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Dr. Neelima Pilli, MBBS., MD., FGO

Professor & Head




GITAM Institute of Medical Sciences & Research

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  • Embryology
  • Neuroanatomy
  • Gross Anatomy
  • Osteology
  • Genetics
  • Microscopic Anatomy
  • Community Health
  • Medical Education
  • Dr. Ravi Sunder Ragam, Dr. Neelima Pilli(2013) “Missing Maxillary Lateral Incisors And Persistent Primary Central Incisors-Case Reports” International Journal Of Scientific And Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2013, Issn 2250-3153, Impact Factor-2.07,Pg 1-3
  • Neelima Pilli, Ragam Ravi Sunder(2013) “Persistent Metopic Suture In Various Forms In South Indian Adult Skulls –A Study” International Journal Of Scientific And Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2013 1 Issn 2250-3153, Impact Factor-2.07, Pg 1-7
  • Ravi Sunder Ragam, Neelima Pilli(2013) “Variations In The Pulmonary Function Tests Interpreted Through Spirometry In Cotton Mattress Workers And Their Correlation With The Occupation - A Study” International Journal Of Physiology, July-December 2013, Vol. 1, No. 2, Pg 101-105
  • Neelima Pilli, Ragam Ravi Sunder (2015) “A Comparative Study Of Different Morphometric Measurements Of Liver Specimens From Adult Cadavers And Dead Foetuses” Indian Journal Of Public Health Research & Development. April-June 2015, Vol. 6, No. 2, Pg 268-273, Indexed In SCOPUS, Index Copernicus.
  • Neelima P, B. N. Rao (2015) “A Study Of Precondylar Tubercles On The Basiocciput In South Indian Adult Human Skulls” International Journal Of Health Sciences & Research (Www.Ijhsr.Org) 514 Vol.5; Issue: 8; August 2015, Impact Factor-3.5.,Ic Value- 92.82, Pg 514-517
  • Award Paper- Maier Awards 0ct-2018 By Medworld Asia International Publications
  • Dr R.Ravi Sunder,Dr Neelima.P (2016) “Prevalence Of Anxiety Among Newly Admitted Dental Students:A Cross-Sectional Study”Indian Journal Of Basic And Applied Medical Research; March 2016: Vol.-5, Issue- 2, P. 98-102, P Issn: 2250-284x, E Issn : 2250-2858, Impact factor-0.34.,Ic Value- 91.48
  • Dr.Neelima.P., Dr.Ravi Sunder R.(2016), “Morphometric Analysis Of Lumbricals Of Upper Limb-Hypertrophied 1st Lumbrical”Indian Journal Of Basic And Applied Medical Research; June 2016: Vol.-5, Issue- 3, P. 709-715, P Issn: 2250-284x, E Issn : 2250-2858, Impact Factor-0.34.,Ic Value- 91.48
  • Dr.Neelima.P.,  Dr.Ravi Sunder R.(2016), “Comparison Between E-Books And Printed Material For Effective Understanding Of Subject By Medical And Dental Students” Indian Journal Of Basic And Applied Medical Research (Ijbamr) September 2016: Vol.-5, Issue- 4, P. 426-432, P Issn: 2250-284x, E Issn : 2250-2858, Impact Factor-0.34.,Ic Value- 91.48
  • Dr.A.Himabindu, Dr.P.Neelima ; (2016) “Obliteration Of Cranial Vault Sutures In Adult Skulls” Gjra - Global Journal For Research Analysis, Volume-5,Issue-8,August-2016. Issn No- 2267- 816060 Impact Factor : 3.62 | Ic Value 70.36, Pg 279-280
  • Dr.Neelima P.,Dr.R.Ravi Sunder.,Dr.A.Hima Bindu(2016) “ A Study On Morphometric Measurements Of Adult Dried Femora In Visakhapatnam District”,Indian Journal Of Advanced Research,Ijar, Impact Factor—5.336., Ic Value—63.21, Pg 564-567  Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/1248  DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/1248 Int. J. Adv. Res. 4(8), 564-567
  • Dr.Ravi Sunder.R.Dr.Neelima P.,(2016) “Comparison Of Lipprints Between Monozygotic And Dizygotic Twins”, International Journal Of Health Sciences & Research (Www.Ijhsr.Org), Impact Factor-3.5.,Ic Value- 92.82. Oct. 2016; 6(10):81-83.
  • Dr.Neelima.P; Dr.R.Ravi Sunder; Dr.A.Himabindu, “Study Of Neck-Shaft Angle In Adult Dried Femora” Int J Health Sci Res. 2016; 6(11):100-102 International Journal Of Health Sciences And Research Issn: 2249-9571; Ic Value-92.82
  • Dr.R.Ravi Sunder, Dr.Neelima.P, “Variations In The Expression Of Genetic Myths Among Twins-A Comparative Evaluation” Paripex - Indian Journal Of Research Issn - 2250-1991 | If : 5.215 | Ic Value : 77.65 Vol 5,Issue 11 Nov 2016, Pg 49-50
  • Dr.Neelima.P, Dr.R.Ravi Sunder “Study On Dermatoglyphic Patterns Of Twins” International Journal For Innovative Research In Multidisciplinary Field Issn-2455-0620; If-2.6 Volume - 2, Issue - 10, Oct – 2016,Pg-59-62
  • Dr.T.Surekha; Dr.A.Himabindu, Dr.Neelima.P, “Anomalous Origin Of Profunda Brachii Artery- Acadaveric Study”. Paripex - Indian Journal Of Research Volume : 5 | Issue : 9 | September 2016 77.65,Pg-471-473; Issn - 2250-1991 | If : 5.215 | Ic Value :77.65
  • Dr.R.Ravi Sunder, Dr.Neelima.P; “Gene Frequency And Percentage Distribution Of Abo Blood Groups In School Children Of Visakhapatnam”,Gjra - Global Journal For Research Analysis; Issn No-2277-8160 If : 3.62 | Ic Value 80.26;Pg-279-280 Volume-5,Issue- 12,December-2016
  • Dr.Neelima.P, Dr.R.Ravi Sunder; “A Study On Effect Of Life Style Habits On Obesity In School Going Children”; International Journal For Innovative Research In Multidisciplinary Field; Issn-2455-0620; If-2.6 Volume - 3, Issue - 1, Jan – 2017,Pg-102-106
  • Dr.Neelima.P, Dr.R.Ravi Sunder; “Stress-An Occupational Health Hazard In School Teachers International Journal Of Current Research, Feb2017, 09, (02), 47235-47237.If-7.085, Pg 47235-47237; Issn: 0975-833x, Icv: 72.25
  • Dr.Neelima.P, Dr.R.Ravi Sunder, “Variations In Femoral Anteversion In Adult Dried Femora- A Study” International Journal For Innovative Research In Multidisciplinary Field; Issn-2455- 0620, If 2.6 Volume - 3, Issue - 7, July - 2017 Pg 202-204
  • Dr.R.Ravi Sunder, Dr.Neelima.P “Smart Phone Overusage Among Medical Students- A Cross Sectional Study”, Global Journal For Research Analysis, Volume-7, Issue-3, March-2018 • Issn No 2277 - 8160 If : 5.156 | Ic Value : 85.78, Pg 237-238
  • Dr.R.Ravi Sunder, Dr.Neelima.P “A Survey On The Status Of Short Term Memory In Medical Students” Paripex - Indian Journal Of Research Volume-7 | Issue-3 | March-2018 | Issn - 2250-1991 | If : 6.761 | Ic Value : 86.18, Pg 232-233
  • Dr.Neelima.P, Dr.R.Ravi Sunder “Effect Of Smartphone Over Usage On The Short Term Memory Of Medical Students” Indian Journal Of Basic And Applied Medical Research; March 2019: Vol.-8, Issue- 2, P. 309 – 313 Www.Ijbamr.Com P Issn: 2250-284x, E Issn : 2250-2858
  • Neelima & R. Ravi Sunder; “1st Mbbs Students’ Feedback On Teaching Learning Methods And Importance Of Cadaveric Dissection” Scholars International Journal of Anatomy and Physiology Sch Int J Anat Physiol, Issn 2616-8618 (Print) |Issn 2617-345x (Online) March 2019; 2(3): 136-141, Doi:10.21276/Sijap.2019.2.3.11
  • Neelima P, Ravi Sunder R; “Different Shapes Of Coronoid Process Of Adult Human Dried Mandibles-An Observational Study” Scholars International Journal of Anatomy and Physiology  Sch Int J Anat Physiol, Issn 2616-8618 (Print) |Issn 2617-345x (Online) March 2019; 2(3): 98-101 Doi:10.21276/Sijap.2019.2.3.3
  • Dr.R.Ravi Sunder, Dr.Neelima; “Yawning Behaviour In Dental Students- A Questionnaire Based Study”- Scholars International Journal of Anatomy and Physiology  Sch Int J Anat Physiol, Issn 2616-8618 (Print) |Issn 2617- 345x (Online) July 2019, 2(7), Pg 248-250; Doi:10.21276/Sijap.2019.2.7.3
  • Dr.R.Ravi Sunder, Dr.Neelima; “A Study Of Morphological Variations In The Shape And Helix Of The External Ear” Scholars International Journal of Anatomy and Physiology  Sch Int J Anat Physiol, Issn 2616-8618 (Print) |Issn 2617-345x (Online) Aug 2019, 2(8), Pg 270-272; Doi:10.21276/Sijap.2019.2.8.3
  • Dr.Neelima.P.,Dr.R.Ravi Sunder, “The Unusual Fissures In The Lobes Of Liver- A Holistic Approach” Paripex - Indian Journal Of Research | Volume-8 | Issue-9 | September - 2019 | Print Issn No. 2250 - 1991 | Doi : 10.36106/Paripex, Pg 1-2.
  • Dr.Neelima.P., Dr.R.Ravi Sunder, “Micronuclei Assay In Buccal Smear Of Formalin Exposed Individuals” Indian Journal Of Basic And Applied Medical Research, Sep 2019, Vol-8, Issue-4, Pg-343-346, P Issn: 2250-284x, E Issn : 2250-2858
  • Dr.Ramadevi Gara., Dr.Neelima.P., “Assessment Of Understanding Foundation Course-A Study In Medical Students At Entry Level”, Journal Of Research In Medical Education And Ethics, Vol 9, No.3, Nov 2019,Pg-216-221. Print Issn: 2231-671x, Online Issn: 2231-6728
  • Dr.Neelima.P., Dr.R.Ravi Sunder, “Evaluation Of Hypermetropia In School Children Of Visakhapatnam” Indian Journal Of Public Health Research & Development. May 2020, Vol. 11, No. 5, Pg 255-258, Print Issn : 0976-0245; E Issn: 0976-5506; SCOPUS Indexed.
  • Dr.Ramadevi.G, Dr.Neelima.P, Dr.Radha Ramani.B, Dr.Srikanth.M, Prof.K.R.R.Gandhi, Prof.S.S.Prasada Rao “Celíaco Bi Mesenteric Trunk With Aberrant Splenic Artery From Superior Mesenteric Artery – Rare Anatomical Variation” Journal Of Critical Reviews Issn- 2394-5125 Vol 7, Issue 14, 2020 2257 Pg 2257-2262
  • Dr. Neelima.P, Dr. Ramadevi.G, Dr. Radha Ramani.B, A.Sivanarayana, Dr. Ravi Sunder.R, Prof. K. R. R. Gandhi, Prof.S.S.Prasada Rao “The Long-Established Art Of Preservation Of Human Cadaver- “The Embalming Technique” In Our Experience” Journal Of Critical Reviews Issn- 2394-5125 Vol 7, Issue 14, 2020.Pg 2263-2266.
  • Dr.Neelima.P, A.Sivanarayana, Dr.Ramadevi, Dr.Radha Ramani.B, Dr.Ravi Sunder.R, Prof.K.R.R.Gandhi, Prof.S.S.Prasada Rao “A Cross-Sectional Study Of Morphological Abnormalities Of Placentae In A Tertiary Care Hospital” Journal Of Critical Reviews Issn- 2394-5125 Vol 7, Issue 14, 2020.Pg 2267-2271.
  • Dr. Neelima P, Dr. Ravi Sunder R, “An Insight In To Prevalence Of Binucleated Squamous Cells In Buccal Smear By Methylene Blue Staining” International Journal Of Progressive Research In Science And Engineering Volume-1, Issue-5, August-2020 Www.Ijprse.Com Pg 110 -111.
  • Dr. Neelima. P, Dr. R. Ravi Sunder "Variations Encountered In Umbilical Cord Insertion In Human Placentae From A Tertiary Care Hospital" Published In International Journal Of Trend In Scientific Research And Development (Ijtsrd), Issn: 2456- 6470, Volume-4 | Issue-5, August 2020, Pp.1671-1674, Url: Www.Ijtsrd.Com/Papers/Ijtsrd33245.Pdf
  • Dr. Neelima. P, Dr. R. Ravi Sunder, Dr.I.Jyothi Padmaja “Evaluation Of Emotional Intelligence Amongst 1st Year Medical Students- A Cross Sectional Study”Global Journal Of Research Analysis Volume - 9, Issue - 9, September - 2020 • Print Issn No. 2277 - 8160 • Doi : 10.36106/Gjra, Pg:1-3
  • Dr. R. Ravi Sunder, Dr.I.Jyothi Padmaja, Dr. Neelima. P, “Medical Students' Feedback On Paradigm Shift To Online Teaching During Covid-19 Lockdown” Global Journal Of Research Analysis  Volume - 9, Issue- 9, September - 2020 • Print Issn No. 2277 - 8160 • Doi : 10.36106/Gjra, Pg1-2
  • Dr. Ravi Sunder. R | Dr. Neelima. P | Dr. Vijayalakshmi. P "Effectiveness Of Online Teaching In Covid Lockdown - Dental Students Viewpoint" Published In International Journal Of Trend In Scientific Research And Development (Ijtsrd), Issn: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-6, October 2020, Pp.386-388, Url: Www.Ijtsrd.Com/Papers/Ijtsrd33362.Pdf
  • Dr. R. Ravi Sunder, Dr.I.Jyothi Padmaja, Dr. Neelima. P, Dr.B.K. Durga Prasad, Dr.B. Ramesh “Medical Faculty School Of Thought On The Spanking New Online Teaching Method During The Pandemic 2020” Global Journal For Research Analysis  Volume - 9, Issue - 9, September - 2020 • Print Issn No. 2277 - 8160 • Doi : 10.36106/Gjra, Pg 1-2
  • Dr. Neelima.P, Dr. Ramadevi.G, Dr. Radha Ramani.B “Embryological Abdominal Wall Anomalies- Gastroschisis And Omphalocele”Global Journal Of Research Analysis Vol 9 Issue- 12, December 2020 Print Issn: 2277-8160 Doi: 10.36106/Gjra.
  • Dr. Neelima. P, Dr. R. Ravi Sunder "Anomalous Shapes Of Jugular Foramen In Dried Skulls -Anatomical Basis Of Vernet’s Syndrome" International Journal Of Trend In Scientific Research And Development (Ijtsrd), Issn: 2456-6470, Volume-5 |Issue-2, February 2021, Pp.1108-1109, Url: Www.Ijtsrd.Com/Papers/Ijtsrd38638.Pdf
  •  Dr. R. Ravi Sunder,  Dr. I. Jyothi Padmaja,  Dr. Neelima. P "Metaphor Of Thought On Online Teaching During Lockdown By Medical And Dental Students- A Comparative Study" Published In International Journal Of Trend In Scientific Research And Development (Ijtsrd), Issn: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-2, February 2021, Pp.1105-1107, Url: Www.Ijtsrd.Com/Papers/Ijtsrd38640.Pdf
  • Dr.I.Jyothi Padmaja, Dr. Neelima. P, Dr.P.Prabhakar Varma, Dr. R. Ravi Sunder “Introduction Of Coursera Learning In Formative Assessment Of Competency Based Medical Education For First MBBS Students” International Journal Of Scientific Research Vol- 10, Issue- 3, Mar- 2021 Print Issn- 2277-8179, Doi: 10.36106/Ijsr
  • Dr.Harini M, Dr. Neelima. P, Dr. R. Ravi Sunder “Anatomical Variations In Lobulus Auriculae, Tragus And Darwin's Tubercle Of External Ear- A Population Study” Indian Journal Of Applied Research Volume - 11 | Issue - 03 | March - 2021 | Print Issn No. 2249 - 555x | Doi : 10.36106/Ijar
  • Dr. Radha Ramani.B, Dr. Neelima.P, Dr. Ramadevi.G “A Rare Variation Of Internal Jugular Vein” Indian Journal Of Applied Research Volume - 11 | Issue - 03 | March - 2021 | Print Issn No. 2249 - 555x | Doi : 10.36106/Ijar.
  • Dr. R. Ravi Sunder| Dr. B. Ramesh | Dr. I. Jyothi Padmaja | Dr. Neelima. P "Is Online Assessment The Panacea For E-Learning During This Pandemic? -Medical Students’ Outlook" Published In International Journal Of Trend In Scientific Research And Development (Ijtsrd),Issn: 2456-6470,Volume-5 | Issue-3,April 2021, Pp.227-229, Url: Www.Ijtsrd.Com/Papers/Ijtsrd38655.Pdf
  • Dr. Neelima. P | Dr. R. Ravi Sunder "Carotid Artery Syndrome Associated With Anomalies Of Middle Cranial Fossa Foramina Encountered In A Dried Human Skull" Published In International Journal Of Trend In Scientific Research And Development (Ijtsrd), Issn: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-3, April 2021, Pp.822-823, Url: Www.Ijtsrd.Com/Papers/Ijtsrd38653.Pdf
  • Dr. Neelima. P Dr.Ravi Sunder R., Variant Foramen Transversarium In The Etiology Of Bow Hunter’s Syndrome-A Study On Dried Cervical Vertebrae, International Journal Of Medical Science And Current Research (Ijmscr) Issn (Print): 2209-2870 Issn (Online): 2209-2862 Volume 4, Issue 3; May-June 2021; Page No 747-750 Sjif Impact Factor: 5.565 Pubmed-National Library Of Medicine Id-101739732
  • Dr. Neelima. P | Dr. Ravi Sunder "Reporting A Giant Diaphyseal Nutrient Foramen In A Dried Right Femur" Published In International Journal Of Trend In Scientific Research And Development (Ijtsrd), Issn: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-4, June 2021, Pp.1513-1514, Url: Https://Www.Ijtsrd.Com/Papers/Ijtsrd42607.Pdf
  • Dr. Neelima. P | Dr. R. Ravi Sunder "Occipital Knob- Morphological Variations In Human Dried Skulls And Clinical Perspectives" Published In International Journal Of Trend In Scientific Research And Development (Ijtsrd), Issn:2456-6470,Volume-5 | Issue-6,October 2021, Pp.247-249, Url:Www.Ijtsrd.Com/Papers/Ijtsrd46377.Pdf
  • Dr. Neelima. P,  Dr. R. Ravi Sunder "Occipitalisation Of Atlas Vertebra And Its Clinical Frames Of Reference- An Analysis" To Journal Of Ayurvedic Herbal And Integrative Medicine. P, N., & R, R. S. (2021). Occipitalisation Of Atlas Vertebra And Its Clinical Frames Of Reference- An Analysis. Journal Of Ayurvedic Herbal And Integrative Medicine, 1(1), 58-61. Https://Doi.Org/10.29121/J-Ahim.V1.I1.2021.15
  • Dr. Neelima. P | Dr. R. Ravi Sunder "Evaluation of Leadership Styles among Medical Girl Students- An Observational Study" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-6 | Issue-2, February 2022, pp.588-590, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd49263.pdf
  • Ravi Sunder R and Neelima P. “Analysis of Excessive Day Time Sleepiness in Adolescent Girls Pursuing Professional Courses". Acta Scientific Women's Health 4.2 (2022): 16-18.
  • Dr. Neelima. P,  Dr. R. Ravi Sunder, “Technology in Vogue- Revisiting Anatomy and Physiology” International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 3, no 2, pp 129-131, February 2022., ISSN 2582-7421
  • Dr. Neelima. P. | Dr. Ravi Sunder. R. "Anatomical Study of Abnormal Odontoid Process for Crowned Dens Syndrome" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-6 | Issue-3, April 2022, pp.1859-1860, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd49825.pdf
  • Dr. Ravi Sunder. R | Dr. Neelima. P "Does Daytime Sleepiness Affect Emotional Regulation? - A Questionnaire Based Analysis in Medical Students" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-6 | Issue-4, June 2022, pp.58-60, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd49852.pdf
  • Pilli, N. ., & Sunder, R. R. . (2021). Evaluation of Varied Forms of Constant Metopic Suture in Adult Dried Skulls of South India. New Visions in Science and Technology Vol. 9, 12–19. https://doi.org/10.9734/bpi/nvst/v9/14359D
  • Sunder, R. R. ., & Neelima, P. . (2022). Variations in the Patterns of Dermatoglyphics amongst Twins- An Observational Study. Innovations in Science and Technology Vol. 3, 126–130. https://doi.org/10.9734/bpi/ist/v3/15261D
  • Sunder, R. R. ., & Neelima, P. . (2022). Impact Of Lifestyle Habits On Obesity In School Going Children- A Questionnaire Based Study Research Developments in Arts and Social Studies Vol. 2, 136–142. https://doi.org/10.9734/bpi/ist/v3/15261D