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Dr. Iffat Jamal

Assistant Professor




Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences

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Iffat is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Hematology at the Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Science in Patna. She was nominated for the Power List thanks to her hard work and dedication to the field. Why did she choose pathology? “It is the science of all sciences because all medical fields are related to it. What we see behind the microscope paves the way for clinicians in terms of the appropriate management of patients. Pathology is fascinating and breathtaking; I am proud to be a pathologist!”

  • Hematology
  • Hemato-oncology
  • Coagulation
  • Thalssemias and Hemoglobinopathies
  • Leukemias
  • Histopathology
  • Punam Pd.Bhadani, Iffat Jamal, Shuchi, Suryakant. PAP smear study and its utility in Cervical cancer Screening in a tertiary care hospital : An institutional based study. Indian Journal of Pathology : Research and Practice. 2018:12-16.
  • Punam Pd.Bhadani, Iffat Jamal, Shuchismita. Fibroepithelial polyps at unusual sites with review of literature, Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice. 2018,7.27-31.
  • Punam Pd. Bhadani, Iffat Jamal, Ruchi Sinha .A correlation of cytomorphology and Acid fast bacilli positivity in tuberculous lymphadenopathy : its importance in resource poor countries . Indian Journal of Pathology : Research and Practice. 2018:1079-83.
  • Punam Pd. Bhadani, Shuchismita, Iffat Jamal. Diagnostic importamce of Fine needle aspiration cytology in diagnosing Pleomorphic adenoma at unusual locations with literature review. Indian Journal of Pathology : Research and Practice. 2017; 6 :806-11.
  • Punam Pd. Bhadani, Iffat Jamal, Suryakant Nirala . Primary Pleomorphic adenoma (Minor salivary gland) of Parapharyngal space .Indian Journal Of Pathology : Research and Practice. 6, 152-154.
  • Punam Pd. Bhadani, Iffat Jamal, Shashikant Kumar, Shuchismita. Subcutaneous cysticercosis presenting as cervical swelling : Amazing and unexpected cytological findings . Indian Journal of Pathology and microbiology: 2017: 288-89.
  • Ruchi Sinha, Iffat Jamal, Shashikant Kumar, Purushottam Kumar. Trichilemmal cyst at wrist : A rare site of occurrence. APALM. 2017, 04: 7-9.
  • Punam Pd. Bhadani, Shuchismita, Iffat Jamal, Ruchi Sinha, Somak Majumdar. Relaibility of fne needle aspiration cytology in the evaluation of palpable breast lumps –An institutional based study. ACHR, 2017, 2:50-54.
  • Ruchi Sinha, Shuchismota, Iffat Jamal . Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor of ovary simulating malignancy with review of Literature. Annals of Pathology and Lab Medicine, 4,114-18.
  • Punam Pd. Bhadani, Shuchismita, Ruchi Gupta, Ranwir Sinha, Iffat Jamal. Microfilaria in fine needle aspiration cytology of breast lump: An unusual incidental finding.Indian Journal Of Pathology : Research and Practice. 2017,6 :321-25.
  • Shuchismita, Punam Pd. Bhadani, Ruchi Gupta, Iffat Jamal. Cytological diagmosis of Epidermal inclusion cyst of Breast: A rare case series of four cases with review of literature. IOSR –JDMS.2017, 16, 121-24.
  • Clinicohematological profile of chronic myeloid leukemia : an institutional based study from Bihar . Accepted for publication in National Journal Laboratory Medicine in January 2019.
  • Endometrial and cervical osseous metaplasia with extramedullary hematopoeisis,Accepted in Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology, January 2019.
  • Dissecting cotyledonoid leiomyoma : an uncommon from of a common disease .Accepted in Obstertics & Gynecological science, January 2019.
  • Iffat Jamal, Mamta kumari, Priyamvada .Indolent lymphomas -An insight. Lymphoproliferative disorders :An Update. 2016: 65-70.