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Dr. Shukun Hu, Ph.D.





Affiliated Huashan Hospital, Fudan University

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  • Fenqi Fan, Tianze Yin, Biwu Wu, Jiajun Zheng, Jiaojiao Deng, Gang Wu, Shukun Hu, The role of spinal neurons targeted by corticospinal neurons in central poststroke neuropathic pain. CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics. 30(6):e14813.
  • Biwu Wu, Lei Yang, Caihua Xi, Haijun Yao, Long Chen, Fengqi Fan, Gang Wu, Zhouying Du, Jin Hu, Shukun Hu, Corticospinal-specific Shh overexpression in combination with rehabilitation promotes CST axonal sprouting and skilled motor functional recovery after ischemic stroke. Molecular Neurobiology, 61(4):2186-2196.
  • Shukun Hu; Liqian Xie; Yi Zhang, Surgical treatment of small recurrent gliomas based on MR imaging examination.MEDICAL ENGINEERING & PHYSICSIF. 126:104139.
  • Hu Shukun, Wang Xue, Peisu Suo, Li Yingmei, Chen Shifu, Zhang Yi, Comparison of mutation detection rate between cell pellet DNA and cell-free DNA from cerebrospinal fluid in patients with advanced lung cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 41, 16suppl, e21014.
  • Shukun Hu, Gang Wu, Biwu Wu, Zhouying Du, Yi Zhang, Rehabilitative training paired with peripheral stimulation promotes motor recovery after ischemic cerebral stroke. Experimental Neurology, (349): 113960.
  • Shukun Hu; Jiajun Zheng; Zhouying Du; Gang Wu, Knock down of lncRNA H19 promotes axon sprouting and functional recovery after cerebral ischemic stroke, Brain Research, 1732: 146681.
  • Shukun Hu; Gang Wu; Jiajun Zheng; Xunwei Liu; Yi Zhang; Astrocytic thrombin-evoked VEGF release is dependent on p44/42 MAPKs and PAR1, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 509: 585-589.
  • Shukun Hu; Gang Wu; Xin Ding; Yi Zhang; Thrombin preferentially induces autophagy in glia cells in the rat central nervous system, Neuroscience Letter, 630: 53-56.
  • Shukun Hu; Guohua Xi; Hang Jin; Yangdong He; Richard F. Keep; Ya Hua; Thrombin-induced autophagy:a potential role in intracerebral hemorrhage, Brain Research,1424:60-66.
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