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Prof. (Dr.) Bechan Sharma, Ph.D.

Professor and Dean




University of Allahabad

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Prof. (Dr.) Bechan Sharma is presently working as a senior Professor and Dean, Faculty of Science, University of Allahabad, Allahabad, India. He has completed his higher education (B.Sc. (Honours)-1980; M.Sc. (Biochemistry)-1982, Ph.D. in Biochemistry (1988)) from BHU-Varanasi and CSIR-CDRI, Lucknow, India. His research interests include Molecular Virology (HIV/AIDS), Free radical Biology, Tropical Diseases (Filariasis/Malaria), Enzyme technology, Drug development and Biochemical Toxicology. He has received number of Awards/ Honors and successfully completed numerous important Academic/ Administrative Assignments. He has 36 years of teaching / research experience. He has carried out several research projects and published over 250 research papers including book chapters, molecular methods in peer reviewed International and National Journals of repute. He has one US patent on HIV-1 genome structure based antiHIV-1 drugs design to his credit. He has supervised 18 PhDs and 7 PDFs. He is member/life member of several national/international scientific societies and attended numerous symposia/conferences in India and abroad. He is Chief-Editor and Member Editorial Board of over 150 peer-reviewed International Journals. He is an honorary reviewer for over 200 International scientific journals. His 7 books have been published by international publishers. He has worked as a visiting scientist in USA for four years and visited different reputed institutions at Italy, France, Iran, Thailand, Hong Kong, Japan, Germany and Brazil to complete collaborative research projects on various aspects of HIV/AIDS and Drug resistance, molecular epidemiology and drug development. His services to the community in this area has been commendable. Through organizing several conferences and doing outreach activities, he has been successfully transmitting information among the community people in order to save them from contracting infection. He has been instrumental in eradicating the stigma attached to this disease. Prof. Sharma has been awarded byIndian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)a Senior Scientist Fellowship 2014-15 in Biomedical Sciences under Indo-USA joint research programme to work at NIEHS-NIH, NC, USA with Prof. Samuel Wilson on DNA repair. Recently Prof. Sharma has been included as a Life Member in the World Virology Society-Sweden and in an Indo-Japanese research initiative towards eradication of HIV/AIDS in India. Prof. B. Sharma is a Fellow of Academy of Environmental Biology (AEB),Bioved Research Society (BRS) and Asian Biological Research Society (ABRS).

  • Molecular Virology
  • Biochemical Toxicology
  • Free Radical Biology
  • Drug Design and Development
  • Molecular Parasitology
  • Structural Biology
  • Singh S and B. Sharma (2015) Immunodeficiency and Microbial infections. JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPIC CREATURES 1(1): (In press).
  • Singh S and B. Sharma (2015) Phytochemicals from medicinal plants and herbs as antiHIV-1 agents (article id:277042978) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACOGNOSY AND PHYTOCHEMISTRY (Accepted)
  • B. Sharma (2015) Drug Resistance in HIV-1: Genetic and Molecular Bases, Mechanisms and Strategies to Combat the Issue. BIOCHEMISTRY AND ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY, 4 :e153.
  • A.S.Chauhan, N.J.Siddiqi, B. Sharma (2014) A novel promising strain of Trichoderma evansii (WF-3) for extracellular a-galactosidase production by utilizing different carbon sources under optimized culture conditions. BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL Impact Factor (IF): 2.706 (Volume 2014, Article ID 640754, 26 pages; http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/640754 )
  • Tabish Qidwai, Farrukh Jamal, Mohd Y. Khan and B. Sharma (2014) Exploring Drug Targets in Isoprenoid Biosynthetic Pathway for Plasmodium falciparum. Biochemistry Research International, Volume 2014, Article ID 657189, 12 pages; http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/657189
  • B. Sharma (2014). Oxidative stress in HIV patients receiving antiretroviral therapy. CURRENT HIV RESEARCH 12(6):13-21. IF 2.033.
  • B. Sharma (2014). HIV-1, Neuro-AIDS and Cognitive Impairments. JOURNAL OF NEUROINFECTIOUS DISEASES 5: e103. doi: 10.4172/2314-7326.1000e103.
  • B. Sharma (2013). Phytochemicals may arrest HIV-1 progression.CLINICAL RESEARCH IN HIV AIDS & PREVENTION. 1(3): 30-35.
  • A. S. Chauhan, N. Srivastava and B. Sharma (2013) Optimization of culture conditions for some identified fungal species and stability profile of α-galactosidase produced. BIOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL Published online. (Article ID 920759, 8 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/920759 )
  • S.K.Maurya, M. Tewari , B. Sharma, HS Shukla (2013). Expression of procaspase 3 and activated caspase 3 and its relevance in hormone-responsive gallbladder carcinoma chemotherapy. KOREAN JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE. 28(5):573-578. IF 0.41.
  • B. Sharma (2013). Exploring experimental animal model in HIV/AIDS research. BIOCHEMISTRY AND ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY. 2 (2):1-3.
  • Claudia P Muniz, Lian L Troncoso, Miguel M Moreira, Esmeralda A Soares, Alcides Pissinatti, Cibele R Bonvicino, Héctor N Seuánez, B. Sharma, Hongwei Jia, Anupama Shankar, William M Switzer, Andre F Santos and Marcelo A Soares (2013). Identification and characterization of highly divergent simian foamy viruses in a wide range of New World primates from Brazil. PLoS ONE . 8(7): e67568. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0067568; IF 3.73.
  • Kamalendra Singh, Bruno Marchand, Devendra K. Rai, B. Sharma, Eleftherios Michailidis, Emily Ryan, Kayla B. Matzek, Maxwell D. Leslie, Ariel K. Hagedorn, Zhe Li, Pieter Norden, Atsuko Hachiya, Michael A. Parniak, Hong-Tao Xu, Mark A. Wainberg and Stefan G. Sarafianos (2012). Biochemical Mechanism of Clinical Resistance to Rilpivirine. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 287, (45), 38110–38123. IF 4.61.
  • B. Sharma (2012). Attributes of Host’s Genetic Factors in HIV-1 Pathogenesis. BIOCHEMISTRY AND ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY. 2012, 1:4.
  • K. Singh, D. K. Rai, B. Sharma, E. Michailidis, E. M. Ryan, K. B. Matzek, M. D. Leslie, A. N. Hagedorn, Hong-Tao Xu, M. A. Wainberg, B. Marchand, S. G. Sarafianos (2012). Biochemical mechanisms of clinical resistance to rilpivirine. BMC INFECTIOUS DISEASES 12(Suppl 1):P94 (Impact Factor: 2.83).
  • B. Sharma (2011). The antiHIV-1 drugs toxicity and management strategies. NEUROBEHAVIOURAL HIV MEDICINE 3: 1–14.
  • A.K. Mishra, A. Mishra, H. K. Kehri , B. Sharma and A. K. Pandey (2009) Inhibitory activity of Indian spice plant Cinnamomum zeylanicum extracts against human and plant pathogenic dematiaceous moulds. ANNALS OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY & ANTIMICROBIALS , 8:9, 1-21 (Impact Factor 1.54).
  • B. Sharma, Emmanuele Crespan, Giuseppe Villani and Geovanni Maga (2008). The balance between the rates of incorporation and pyrophosphorolytic removal influences the HIV-1 reverse transcriptase bypass of an abasic site with deoxy-, dideoxy- and ribonucleotides. PROTEINS: STRUCTURE, FUNCTION & BIOINFORMATICS, 71 (2) 715–727 (Impact Factor 3.419).
  • Sirish Kumar, S. Naik, B. Sharma and Rakesh Agarwal (2007). Presence of hepatitis E virus in sewage in northern India: frequency and seasonal pattern. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL VIROLOGY 79 (12)1827-1831 (Impact Factor 2.271).
  • B. Sharma, N.Kaushik, S.Tripathi, K.Singh and V.N.Pandey (2003). A positively charged side chain at position 154 on the β8-αE loop of HIV-1 RT is required for stable ternary complex formation. NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH (USA) 31: (17) 5167-5174. (Impact Factor 8.804).
  • B. Sharma, N. Kaushik, K. Singh, S. Singh and V.N.Pandey (2002). Substitution of conserved hydrophobic residues in Motifs B and C of HIV-1 RT alters the geometry of the catalytic pocket. BIOCHEMISTRY (USA) 41: 15685-15697 (Impact Factor 3.226).
  • P.K Pandey, N. Kaushik, K. Singh, B. Sharma, A. Upadhayay, S. Kumar, D. Harris, and V.N. Pandey (2002). Insertion of a small peptide of six amino acids into the 7-8 loop of the p51 subunit of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase perturbs the heterodimer and affects its activities. BMC BIOCHEMISTRY (USA) 3:18 (Impact Factor 1.941).
  • Firdaus Fatma, Nighat Begum, B. Sharma and Ravi S. Pandey (2014) Toxicological evaluation of sulphur dioxide in albino rat, Rattus norvegicus. JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY RESEARCH 2 (2), 18-26.
  • Amit Kumar, B. Sharma & Ravi Pandey (2014) Lambda Cyhalothrin and cypermethrin induce stress in the fresh water muddy fish, Clarias batrachus. TOXICOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY . ID: 913865 DOI:10.1080/02772248.2014.913865; IF:0.723.
  • B. Sharma, Shweta Singh and Nikhat J. Siddiqi (2014) Biomedical implications of heavy metals induced imbalances in redox systems. BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL Vol.2014, Article ID 640754, 26 pages, IF:2.713.
  • Sunil K. Jaiswal, Nikhat J. Siddiqi, and B. Sharma (2014) Carbofuran Induced Oxidative Stress Mediated Alterations in Na+ -K+-ATPase Activity in Rat Brain: Amelioration by Vitamin E. JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR TOXICOLOGY 28 (7), 321-327. IF:1.596.
  • Sunil K. Jaiswal, Nikhat J. Siddiqi and B. Sharma (2013) Carbofuran imbalances the redox status in rat brain: amelioraton by vitamin C. JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY RESEARCH 1 :36-43.
  • Sunil K. Jaiswal, Nikhat J. Siddiqi and B. Sharma (2013) Carbofuran induced oxidative stress in rat heart: ameliorative effect of vitamin C. ISRN J. OXIDATIVE MEDICINE Volume 2013, Article ID 824102, 10 pages.
  • D. Mani, B. Sharma, C. Kumar, S. Balak (2013) Depth-wise distribution, mobility and naturally occurring glutathione based phytoaccumulation of cadmium and zinc in sewage-irrigated soil profiles. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DOI:10.1007/s13762-012-0121-z (Impact Factor: 1.844).
  • N. Begum, B. Sharma, and R.S. Pandey (2013) Calotropis procera and Annona squamosa: Potential alternatives to chemical pesticides .BRITISH JOURNAL OF APPLIED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 3(2):254-267.
  • Ratnesh K Sharma, Ghanshyam K Upadhyay, Nikhat J Siddiqi and B. Sharma (2013) Pesticides induced biochemical alterations in occupational North Indian suburban population. HUMAN & EXPERIMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 32 :1184–1199. IF:1.407.
  • N. Srivastava, A. Chauhan, and B. Sharma (2012) Isolation and characterization of some phytochemicals from Indian traditional plants. BIOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL . Vol.2012 (2012), Article ID 549850, 8 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2012/549850.
  • M.P. Singh, B. Sharma, D. Armstrong and J. Kumar (2012) FOREWARD: FRONTIERS IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES ISSUE. CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (Noisy-le-grand). 58: 1-2. IF: 1.782.
  • R. K. Sharma, S.K.Jaiswal, Nikhat J Siddiqi and B. Sharma (2012) Effect of carbofuran on some biochemical indices of human erythrocytes in vitro. CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (Noisy-le-grand), 58:103-109. IF: 1.782.
  • R. K. Sharma, D. K. Rai and B. Sharma (2012) In vitro carbofuran induced micronucleus formation in human blood lymphocytes. CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (Noisy-le-grand), 58:128-133. IF: 1.782.
  • A. Kumar, B. Sharma and R. S. Pandey (2012) Assessment of stress in effect to pyrethroid insecticides, λ-cyhalothrin and cypermethrin, in a fresh water fish, Channa punctatus (BLOCH). CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (Noisy-le-grand), 58:153-159. IF: 1.782.
  • N. Srivastava, R.K.Sharma, N.Singh and B.Sharma (2012) Acetylcholinesterase from human erythrocytes membrane: a screen for evaluating the activity of some traditional plant extracts. CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (Noisy-le-grand), 58:160-169. IF: 1.782.
  • Dinesh Mani, B. Sharma, Chitranjan Kumar and Shiv Balak (2012) Cadmium and lead bioaccumulation during growth stages alters sugar and vitamin C content in dietary vegetables. PROC. NATL. ACAD. SCI. INDIA Biological Sciences. 82: 477-488. (Impact factor 0.396).
  • Anju Agrawal and B. Sharma (2012) Natural products and their antioxidant potential. NATURAL PRODUCTS: AN INDIAN JOURNAL . 8(2): 72-87.
  • Tabish Qidwai, Feroz Khan, B. Sharma and Farrukh Jamal (2012) Assay of Glucose 6-Phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme and its correlation with disease prevalence in patients with Plasmodium falciparum malaria. AM. J. BIOCHEM. MOL. BIOL . (published online) ISSN 2150-4210/DOI:10.3923/ajbmb.2012.
  • Ratnesh K Sharma, Nikhat J Siddiqi and B. Sharma (2012) protective effect of silymarin on human erythrocyte against tert-butyl hydroperoxide induced oxidative stress. AM. J. BIOCHEM. MOL. BIOL . 2 (3):167-174.
  • Ratnesh K Sharma and B. Sharma (2012) In-vitro carbofuran induced genotoxicity in human lymphocytes and its mitigation by vitamins C and E. DISEASE MARKERS, 32:153-163(IF: 2.174).
  • Amit Kumar, B. Sharma and Ravi S. Pandey (2012) Alterations in nitrogen metabolism in freshwater fishes, Channa punctatus and Clarias batrachus, exposed to a commercial grade λ-cyhalothrin, REEVA-5. INTERNATIONAL J. EXPERIMENTAL PATHOLOGY 93: 34-45 (Impact factor: 2.127).
  • Nighat Begum, B. Sharma and Ravi S. Pandey (2011) Toxicity Potential and Anti AChE Activity of Some Plant Extracts in Musca domestica. J. BIOFERTILIZERS & BIOPESTICIDES . 2:108, doi:10.4172/2155-6202.1000108. (Published online)
  • Nighat Begum, B. Sharma and Ravi S. Pandey (2011) Insecticidal potential of Calotropis procera and Anona squamosa ethanol extracts against Musca domestica. NATURAL PRODUCTS: AN INDIAN JOURNAL , 7 (5) (Published online).
  • Devendra K. Rai, Ratnesh K. Sharma, Prashant K. Rai, Geeta Watal, B. Sharma and Kamalendra Singh (2011) Carbofuran mediated oxidative stress in erythrocytes and its prevention by Cynodondactylon and vitamin C. INT. J. CURR. CHEM. 1: (In Press).
  • Ankush Gupta, Sangram Singh, Farrukh Jamal, Som Nath, Sudhir Mehrotra and B. Sharma (2011) The combined effects of glutathione and vitamin E on ROS mediated ethanol toxicity in isolated rat hepatocytes. ASIAN J. BIOCHEM . 6(4):347-356.
  • B. Sharma, G. Watal, Singh K (2011) Foreward: Emerging trends in Biochemistry: CELLULAR & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (Noisy-le-grand).57:1-2. (Impact Factor, 1.786).
  • A. Mishra, S. Kumar, A. Bhargava , B. Sharma and A.K.Pandey (2011) Studies on in vitro antioxidant and antistaphyllococcal activities of some important medicinal plants. CELLULAR & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (Noisy-le-grand). 57:16-25. (Impact Factor, 1.786).
  • P. Kumar Rai , D. Kumar Rai, S. Mehta , R. Gupta , B. Sharma and G. Watal (2011) Effect of Trichosanthes dioica on oxidative stress and Cyp450 gene expression levels in experimentally induced diabetic rats. CELLULAR & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (Noisy-le-grand). 57:31-39. (IF, 1.786).
  • D. K. Rai, R. K. Sharma, P. K. Rai, G. Watal and B. Sharma (2011) Role of aqueous extract of Cynodon dactylon in prevention of carbofuran induced oxidative stress and acetylcholinesterase inhibition in rat brain. CELLULAR & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (Noisy-le-grand). 57:135-142. (IF 1.786).
  • Amit Kumar, B. Sharma and Ravi S. Pandey (2011) Cypermethrin induced alterations in nitrogen metabolism in fresh water fish. CHEMOSPHERE . 83(4):492-501 IF: 3.499).
  • Dinesh Mani, B. Sharma and Chitranjan Kumar (2011) Phytoremediation potential of Helianthus annuus.L in sewage-irrigated Indo-Gangetic alluvial soils. INTERNATIONAL J: PHYTOREMEDIATION 99999 (1):1-8 (IF 1.852).
  • Amit Kumar, B. Sharma and Ravi S. Pandey (2011) Assessment of Acute Toxicity of lambda-cyhalothrin to a freshwater catfish, Clarias batrachus. ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS 9:43–46 (DOI 10.1007/s10311-009-0244-8). (IF 1.906).
  • Nighat Begum, B. Sharma and Ravi S. Pandey (2010) Evaluation of insecticidal efficacy of Calotropis procera and Annona squamosa ethanol extracts against Musca domestica. J. BIOFERTILIZERS & BIOPESTICIDES. 1:101-106.
  • A. Kumar, B. Sharma and R.S. Pandey (2010) Toxicological assessment of pyrethroid insecticides with special reference to Cypermethrin and λ-Cyhalothrin in fresh water fishes: A review. INT J BIOL MED RES 1: 315- 325.
  • A. Agrawal, R.S. Pandey and B. Sharma (2010) Water pollution with special reference to pesticide contamination in India. J WATER RESOURCE AND PROTECTION 2:432-448. If:1.26.
  • A. Agrawal and B. Sharma (2010) Pesticides induced oxidative stress in mammalian systems: a review. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL RESEARCH (IJBMR) 1(3): 90 –104.
  • Devendra K. Rai, Prashant K. Rai, Geeta Watal and B. Sharma (2010) The Cynodon dactylon Extract Help Improve Anticholinesterase Effects and Oxidative Stress Caused by Carbofuran in Rat Brain. TOXICOL. PATHOL ., 38 (1) E1-E6, Abstract P-45. (IF: 2.426) (Website: http://tpx.sagepub.com/content/38/1/E1.extract ; http://tpx.sagepub.com/content/38/1/E7.full)
  • Amit Kumar, B. Sharma and Ravi S. Pandey (2009) Cypermethrin and λ-cyhalothrin induced in vivo alterations in nucleic acids and protein contents in a freshwater catfish, Clarias batrachus (Linnaeus) J. ENVIRON. SCI. HEALTH , Part B. 44:(6) 564-570 (IF 0.750).
  • Kumar, A., Sharma, B. and Pandey, R.S. (2009) - Assessment of acute toxicity of lambda cyhalothrin to a freshwater catfish, Clarias batrachus. ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS (doi 10.1007/s10311-009—244-8). IF:1.096.
  • Amit Kumar, B. Sharma and Ravi S. Pandey (2009) λ-cyhalothrin and cypermethrin induced in-vivo alterations in the activity of acetylcholinesterase in a freshwater fish, Channa punctatus (Bloch). PESTICIDE BIOCHEM PHYSIOL .(USA) 93:96–99 (doi:10.1016/j. pestbp.2008. 12. 005) (IF 2.11).
  • D.K. Rai, P.K. Rai, Syed I.Rizvi, G. Watal and B. Sharma (2009) Carbofuran induced toxicity in rats: Protective role of vitamin C. EXP TOXICOLOGIC PATHOL 61 (6):531-535 (doi:10.1016/j.etp.2008.11.003) IF:2.01.
  • A.Yadav, A. Gopesh, R. S. Pandey, D. K. Rai and B. Sharma (2009). Fertilizer industry effluent induced biochemical changes in fresh water teleost, Channa striatus (Bloch)- ECOTOXICOL. (USA) 18: 325–333 (IF 2.5).
  • A. Gupta, D.K. Rai, R. S. Pandey and B. Sharma (2009) Analysis of some heavy metals in the riverine sediments and fish from river Ganges at Allahabad. ENVIRON. MONITOR. ASSESS. 157, 449-458. (DOI 10.1007/s10661-008-0547-4) (IF 1.679).
  • A. Agrawal and B. Sharma (2009) Pesticides induced apoptosis and its bio-safety. J. ECOPHYSIOL. OCCUP. HLTH. 9(3&4): 225-235.
  • Amit Kumar, B. Sharma and Ravi S Pandey (2008). Cypermethrin and λ-cyhalothrin induced alterations in nucleic acids and protein content in a fresh water fish, Channa punctatus. FISH PHYSIOL BIOCHEM . (USA) 34: 331–338 (IF 1.676).
  • Devendra K.Rai and B. Sharma (2007). Carbofuran induced oxidative stress in mammalian brain. MOLECULAR BIOTECHNOL . (UK) 37, (1) 66-71 (IF 2.275).
  • Amit Kumar, B. Sharma and Ravi S Pandey. (2007) Preliminary evaluation of the acute toxicity of cypermethrin and λ-cyhalothrin to Channa punctatus. BULL.ENVIRON.CONTAM. TOXICOl. (USA) 79, 613-616 (IF 1.11).
  • Archana Yadav, Anita Gopesh, Ravi S. Pandey, Devendra K. Rai, B. Sharma (2007) Fertilizer industry effluent induced biochemical changes in fresh water teleost, Channa striatus(Bloch)-BULL.ENVIRON.CONTAM.TOXICOL . (USA) 79(6):588-595 (IF 1.11).
  • Dinesh Mani, B. Sharma and Chitranjan Kumar (2007). Phytoaccumulation, Interaction, Toxicity and Remediation of 4 Cadmium from Helianthus annuus L. (sunflower). BULL.ENVIRON.CONTAM.TOXICOL. (USA) 79, 71-79 (IF 1.11).
  • Devendra K. Rai and B. Sharma (2006). On the neurotoxicity of carbofuran in mammalian system. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIC CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENTAL AND OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE. pp.71-79 (Shanghai, China).).
  • S. Mehrotra and B. Sharma (2005). A chromogenic paper technique for single step detection of organo chlorine pesticide residues in vegetables. TOXICOL.INTERNATIONAL. (India), 12: (2) 129-131 (IF 0.601).
  • R. K. Singh and B. Sharma (2005). Sub-acute toxicity of carbofuran on acetylcholinesterase activity in the freshwater catfish, Clarias batrachus. J. ENVIRON. OCCUP. MEDICINE (Shanghai, China), 22: (5) 403-407 (IF 1.797).
  • R. K. Singh and B. Sharma (2004). In vivo alteration in protein metabolism by subacute carbofuran intoxication in the freshwater teleost, Clarias batrachus. BULL.ENVIRON. CONTAM.TOXICOL. (USA) 73: (5), 919-926 (Impact Factor 0.595) (IF 1.11).
  • R. K. Singh, R. L. Singh, B. Sharma (2003). Acute toxicity of carbofuran to a freshwater teleost, Clarias batrachus. BULL.ENVIRON.CONTAM.TOXICOL;(USA) 70: (6), 1259-1263 (IF 1.11).
  • N.J. Siddiqi , B. Sharma and A.S. Alhomida (2001). A study on distribution of different hydroxyproline fractions in the bovine ocular tissues. MOL.CELL.BIOCHEM . (Canada) 217: 67-71 (IF 2.386).
  • B. Sharma (1999). Effect of carbaryl on some biochemical constituents of the blood and liver of Clarias batrachus, a fresh water fish. J.TOXICOL.SCI. (Japan) 24: 157-164 (Impact Factor 1.311).
  • A. Yadav, R. K. Singh and B. Sharma (1998). Interaction of carbofuran with acetylcholinesterase from the brain of the teleost, Clarias batrachus. TOXICOL. ENVIRON. CHEM .(Germany) 65: 245- 254 (IF 0.811).
  • R. K. Singh and B. Sharma (1998). Carbofuran induced biochemical changes in Clarias batrachus. PESTICIDE SCI . (U.K.) 53: 285-290 (IF 1.428).
  • B. Sharma (1997). Phosphofructokinase as a chemotherapeutic target in filariasis. THE FASEB J. (USA) 11: 1011-1012 (IF 5.456).
  • R. Kumari, R.K.Singh, Y.P.Khanna and B. Sharma (1997). Carbofuran induced stress mediated syndromes in Clarias batrachus. IN: PROC. INT. CONF. INDUS. POLL. CONTROL TECHNOL. (India) pp.113-119.
  • B. Sharma, V. Ramesh and A.K.Raina (1995). Biochemical analysis of certain parameters in the blood serum of non-descript Kashmiri cattle and the jersey bovine. INDIAN VET. J . (India), 72: 237-240 (Impact Factor 0.611).
  • B. Sharma and K. Gopal (1995). Changes in the contents of the lactic acid and lactate dehydrogenase activity in Clarias batrachus exposed to carbaryl. TOXICOL. ENVIRON. CHEM . (Germany) 47: 89-95(IF 0.723).
  • B. Sharma, K.Gopal and Y. P. Khanna (1993). Interaction of carbaryl with acetylcholinesterase from the fresh water teleost, Clarias batrachus. TOXICOL. ENVIRON. CHEM . (Germany) 39: 147-152 (IF 0.723).
  • B. Sharma, M. D. Ram, S. Lata and K. Gopal (1993). Carbaryl induced alterations in the biogenic amines in various parts of the brain of Clarias batrachus, a fresh water fish. TOXICOL.ENVIRON.CHEM . (Germany) 38: 95-99 (IF 0.723).
  • K. Gopal, S. P. Pathak and B. Sharma (1992). Stress mediated immunosuppression and disease syndromes in fresh water fish. INT. J. TOXICOL.OCCUPAT. ENVIRON.HEALTHS (India) 1:39-47.
  • P Chauhan, S Mahajan, A Kulshrestha, S Shrivastava, B Sharma, HM Goswamy and GBKS Prasad (2015) Bougainvillea spectabilis Exhibits Antihyperglycemic and Antioxidant Activities in Experimental Diabetes. J EVIDENCE-BASED COMPLEMENTARY & ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE 1-9; DOI: 10.1177/2156587215595152
  • G. Watal, P. Dhar, S.K.Srivastava and B. Sharma (2014) Herbal Medicine as an Alternative Medicine for Treating Diabetes. J EVIDENCE-BASED COMPLEMENTARY & ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE (Published online).
  • R.K.Singh and B.Sharma (2013) Certain Traditional Indian Plants and Their Therapeutic Applications: A Review. VRI PHYTOMEDICINE 1(1): 1-11.
  • P. K. Rai, A. K. Srivastava, B. Sharma, P. Dhar, A. K. Mishra and G. Watal (2013) Use of L aser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy f or the Detection of Glycemic Elements in Indian Medicinal Plants. EVIDENCE-BASED CO,PLIMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE, Volume 2013, Article ID 406365, 9 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/406365. if 2.175.
  • D Jaiswal, Prashant Kumar Rai , Shikha Mehta, Sanjukta Chatterji , Surekha Shukla, Devendra K Rai, Gaurav Sharma, B. Sharma, and G Watal. Role of Drumstick Leaves ( Moringa oleifera) in Regulation of Diabetes-induced Oxidative Stress. (2013) ASIAN PACIFIC JOURNAL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE . 6: 426-432. (IF 0.665).
  • S. Mehta, P.K.Rai, D.K.Rai, N.K.Rai, A.K.Rai, D. Bicanic, B.Sharma and G.Watal (2010). LIBS- based detection of antioxidant elements in seeds of Emblica officinalis. FOOD BIOPHYSICS 5 (3): 186-192 (IF:1.71).
  • P.K. Rai, D. Jaiswal, D.K. Rai, B. Sharma and G. Watal (2010). Effect of Curcuma longa freeze dried rhizome powder with milk in STZ induced diabetic rats. INDIAN J CLINICAL BIOCHEM. 25 (2): 175-181 (IF 0.512).
  • P.K. Rai, D. Jaiswal, D.K. Rai, B. Sharma and G. Watal (2010). Antioxidant potential of oral feeding of Cynodon dactylon extract on diabetes induced oxidative stress. J. FOOD BIOCHEM. 34 (1), 78-92 (IF 0.856).
  • R. K., Sharma, S. Chatterji, D.K., Rai, S. Mehta, P.K. Rai, R.K. Singh, G. Watal and B. Sharma (2009). Antioxidant activities and phenolic contents of the aqueous extracts of some Indian medicinal plants. JOURNAL MEDICINAL PLANTS RESEARCH 3(11): 944-948.
  • D.K. Rai, P.K. Rai, G. Watal and B. Sharma (2009). Cartap and carbofuran induced alterations in serum profile of Wistar rats. INDIAN J. CLIN. BIOCHEM ., 24(2): 198-201 (IF, 0.512).
  • P.K. Rai, D. Jaiswal, D.K. Rai, B. Sharma and G. Watal (2008). Effect of water extract of Trichosanthes dioica fruits in STZ induced severe diabetes in rats. INDIAN J. CLIN. BIOCHEM , 23 (4): 387-390 (IF, 0.512).
  • Santosh K Singh, Prashant K Rai, Dolly Jaiswal, Devendra K Rai, B. Sharma and Geeta Watal (2008). Protective effect of Cyanodon dactylon against STZ induced hepatic injury in rats. J. COPHYSIOLOGY & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, 8 (3-4): 195-199.
  • Vyom. Parashar, Rashmi Parashar, B. Sharma, Avinash C.Pandey (2009). Parthenium leaf extract mediated synthesis of silver nanoparticles: a novel approach towards weed utilisation. DIGEST J. NANOMATERIALS & BIOSTRUCTURES, 4(1): 45-50; (Impact Factor.1.15) Cited in Elsevier Journals >100 times.
  • A. Singh, Sunil K. Jaiswal and B. Sharma (2013). Low temperature stress causing biomolecular perturbations in insects with special reference to silkworms. JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 1(3): 26-35.
  • A. Singh, Sunil K. Jaiswal and B. Sharma (2013).Effect of low temperature stress on acetylcholinesterase activity and its kinetics in 5th instar larvae of Philosamia ricini. JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 1(2): 17-25.
  • A.Singh, R.K.Sharma and B.Sharma (2010). Low temperature induced alterations in certain biochemical constituents of 5th instar larvae of Philosamia ricini (Lepidoptera: Satunidae). OPEN ACCESS INSECT PHYSIOLOGY , 2:1–6.
  • B. Sharma (2014). Lymphatic filariasis and chemotherapeutic targets. BIOCHEMISTRY AND ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY, 3:1-3.
  • B. Sharma (2011). Modulation of phosphofructokinase (PFK) from Setaria cervi , a bovine filarial parasite, by different effectors and its interaction with some antifilarials. PARASITES AND VECTORS, 4:227-232 (BMC Open Access Journals, IF 3.24).
  • B. Sharma (2011). Kinetic Characterisation of Phosphofructokinase purified from Setaria cervi, a Bovine Filarial Parasite. ENZYME RESEARCH , Vol. 2011, Article ID 939472, doi:10.4061/2011/939472, Hindawi Publishers.
  • N.J. Siddiqi, A.S. Alhomida and B. Sharma (2000). Effect of tumor necrosis factor on hepatic oxidative stress and antioxidant defense indices in normal and Plasmodium yoelii nigeriensis infected mice. DRUG AND CHEM.TOXICOL.(USA) 3: 247-250 (IF, 1.058).
  • S. Srivastava, B. Sharma and V. C. Pandey (1998). Partial purification and characterization of NADH-methemoglobin reductase from erythrocytes of normal and Plasmodium yoelii nigeriensis infected mice. INDIAN J. PARASITIC DISEASES 22: 89-94.
  • B. Sharma (1998). Phosphofructokinase from Setaria cervi : mode of action of certain anthelmintics /chemotherapeutics. HELMINTHOLOGIA (Slovak Republic) 35: 12-14 (IF, 0.776).
  • B. Sharma (1997). Phosphofructokinase as a chemotherapeutic target in filariasis. FASEB JOURNAL 11, A1030 (Impact Factor 6.791).
  • B. Sharma (1996). Some properties of partially purified acetylcholinesterase from adult female filarial parasite, Setaria cervi. HELMINTHOLOGIA (Slovak Republic) 33: 13-20 (IF, 0.776).
  • B. Sharma, S. Ghatak, O. P. Malhotra and N. A. Kaushal (1995) . Stabilization and characterization of phosphofructokinase purified from Setaria cervi , a bovine filarial parasite. HELMINTHOLOGIA (Slovak Republic) 32: 15-23(IF, 0.776).
  • B. Sharma (1993). Acetylcholinesterase activity from Setaria cervi : its inhibition by some antifilarials and other compounds. HELMINTHOLOGIA (Slovak Republic) 30: 49-55(IF, 0.776).
  • B. Sharma, N.A.Kaushal, S. Mohan, D.C.Kaushal, S.Rathaur, O.P.Malhotra and S.Ghatak (1993). Acetylcholinesterase in adults and microfilariae of Setaria cervi . INDIAN J. PARASITOL., 17, 89-95.
  • B. Sharma and Y.P.Khanna (1993). Isoenzymes in clinical chemistry. J. SCI. RES. 1:103-114.
  • B. Sharma (1992). Acetylcholinesterase activity in adults and microfilariae of Setaria cervi. HELMINTHOLOGIA (Slovak Republic) 29: 201-206 (IF, 0.776).
  • B. Sharma (1991). in vitro effect of anthelmintics on the motility as well as activity of acetyl- cholinesterase from Setaria cervi , a filarial parasite. BIOCHEM.ARCH .(USA) 7: 161-168 (IF 0.11).
  • B. Sharma. N. A. Kaushal and S. Ghatak (1987). Phosphofructokinase from bovine filarial parasite, Setaria cervi . INDIAN J. PARASITOLOGY 11: 5-8.
  • N. A. Kaushal and B. Sharma (1985).Rapid purification of lactate dehydrogenase from Setaria cervi by affinity chromatography. INDIAN J. PARASITOL. 9: 297-299.
  • B. Sharma. Comparative steady-state kinetic properties of phosphofructokinase from mammalian system and Setaria cervi , a filarial parasite. (In preparation).
  • harma B (2015) Drug Resistance in HIV-1: Genetic and Molecular Bases, Mechanisms and Strategies to Combat the Issue. BIOCHEMISTRY AND ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY 4(1): 1-2;e153. doi:10.4172/2161-1009.1000e153
  • B. Sharma, Shweta Singh and Nikhat J. Siddiqi (2014) Biomedical implications of heavy metals induced imbalances in redox systems. BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 640754, 26 pages. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/640754
  • Tabish Qidwai, Farrukh Jamal, Mohd Y. Khan and B. Sharma (2014) Exploring Drug Targets in Isoprenoid Biosynthetic Pathway for Plasmodium falciparum. BIOCHEMISTRY RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL Volume 2014, Article ID 657189, 12 pages; http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/657189
  • B. Sharma (2014). Imbalance in redox systems, HIV-1 pathogenesis and possible remedies. CURRENT HIV RESEARCH 12(6): http://dx.doi.org/10.2174/1570162X 12666140402100959 (IF 2.033)
  • B. Sharma (2014). HIV-1, Neuro-AIDS and Cognitive Impairments. JOURNAL OF NEUROINFECTIOUS DISEASES 5: e103. doi: 10.4172/2314-7326.1000e103
  • B. Sharma (2013). Phytochemicals may arrest HIV-1 progression.CLINICAL RESEARCH IN HIV AIDS & PREVENTION . 1(3): 30-35.
  • S.K.Maurya, M. Tewari , B. Sharma, HS Shukla (2013). Expression of procaspase 3 and activated caspase 3 and its relevance in hormone-responsive gallbladder carcinoma chemotherapy. KOREAN JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE. 28(5):573-578. (IF 0.41).
  • B. Sharma (2013). Exploring experimental animal model in HIV/AIDS research. BIOCHEMISTRY AND ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY. 2 (2):1-3.
  • P. K. Rai, A. K. Srivastava, B. Sharma, P. Dhar, A. K. Mishra and G. Watal (2013) Use of L aser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for the Detection of Glycemic Elements in Indian Medicinal Plants. EVIDENCE BASED COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE . Volume 2013, Article ID 406365, 9 pages, (IF 2.175).
  • A. Singh, Sunil K. Jaiswal and B. Sharma (2013) Low temperature stress causing biomolecular perturbations in insects with special reference to silkworms. JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY RESEARCH 1(3): 26-35.
  • B. Sharma (2013) Exploring experimental animal models in HIV/AIDS research. BIOCHEMISTRY AND ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY 2 (2):1-3.
  • R.K.Singh and B.Sharma (2013) Certain Traditional Indian Plants and Their Therapeutic Applications: A Review. VRI PHYTOMEDICINE 1(1): 1-11.
  • N. Beghum, B. Sharma, Ravi S. Pandey (2013) Calotropis procera and Annona squamosa: Potential alternatives to chemical pesticides. BRITISH JOURNAL OF APPLIED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 3(2):254-267.
  • A. Agrawal and B. Sharma (2012) Natural products and their antioxidant potential. NATURAL PRODUCTS (TSI Journals) 8 (2) 72-87.
  • B. Sharma (2012). Attributes of Host’s Genetic Factors in HIV-1 Pathogenesis. BIOCHEMISTRY AND ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY 1:4-7.
  • B. Sharma (2011) The antiHIV-1 drugs toxicity and management strategies. NEUROBEHAVIOURAL HIV MEDICINE 3: 1–14.
  • Amit Kumar, B. Sharma, Ravi S. Pandey (2010) Toxicological assessment of pyrethroid insecticides with special reference to cypermethrin and lamda-cyhalothrin in freshwater fishes: A review. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL RESEARCH (IJBMR) 1(4): 315-325.
  • A. Agrawal and B. Sharma (2010) Pesticides induced oxidative stress in mammalian systems: a review. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL RESEARCH (IJBMR) 1(3): 90 –104.
  • A. Agrawal, Ravi S Pandey, B. Sharma (2010) Water pollution with special reference to pesticides contamination in India. JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCE AND PROTECTION 2: 432-448. (IF 1.26).
  • A. Agrawal and B. Sharma (2009) Pesticides induced apoptosis and its bio-safety. J. ECOPHYSIOL.OCCUP. HLTH. 9(3&4): 225-235.
  • Recent Trends in Biotechnology, Vol. I (Eds. MP Singh, A Agrawal and B.Sharma) NOVA-Publishers, New York, USA, (Vol. I, 2011). Please visit the website: https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php? cPath=23_29&products_id=10885&osCsid=0b3ad2babca3010de9f3ba712202333c . ISBN NO. 978-1-60876-148-7.
  • Recent Trends in Biotechnology , Vol II (Eds. MP Singh, A Agrawal and B.Sharma, 2011) NOVA-Publishers, New York, USA, ISBN NO. 978-1-61122-185-5. https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=17867
  • Low Temperature Induced Stress & Biomolecular Imbalances in Silkworms (2013) B. Sharma and Anita Singh. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, OmniScriptum GmbH & Co. KG, Heinrich-Böcking-Str. 6-8, 66121, Saarbrücken, Germany. ISBN NO. 978-3-659-48296-0. 172 pages. (http://www.amazon.in/Temperature-Induced-Biomolecular-Imbalances-Silkworms/dp/365948296X)
  • Molecular Genetics of Chronic Pancreatitis: Implications in Diagnosis and Prognosis Shweta Singh and B. Sharma, 2014; NOVA-Publishers, New York, USA. (https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=51331)