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Dr. Toshifumi Tsukahara, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus


Nomi City


Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

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Toshifumi Tsukahara laboratory is conducting research mainly on biomolecules, especially RNA, from the viewpoint that biomolecules and cells are also materials. As a result of the human genome project, the entire nucleotide sequence of human genes was elucidated.

The number of human genes is presumed to be less than 25,000. On the other hand, it is said that there are at least 200,000 kinds of proteins. Why are the types of proteins overwhelmingly larger than the number of genes? One of the clues is alternative splicing and RNA editing. Alternative splicing and RNA editing allow organisms to generate multiple mRNAs from a single genomic gene.

He is conducting research on intracellular RNA using microarray, real-time PCR, intracellular splicing analysis by gene transfer, and analysis of RNA metabolic intermediates. By comprehensively and precisely analyzing the mRNA during differentiation and development, he would like to identify key genes in development.

  • Gene Regulation
  • Splicing
  • mRNA
  • Molecular Biology
  • Gene Expression and Chromatin Biology
  • Sequencing
  • Gene Expression
  • DNA
  • Microarray
  • RNA
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