Open Access Journals

Aims and Scope


WebLog Journal of Computer Science and Technology is an open access, multidisciplinary, double-blind, meticulously peer-reviewed online journal. WebLog Journal of Computer Science and Technology publishes papers that have novel implications in specific fields of computer science and engineering. WebLog Journal of Computer Science and Technology was designed for programmers, software and hardware manufacturers, and experts and researchers in all areas of computer science, computational mathematics, computer engineering, and scientific computing. In addition, the journal hopes to publish fresh projects as special issues focused on emerging fields in computer science and engineering. WebLog Journal of Computer Science and Technology publishes novel concepts, cutting edge research findings, and important advancements in every field of computer science and engineering.

The WebLog Journal of Computer Science and Technology covers a wide range of topics, from curriculum reform to the implications of recent discoveries in fields such as computer science theory, Database and information retrieval, Artificial intelligence, Computer architecture and engineering, Computer graphics and visualization, Computer security and cryptography, Computational science, Health Informatics, Information science, Software engineering, Security and Cryptology, and Theoretical computer science, Algorithms and data structures, Programming language theory, Formal methods, Concurrent, Parallel, and Distributed Systems Computational complexity, High performance computing, Distributed and grid computing, Information security, Pattern recognition and image processing, Artificial intelligence, Dependable computing, Human-computer interaction, and theoretical computer science are some of the topics covered.

Article types that can be accepted in WebLog Journal of Computer Science and Technology include Case Blogs, Case Reports, Case Series, Clinical Images, Editorials, Letters to the Editor, Short Communications, Rapid Communications, Commentaries, Perspectives, Opinions, Mini Reviews, Systematic Reviews, Review articles, and Research Articles.

A dedicated collection of worldwide experts in the fields of computer science and technology compose the Editorial Board of the Journal. Each Board editor actively directs and supervises the journal's development. The dissemination of accurate and practical scientific knowledge is the aim of the peer-review process. The caliber and content of the papers submitted for publication are assessed by a panel of experts in the relevant fields.


WebLog Journal of Computer Science and Technology widely accepts manuscripts in the following areas, but is not limited to:

Algorithms and Bioinformatics Computer Architecture and Real time Systems Database and Data Mining Dependable Reliable and Autonomic Computing Distributed and Parallel Systems and Algorithms Embedded System and Software Game and Software Engineering Geographical Information Systems/ Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GIS/GNSS) Grid and Scalable Computing Intelligent Information and Database Systems IT Policy and Business Management Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing Modeling and Simulation Multimedia Systems and Services Networking and Communications Parallel and Distributed Systems Security and Information Assurance Soft Computing (AI, Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, etc.) Software Engineering Web and Internet Computing Artificial Intelligence Computation and Language Computational Complexity Computational Engineering Finance and Science Computational Geometry Computer Science and Game Theory Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Computers and Society Cryptography and Security Data Structures and Algorithms Databases Digital Libraries Discrete Mathematics Distributed Parallel and Cluster Computing Formal Languages and Automata Theory General Literature Graphics Human-Computer Interaction Information Retrieval Information Theory Learning Logic in Computer Science Mathematical Software Multiagent Systems Multimedia Networking and Internet Architecture Neural and Evolutionary Computing Numerical Analysis Operating Systems Performance Programming Languages Robotics Sound Symbolic Computation Digital Signal Processing Wireless Security System DS/Firewall Anti-Spam Mail Anti-virus Issues VLSI Technology Process Control and Instrumentation Mobile Computing for e-Commerce Data Base Management Systems (DBMS) Information Retrieval Mobile Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing E-Business Applications Security and Cryptography Quality of Services and Communication Protocol Authentication/Authorization Issues