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Dr. Yirui Jiang

Research Fellow in Design Engineering



United Kingdom

Cranfield University at Shrivenham

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Dr. Yirui Jiang specializes in digitalization, sustainability, and innovation, boasting over 8 years of experience in digital transformation. She has incorporated digital solutions across diverse sectors, spanning from sanitation to healthcare. Her expertise lies in leveraging emerging technologies such as AI, blockchain, IoT, metaverse, and data analytics to develop smarter, sustainable systems. She is actively involved in public engagement, promoting digital literacy and environmental awareness.

  • Digitalization
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Internet of Things
  • Metaverse
  • Data Assets
  • Digital Technology Development
  • Industrial Innovation Ecosystem
  • Innovation Strategy and Management
  • Sustainable Development
  • Digital Economy
  • Green Technology
  • Circular Economy
  • Liu M, Sheng H, Zhang N, Zhao P, Yi Y, .... (2024). DSDCLNet: Dual-stream encoder and dual-level contrastive learning network for supervised multivariate time series classification. Knowledge-Based Systems, 292. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2024.111638
  • Jiang Y, Tran TH & Williams L. (2023). Machine learning and mixed reality for smart aviation: Applications and challenges. Journal of Air Transport Management, 111(August). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jairtraman.2023.102437
  • Tran TH, Nguyen TT & Jiang Y. (2023). A hybrid algorithm for large-scale non-separable nonlinear multicommodity flow problems. Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology, 17. https://doi.org/10.1177/17483026231157214
  • Jiang Y, Tran TH & Williams L. (2023). A Surveillance-and-Blockchain-based Tracking System for Mitigation of Baggage Mishandling at Smart Airports. Journal of Airline Operations and Aviation Management, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.56801/jaoam.v2i2.4
  • Jiang Y, Yang R, Zang C, Wei Z, Thompson J, .... (2022). Toward Baggage-Free Airport Terminals: A Case Study of London City Airport. Sustainability, 14(1). https://doi.org/10.3390/su14010212
  • Jiang Y, Tran TH & Williams L. (2022). Advanced Visual SLAM and Image Segmentation Techniques for Augmented Reality. International Journal of Virtual and Augmented Reality, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.4018/ijvar.307063
  • Jiang Y, Tran TH & Williams L. (2022). Importance of UV Disinfection Robots for Airports During and After Covid-19: A Short Review. Robotics & Artificial Intelligence, 2(4). https://doi.org/10.31031/COJRA.2022.02.000544
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