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Dr. Małgorzata Fopka-Kowalczyk, Ph.D.





Nicolaus Copernicus University

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Dr. Małgorzata Fopka-Kowalczyk – Lecturer at the Institute of Educational Sciences of NCU’s Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences. A psychologist, a pedagogue, a psycho-oncologist. In 2013 she received a distinction for the review and acceptance of her doctoral thesis on the feeling of loss experienced by hospice staff after patients’ death. She is a graduate of European Palliative Care Academy (EUPCA, 2015-2017), in years 2015-2018/2019 she was a member of the Special Pedagogy Team, functioning at Special Pedagogy Committee of Polish Academy of Science. A co-founder of Academy for Fighting Cancer in Toruń, where she supported oncologically ill patients and their families (2005-2011). For 14 years she was a counsellor at Światło Hospice in Toruń, has vast experience in working with the chronically ill and their families, the elderly and youth. While working in a hospice for a number of years she organized National Conferences of Hospice Psychologists, whose aim was to exchange experience and training to improve the competence of those participating in these conventions. She is also a co-author of the curriculum for teaching spirituality in medicine, implemented in the medical study program at NCU’s Collegium Medicum. Since 2018, she has been on the editorial board of Educational Research Review, a journal with 70 points according to the list of scored journals. Recent interests have focused on social competence, especially issues of compassion and caring as interpersonal skills.

  • Social Competence
  • Interpersonal Skills in Relation to People with Long-term Diseases and in Crisis
  • The Issue of Spiritual Support and Compassion for Others at Work
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