36-47.
  • Tangkham, W. 2020. Sensory characteristics of three different levels of turmeric powder on beef stick product. Acta Scientific Nutritional Health: ASNH-20-RA-217.
  • Tangkham, W. 2019. Effects of cooking methods on sensory, chemical, and microbial characteristics of broccoli (Brassica Oleracea). Journal of Food Industry: ISSN 1948-545X, 3(1): 63-69.
  • Tangkham, W. and LeMieux, F. 2019. Antimicrobial effects of sulfadimethoxine on Salmonella, Escherichia coli and aerobic plate count (APC) in small-scale broiler operations. Journal of Food Research, 8(6): 1-7.
  • Tangkham, W. 2018. Evaluation of 4-methyloctanoic acid compound in goat meat. Annals of Short Reports: Nutrition and Food Science, 1: 1021-1023.
  • Tangkham, W. and LeMieux, F. 2018. Effects of Promolux Platinum LED on shelf-life of ground beef patties. Journal of Food Research, 7(6): 120-128.
  • Tangkham, W. and LeMieux, F. 2017. The effects of replacing pork fat with cold-pressed coconut oil on the properties of fresh sausage. Journal of Food Research, 6(6): 83-91.
  • Tangkham, W. and LeMieux, F. 2017. Microbial, physical and sensory properties of three novel yogurt flavors: molasses, mulberry and amaretto. Journal of Food Research, 6(3): 65-73.
  • Tangkham, W., Janes M., J., and LeMieux, F. 2016. The effects of sulfadimethoxine administered to Control Campylobacter jejuni in growing broilers. Journal of Poultry Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences, 4(2): 1-4.
  • Tangkham, W. and LeMieux, F. 2016. Sensory, physicochemical, and microbiological characteristics of venison jerky cured with NaCl and KCl. Journal of Food Research, 5(4): 36-45.
  • Tangkham, W., J. Marline, and F. LeMieux. 2016. Prevalence and distribution of Campylobacter jejuni in small-scale indoor and outdoor poultry production. Journal of Food Protection, 79(1): 75-81.
  • Neyland, R., Bushnell, J. and Tangkham, W. 2015. A floral description and image of the uncommon natural hybrid Sarracenia × naczii Mellichamp (Sarraceniaceae). Journal of Carnivorous Plant Newsletter, 44(3): 117-118.
  • Neyland, R., Bushnell, J. and Tangkham, W. 2015. A floral description and image of the rare natural hybrid Sarracenia × casei Mellichamp (Sarraceniaceae). Journal of Carnivorous Plant Newsletter, 44(3): 115-116.
  • Neyland, R., Bushnell, J. and Tangkham, W. 2015. An updated taxonomic treatment of the natural hybrids of Sarracenia L. (Sarraceniaceae). Journal of Carnivorous Plant Newsletter, 44(1): 4-12.
  • Neyland, R., Bushnell, J. and Tangkham, W. 2014. Noteworthy Collections: Alabama. Castanea, 79(4): 278.
  • Tangkham, W., Marline, J., LeMieux, F., and McMillin, K.W. 2014. The effects of modified atmospheric conditions on quality changes of goat semimembranosus muscle during 21 days storage (3˚C). Frontiers in Food Science and Technology, 1(1): 24-29.
  • Tangkham W, Comeaux J, Ferguson CE, LeMieux FM. 2012. Effect of sodium lactate and sodium acetate on shelf-life of raw chicken breasts. African Journal of Food Science, 6(13): 375-380.
  • K.W. McMillin, J.M. Patin, W. Tangkham, M.A. Persica III. 2011. Comparison of warner bratzler shear force, slice shear force, and impedance measurements of beef steaks. LSU AgCenter Beef and Forage Report, 36: 44-47.
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