WebLog Journal of Plastic Surgery
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About WebLog Journal of Plastic Surgery

WebLog Journal of Plastic Surgery is an open access, multidisciplinary, double-blind, meticulously peer-reviewed online journal. Users to WebLog Journal of Plastic Surgery receive the most recent information on all aspects of plastic and reconstructive surgery, including breast reconstruction, maxillofacial reconstruction, hand and microsurgery, burn repair, cosmetic surgery, and experimental studies, along with news on medicolegal matters. More information about innovative therapies and techniques is included in the cosmetic section, which has more content dedicated to cosmetics than any other journal.

The purpose of WebLog Journal of Plastic Surgery is to update readers on significant developments in every field pertaining to cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. Important papers on any topic related to plastic surgery, including original clinical or laboratory research, operative techniques, thorough reviews, and cosmetic surgery, are invited for publication. Additionally, letters, case reports, announcements of conferences, seminars, and educational courses, as well as a variety of concepts and innovations, are accepted.

A committed group of international professionals in plastic surgery comprise the Editorial Board of the Journal. Every editor on the board actively oversees and guides the journal's advancement. The goal of the peer-review procedure is to disseminate accurate and useful scientific knowledge. A group of expert reviewers evaluates the quality and substance of the papers that are submitted for publication.

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