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Prof. Ziqiang Meng, Ph.D.

Director and Professor




Shanxi University

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Prof. Ziqiang Meng, Professor of Shanxi University, China. Medical Doctor, Postgraduated from Tianjin Medical University in 1980 and major in Biochemistry. Studied and researched abroad in Oxford University (U.K.1989-1990), Homburg University (Germany,1991-1992), Medical Branch of Texas University (USA,1995,3-1995,10).

  • Toxicology and Physiology of Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
  • Epidemic Research of Dust Storms
  • Toxicology of Particulate Matters
  • Radiobiology
  • Meng Z. 2022. Cross research and prospect of environmental engineering and ecotoxicology. Emerging Science and Technology, 1:122-126
  • Meng Z. 2023. A brief history of environmental health science research and its discipline composition. Emerging Science and Technology, 2:258-279
  • Meng Z. 2024. Environmental Toxicology (fourth edition). Beijing: Higher Education Press.
  • Meng Z. 2023. Fundamentals of Ecotoxicology. Beijing: China Environmental Science Publishing House.
  • Meng Z. 2022. Study on Sulfur Dioxide Signal Molecules. Beijing: China Environmental Science Publishing House.
  • Meng Z. 2022. Sand-Dust Weather and Health. Beijing: China Environmental Science Publishing House.
  • Meng Z. 2022. History of Environmental Poison. Beijing: China Environmental Science Publishing House.
  • Meng Z. 2019. Ecotoxicology. Beijing: China Environmental Science Publishing House.
  • Meng Z, Wang R. 2018. Chapter 5. Production and Signaling Functions of Ammonia in Mammalian Cells. In: Gasotransmitters (ed. Wang R.). The Royal Society of Chemistry,U.K.