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Dr. Andrey Nikolaevych Belousov, Ph.D.



Kharkiv National Medical University



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Prof. Andrey Nikolaevych Belousov graduate from Kharkiv Medical Institute in 1988. Doctor of Medicine degree on speciality - Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care since 2004. The title dissertation: “Extracorporal hemocorrection using magnet-controlled sorbent in intensive therapy of intoxication syndromes in patients with hepatopancreatoduodenales diseases”. Author a new medecine products – nanotechnology preparations based on magnetite nanoparticles (Fe3O4) of the size 6-12 nm (www.nanolab.com.ua): the peroral form - Micromage-B (the biologically active additive officially registration in Ukraine); Magnet-controlled sorbent brand of MCS-B for extracorporal detoxication of biological liquids (officially registration in Ukraine and was allowed for medical practice); NanoBiocorrector for intravenous application – ICNB (intracorporal nanosorbent). Andrey Belousov is author new method of extracorporal hemocorrection using magnet-controlled sorbent (MCS-B). Author a new program (PHUAS) for estimation degree the severity of the patient. The published more 300 scientific works. He has got 8 patents for the invention. Author of the scientific film which focuses on the elaboration of artificial liver device and the development of a new direction in medicine – Nanotechnology. Andrey Belousov was awarded Medical Diploma of Europe “An Honorary Scholar Europe” and R. Koch medal for the scientific achievements, development of a new direction in medicine and elaboration of new method of treatment by means preparations of nanotechnology in 2008. At now Andrey Belousov - the Head of Laboratory Applied Nanotechnologies, DM, Professor of Department Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Paediatric Anaesthesiology of Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine.

  • Nanomedicine
  • Intensive Care
  • Extracorporal Hemocorrection
  • Transfusiology
  • Glycolysis process activation in preserved red blood cells by nanotechnological treatment of resuspending solutions. Belousov, AN; Malygon, EI; (...); Anoshyna, MY. 2023. REGULATORY MECHANISMS IN BIOSYSTEMS 14 (1) , pp.10-15.
  • The Use of the URAN Supercomputer and Open MP Technology for Calculating Controllability Sets of Dynamic Systems. Belousov, AN; Matviychuk, AR; (...); Grigoriev, AM. 7th International Young Researchers Conference on Physics, Technologies and Innovation (PTI). 2020. VII INTERNATIONAL YOUNG RESEARCHERS' CONFERENCE - PHYSICS, TECHNOLOGY, INNOVATIONS (PTI-2020) 2313.
  • Experimental research of the application of modern combinatorial optimization solvers to the accompanying manufacturing optimization problem. Belousov, AN and Ivanko, EE. 2019. VESTNIK UDMURTSKOGO UNIVERSITETA-MATEMATIKA MEKHANIKA KOMPYUTERNYE NAUKI 29 (4) , pp.599-611.
  • About Implementation of Cloud Computing for Reachable Sets Calculation for Control Systems. Belousov, AN; Matviychuk, AR; (...); Grigoriev, AM. 6th International Young Researchers' Conference - Physics, Technologies and Innovation (PTI). 2019. PHYSICS, TECHNOLOGIES AND INNOVATION (PTI-2019) 2174.
  • Using Cloud Computing for Reachable Sets Calculation for Control Systems. Matviychuk, AR; Zimovets, AA; (...); Grigoriev, AM. 10th International Conference on Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences (AMiTaNS). 2018. APPLICATION OF MATHEMATICS IN TECHNICAL AND NATURAL SCIENCES (AMITANS'18) 2025.
  • Ultrastructure of hepatic cells in rabbits after injection of nanoparticles MCS-B. Belousov, AN NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Expo (Nanotech 2012). 2012. NANOTECHNOLOGY 2012, VOL 3: BIO SENSORS, INSTRUMENTS, MEDICAL, ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY, pp.258-260.
  • The Use Of Magnetite Nanoparticles In Applied Medicine. Belousov, AN. International Conference on Frontier of Nanoscience and Technology (ICFNST 2011). 2011. FRONTIER OF NANOSCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 694, pp.205-208.
  • The influence of magnetite nanoparticles (M CS-B) on the hemolysis of erythrocytes. Belousov, AN. NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Expo. 2011. NANOTECHNOLOGY 2011: BIO SENSORS, INSTRUMENTS, MEDICAL, ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY, NSTI-NANOTECH 2011, VOL 3, pp.486-488.
  • Spectrum of application magnetite nanopaticles in medicine. Belousov, AN. Nanotech 2009 Conference. 2009. NANOTECH CONFERENCE & EXPO 2009, VOL 2, TECHNICAL PROCEEDINGS, pp.154-157.
  • Anodic voltammetry of 1,3,5-diazaphosphorinanes. Zagumennov, VA; Belousov, AN; (...); Nikitin, EV. Mar 1998. RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMISTRY 34 (3), pp.313-314.
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