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Dr. Jose Luis Turabian





Complutense University of Madrid

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Dr. Jose Luis Turabian

  • Born in Madrid, Spain, in 1955.
  • Degree in Medicine and Surgery (MD). Complutense University. Madrid.
  • Doctor in Medicine (PhD). Complutense University. Madrid.
  • Specialist Family and Community Medicine. Complutense University. Madrid.
  • Graduated In Decentralisation and Participation (Community Involvement in Health). Centre for Development Studies. University College of Swansea. Wales. United Kingdom. 1990.
  • Course International Services Administration. University of Havana. Cuba. 1990.
  • International Course in General Practice. St. Mary Hospital. London. United Kingdom. 1991.
  • Diploma In Medical Education. University of Dundee. United Kingdom. 1992-1993.
  • Family Doctor in the Health Center Industrial Park. Toledo. Spain.
  • Tutor of Residents of Family Medicine.
  • Professor of numerous training courses in Family Medicine.
  • Author or co-author of more than 300 publications in medical journals.
  • Author of a dozen books of Family Medicine.
  • Member of Editorial Boards in numerous scientific journals.
  • Family Medicine
  • Epidemiology
  • Mental Health
  • Morbidity
  • Psycho-Social Factors
  • Interview and Doctor-patient Relationship
  • Tools Diagnostic and Therapeutic Decisions.
  • Teaching and Training
  • Drugs and Family Medicine
  • Qualitative Research
  • Medical Humanities
  • Turabian JL. An approach to the development of the humanistic capacities of physicians. Hist Philos Med. 2023;5(1):3. doi: 10.53388/HPM2023003.
  • Turabian JL (2023) Convalescence and Post-covid-19 Conditions. Comparison between Long covid and Post Acute Covid. J Infec Dise and Vir Res; 2(1): 01-07.
  • Turabián JL. Fiordo/Fjord. THE FAMILY PHYSICIAN’S TRAVEL NOTEBOOK. Rev Clin Med Fam. 2023; 16 (1): 53-55.
  • Turabian JL. The Role of the General Practitioner in Vaccination against COVID-19. Arch Pharmacol Ther. 2023;5(1): 5- 7.
  • Turabian JL (2023) Comparison of Symptoms in Covid-19 Acute Infection and Long Covid-19. J Community Med Health Res; 5 (1): 170.
  • Turabian JL. The Care and Cure Process in General Medicine. Public Health and Epidemiological Implications. Medp Public Health Epidemiol. 2022; 2(1): mpphe–202212004.
  • Turabian JL. Risk Factors and Incidence Rate of SARS-COV-2 Infection Sequels. A Longitudinal Study in General Medicine. Medp Public Health Epidemiol. 2022; 2(1): mpphe–202212007.
  • Turabian JL. Complications Originated as a Consequence of the Acute Infection of COVID-19 or the Treatments Performed. Case Series in General Medicine from March 15, 2020 to October 31, 2022, in Toledo, Spain. Medp Public Health Epidemiol. 2023; 2(1): mpphe–202301001.
  • Turabian JL. Strategic Diagnosis and Treatment in General Medicine. Associative J Health Sci; 2(3). AJHS. 000540. 2023. DOI: 10.31031/AJHS.2023.02.000540.
  • Turabian JL (2023) Reflections on COVID-19 Pharmacological Treatment and Beyond: Beware of “Salads” with Many Ingredients but Low Scientific Content. Arch Pharmacol Ther; 5(1): 22-4.
  • Turabian JL (2023) Panoramic Vision and Simultaneous Perspectives for Decision-Making in General Medicine and Epidemiology. Annal of Pub Health & Epidemiol; 2(2): APHE.MS.ID.000535. DOI: 10.33552/APHE.2023.02.000535.
  • Turabian JL (2023) Epidemiology of Adherence and Nonadherence as Indicator of Inappropriate Treatment: “Adherence Useless” And “Nonadherence Adequate”. Arch Health Sci; 7(1): 1-10. DOI: 10.31829/2641-7456/ahs2023-7(1)-006.
  • Turabian JL (2023) Incidence Rate of Covid-19 Infection in People with Fourth Dose of Vaccines Bivalent mRNA. A Longitudinal Study in General Medicine from October 2022 to February 2023. J Comm Med Heal Care Manag; 2(1): 1-7.
  • Turabian JL (2023) Effectiveness of the Fourth Dose: Clinical-Epidemiological Comparison between Covid-19 Infections in Vaccinated People with and without 4th Dose of Vaccines Bivalent mRNA in the Period from October 2022 to February 2023. Int Res Med Health Sci; 6-1: 11-22.
  • Turabian JL (2023) Risk factors for COVID-19 infection in people with 4th dose of bivalent mRNA vaccines in general medicine from October 2022 to February 2023. Arch Community Med Public Health; 9(2): 027-033. DOI: 10.17352/2455-5479.000198
  • Turabian JL (2023) Lake. THE FAMILY PHYSICIAN’S TRAVEL NOTEBOOK. Rev Clin Med Fam. 2023; 16 (2): 116-117.
  • Turabian JL (2023) Comparison of Adverse COVID-19 Vaccines Reactions between First and Second Doses, First Booster and Fourth Doses in General Medicine. Int J Res Virol. 2022; 1(1): 1-7.
  • Turabian JL (2023) A Biopsychosocial Instrument to Study and Intervene in the Complexity of Changes and Stability of Family and Community System Health: The Genogram. Arch Health Sci; 7(1): 1-8.
  • Turabian JL (2023) “Empathies” Rather than “Empathy” in The Clinical Context Of General Medicine: Acute Or Chronic Diseases, Physical Or Mental Health Problems and Types Of Doctor-Patient Relationships. Psychiatry and Psychological Disorders; 2(2). DOI: 10.58489/2836-3558/012.
  • Turabian JL (2023) Risk Factors for Re-Infection of Covid-19 with Fourth Dose versus without Fourth Dose of Bivalent mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines. Arch Health Sci; 7(1): 1-11. DOI: 10.31829/2641-7456/ahs2023-7(1)-017.
  • Turabian JL (2023) Risk factors for COVID-19 infection in people with 4th dose of bivalent mRNA vaccines in general medicine from October 2022 to February 2023. Arch
  • Turabian JL (2023) Risk factors and incidence rate of complications originated as a consequence of the acute SARS-CoV-2 infection or the treatments performed. A longitudinal study in general medicine from March 15, 2020 to October 31, 2022 in Toledo, Spain. Arch Community Med Public Health 9(3): 044-051. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17352/2455-5479.000201
  • Jose Luis Turabian (2023). Incidence Rates of Covid-19 Re-Infection Are Lower in People with Fourth Dose Versus Without Fourth Dose of Bivalent Mrna. J Pharma Interven. (JPI), 10.56391/JPI Community Med Public Health 9(2): 027-033.
  • Turabian JL (2023). Incidence Rates of Covid-19 Re-Infection Are Lower in People with Fourth Dose Versus Without Fourth Dose of Bivalent mRNA. J Pharma Interven. (JPI), 10.56391/JPI.
  • Turabian JL (2023) Adverse Reactions Incidence Rates of Covid-19 Vaccination in First and Second Doses, First Booster and Fourth Doses in General Medicine; Int Res Med Health Sci; (6-3): 16-24
  • Turabian JL (2023) COVID-19 ENDEMICITY AND LACK OF EPIDEMIOLOGICAL SURVEILLANCE. Rapid-responses to Covid-19: Infections climb globally as EG.5 variant gains ground. BMJ;382:p1900.
  • Turabian JL (2023) COVID-19: From Epidemic to Endemic? The Evolution Remains Unpredictable. New Indicators Needed. J Infect Dise Treat; 1(1): 1-4.
  • Turabian JL (2023) Have psychiatrists and general practitioners become traffickers of psychodrug? Psychiatry and Psychological Disorders. 2(1). 10.58489/JPPD.013.
  • Turabian Jl (2023) Pradera. Meadow. Rev Clin Med Fam; (3): 1. DOI: 10.55783/rcmf.160309.
  • Turabian JL (2023) Clinical-Epidemiological Covid-19 Case Series Study in Endemic Period, from October 2022 to October 2023, in a General Medicine Office, in Toledo (Spain): Mild Symptoms should not Imply Mild Epidemiological Surveillance. Int Jr Infect Dis & Epidemlgy;4(2):1‒6. DOI: 10.51626/ijide.2023.04.00046.
  • Turabian JL (2023). Covid-19 Temporal Variations and Association with Risk Factors in Endemicity Time from October 2022 to October 2023, In A General Medicine Office, In Toledo (Spain): The Seasonal Pattern of Covid-19 Does Not Appear to Be Related to Climate Factors but to Human Activities. J of Case Reports in Infectious Diseases ad Viruses; 1(1).01-08.
  • Turabian JL (2023) Endemicity, Seasonal Variations, Lack of Epidemiological Surveillance and General Practice in Covid-19. J Cur Tre Inf Dis Res 1(1): 1-3.
  • Turabian JL (2023) Mínimum Incidente Rates of Covid-19 Infections in The Endemic Period from October 2022 To October 2023, In A General Medicine Office, In Toledo (Spain). Journal of Epidimology and public health. 1(1), 1-6.
  • Turabian JL (2023) COVID-19 Symptoms Time Trend: Comparison Between 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 Years in a General Medicine Office in Toledo, Spain. J Infect Dise Treat; 1(1): 1-7.
  • Turabian JL (2023) Child Care Versus Adult Care the two sides of the same Coin: Familiar Care, J. General Medicine and Clinical Practice; 6(6); DOI:10.31579/2639-4162/109.
  • Turabian JL (2023) Evolution of Risk Measures of COVID-19 from 2020 to 2022 Versus in 2023 in a General Medicine Office in Toledo (Spain). J Infect Dise Treat. 2023. 1(1): 1-7. DOI: doi.org/10.61440/JIDT.2023.v1.05.
  • Turabian JL, Perez Franco B (2023) CAVE. THE FAMILY PHYSICIAN’S TRAVEL NOTEBOOK. REV CLÍN MED FAM; 16 (4): 348-349 | doi.org/10.55783/rcmf.160408.
  • Turabian JL (2023) Chronic Comorbidities Trend in Covid-19 Patients: Comparison Among 2020, 2021, 2022 And 2023 Years in A General Medicine Office in Toledo, Spain. International journal of clinical epidemiology; 2(6).
  • Turabian JL (2023) Doctor-patient communication: Content or process?. J Clin Med Img Case Rep. 2023; 3(6): 1584.
  • Turabian JL (2023) What is the Frequency with which Sars-COV-2 Reinfection Occurs in People with Fourth Dose of Vaccines Bivalent mRNA? Incidence Rate of Covid-19 Re-Infection from October 2022 to October 2023 in A General Medicine Office in Toledo (Spain). J of Clin Case Stu Reviews & Reports; 2(1), 1-8.
  • Turabian, J. L(2024). Covid-19 With and Without Fourth Dose of Bivalent mRNA Vaccine in The Period from October 2022 to October 2023 in A General Medicine Office of Toledo (Spain). I J Infectious Disea 5(1):1-10.
  • Turabian JL (2024) Reinfections of covid-19 with fourth dose of bivalent mRNA vaccine. A case series study in a general medicine office in the period from October 2022 to October 2023. International Journal of Clinical Epidemiology; 3(1).
  • Turabian Jl (2024) Manglar [mangrove swamp]. REV CLÍN MED FAM 2024; 17 (1): 72-73 | doi.org/10.55783/rcmf.170109.
  • Turabian JL (2024) Incidence Rate of Covid-19 Infection in People with Fourth Dose of Vaccines Bivalent mRNA from October 2022 to October 2023 in A General Medicine Office in Toledo (Spain). J General Medicine and Clinical Practice; 7(2). DOI:10.31579/2639- 4162/133.
  • Turabian JL (2024) Effectiveness of 4th doses of bivalent mRNA vaccine in reinfections from October 2022 to October 2023 in a general medicine office in Toledo (Spain). Arch Community Med Public Health 10(1): 001-006. DOI: 10.17352/2455-5479.000207
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