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Prof. Michelle Carvalho Galvão da Silva Pinto Bandeira, Ph.D.

Adjunct Professor




Federal University of Goiás

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Prof. Michelle Galvão, Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Goiás in the field of Air Transportation. Holds a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Federal Institute of Maranhão (IFMA), a master's degree in Aeronautical Infrastructure Engineering focusing on airport planning, and a Ph.D. in Aeronautical Infrastructure Engineering focusing on operational safety in civil aviation - both from the Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA). Completed a postdoc in airport terminal performance measurement at the same institution. Served in the Brazilian Navy as 1st Lieutenant ENG-RM2 at the Technological Center of the Navy in São Paulo (CTMSP) where she was part of Brazil's Nuclear Fuel Program. Was a technical manager at ANAC/BSB in air transportation infrastructure and a technical advisor on the board. Provided technical consultancy on various projects (SAC, ICAO, Anac, Petrobras, Fapeu, Abetar, Vunesp). She is a reviewer for national and international articles and papers for conferences, journals, and magazines. She is a member of the Research Group of the Risk Analysis, Assessment, and Management Laboratory (LabRisco-USP). Coordinates the Laboratory of Intelligence and Innovation in Transportation - LI2T/UFG. Involved in various institutional and extension projects.

  • Manned and unmanned aviation
  • Airport infrastructure design, planning, and operations
  • Sequential and probabilistic risk management models
  • Analysis of safety and security factors in aeronautical accidents
  • Evaluation of environmental, human, and organizational factors in complex systems
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