Aims and Scope


WebLog Journal of Aquaculture is an open access, multidisciplinary, double-blind, meticulously peer-reviewed online journal. WebLog Journal of Aquaculture's mission is to publish and make accessible the best worldwide scientific works related to aquaculture. Disciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary aquaculture research pertaining to aquaculture science is published in the journal. A journal that aims to provide information on the farming of aquatic species as well as the growing, harvesting, and rearing of fish for commercial use by utilizing research on aquaculture harvesting. One of the most important things to carry out is farm, cultivate, and preserve aquatic life in order to strike a balance between the daily population growth and vital necessities.

Research and education on these aspects aid in the management and preservation of aquatic resources. In order to expand the limits of aquatic sciences, industry-driven applied research helps to comprehend the principles of aquaculture. Scientists, zoologists, and researchers are working very hard to develop new methods that will increase production rate while lowering costs. This Journal will take the lead in highlighting this study. The most recent and accurate information about aquaculture—the culture of fish, crustaceans, mollusks, aquatic plants, algae, and other aquatic organisms—is published by WebLog Journal of Aquaculture.

Article types that can be accepted in WebLog Journal of Aquaculture include Case Blogs, Case Reports, Case Series, Clinical Images, Editorials, Letters to the Editor, Short Communications, Rapid Communications, Commentaries, Perspectives, Opinions, Mini Reviews, Systematic Reviews, Review articles, and Research Articles.

The Journal's Editorial Board is made up of a committed group of international experts on aquaculture. The journal's progress is actively directed and overseen by each Board editor. The goal of the peer-review procedure is to disseminate accurate and useful scientific knowledge. A team of experts in the relevant subjects evaluates the quality and substance of the papers submitted for publication.


WebLog Journal of Aquaculture widely accepts manuscripts in the following areas, but is not limited to:

Fishery Aquaculture Fishing industry Alga culture and Seaweed Farming Aquaculture Systems Aquatic Biology Aquatic Ecology Aquatic Environment and Pollutants Aquatic Microbiology Aquatic Physiology Aquatic Plants Behavioral Biology of Marine Organisms Coastal Geography Conservation of Aquatic Source Coral Reefs Deep Sea Organisms Evolution of Marine Organisms Fish Diseases and Health Fish Farming Fish Larvae Fisheries Resources and Management Fisheries Science Fishery Science Fishmeal and Fish oils Genetics of Aquatic Organisms Recirculating Aquaculture Systems Seafood Processing and Quality Control Seafood Safety Systems Technology developments of Marine Organisms Underwater Management Waste Water Treatment Aquaculture Sciences Alligator Farm Aquatic Food Resources Both Floristic and Faunistic Mariculture Fishery in Terms of Ecosystem Health Fisheries Acoustics Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Agricultural Genomics Agricultural Management Agronomy Animal Science Physiology and Morphology Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation Bioengineering Studies Biological Oceanography Biodiversity Biology of Cultured Fish Botany Copper Alloys in Aquaculture Crop Science Chemical Oceanography Crustaceans Molluscs and Plants Dairy Science Disease and Management Ecology Entomology Eco-hydrology Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science Exploration Improvement and Management Fisheries Fisheries and Environmental Sciences Food Science and Technology Freshwater Prawn Farming Forest Science Freshwater Science Fisheries and Ecosystem Topics Fisheries for Progressive Development Fluctuations in Water Wuality within Farms Freshwater Brackish and Marine Environments Fish Hatchery Geological Marine Geology Geological Oceanography Geology Groundwater Horticulture Husbandry Science Habitat as a Resource in Space and Time Historical Data and Ecological Baselines Health Issues of Aquatic Organisms Hydrodynamics and Hydrometeorology Hydrogeology Hydrometeorology Irrigation Infiltration Industrial Aquaculture Integrating Measurement and Modeling Limnology Marine and Freshwater Organisms Management of Marine Birds Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems Marine and Petroleum Geology Marine Biodiversity Marine Biology Marine Biotechnology Marine Chemistry Marine Drugs Marine Ecology Marine Economics Marine Environmental Research Marine Genetics Marine Genomics Marine Geology Marine Geophysical Researches Marine Mammal Science Marine Micropaleontology Marine Models Marine Physiology Marine Policy Marine Pollution Micro Flora of Marine Bodies Micro Flora of Aquatic Organisms Marine Structures Marine Systems Marine Toxicology Mathematical and Stochastic Analysis Modeling Fluid Flow Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology Multiphase Transport Phenomena Nutrition Feeding and Stocking Practices Oceanography Pesticide Science Plant Production Post Harvest Biology and Technology Poultry Science Physical Oceanography Population and Ecosystem Precipitation and Evaporation Remote Sensing Seed Science Research Soil Science Stored Products Research Scientific and Engineering Technologies Single- and Multispecies Assessment and Management Sociological and Societal Impacts of Aquaculture Soil Moisture Statistical Hydrology Surface and Subsurface Hydrology Surface Hydrology Surface Water Flow Sustainable Production Techniques Tree Fruit Production The Ecological Impacts of Fishing The Water Quality of Supply Systems Transport, Water and Soil Engineering Uncertainty Analyses Water Resources Management Weed Biology Wood and Paper Engineering Water Economics Water Education Water Quality Watershed Planning and Management