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Dr. Tingzhong Yang

Professor and Director


Hangzhou 310058


Zhejiang University and Research Center

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Tingzhong Yang, Prof and Director, Research Center for Tobacco Control, Zhejiang University and Research center for digital health theory and management, ZJU National Health Big Data Institute. He is an academician of Russian Academy of Social and Fundamental Sciences (77-DVM,024010049). He was an advisor for the World Health Organization in delivering policy and program on tobacco control to health professions students, and served as an expert in updating CRDs section in the WHO Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of NCDs 2013-2020. He also was an external faculty affiliate of Injury Control Research, West Virginal University, U.S. Dr. Yang s primary academic focus is social and behavior science in public health, and research interests are in tobacco control and mental stress. The Series of projects of “tobacco control advocacy capacity” covered all provinces in China, including more than 71 cities. In recent years he published more than 110 international papers(ORCID iD:0000-0001-8234-0938). Dr. Yang s research on tobacco control was officially reported by the World Health Organization, had been selected as one of the Research Highlights of the University at the celebration of the 120th anniversary of Zhejiang University, and was introduced under the title of "Using Cultural Understanding to Stub out Killer Habit" in Nature journal.

Dr. Yang's research also involves social and behavioral theory in public health to develop China's social and cultural models and best practices. He has proposed several theories. He proposed several theories, such as the Theory of Effective and Reasoned Action, Perceived Belief-Subjective Norm Theory, and Chinse concept (Changdao Cudong) and culture modes of advocacy theory. He established the theoretical system of digital health behavior, proposed Digital Virtual Behavior Theory, Digital Stool Use Behavior Theory, and others. He has published several books, including "Health Behavior Theory and Research" and "Health Research: Social and Behavioral Theory and Methods." He has also edited books such as "Smoking Environments in China, Challenges for Tobacco Control" and "Mental Stress and Behaviour Problems Among Special Groups: Social Resources, Influences on Health, and Reducing Health Inequities".

In addition, Dr. Yang has also studied mental stress, exploring the social mechanisms of mental stress among Chinese people. He proposed a social theory for stress and the concept of situational uncertainty stress, and developed the Chinese Perceived Stress Scale (CPSS) and the uncertainty stress questionnaire, and has also created a cultural stress management model, which has been widely used in China, particularly in the study of COVID-19.

He was the Asian Editor for the American Journal of Health behavior, and Currently is editor of the Global Journal of Social Sciences Studies.

  • Social and Behavior Science
  • Tobacco Control
  • Mental Stress
  • Yang T, Abdullah AS, Rockett IR,Li M, Zhou Y, Ma J, Zheng Z, Zhang Y, Wang L. Assessment of Tobacco Control Advocacy Behavioral Capacity among Students at Schools of Public Health in China. Tobacco Control, 2011; 20:20-25.
  • Yang T, Shiffman S, Rockett IR,Cui X, Cao R. Nicotine dependence among Chinese city dwellers: a population-based cross-sectional study. Nicotine Tob Res, 2011; 13(17):556-564.
  • Yang T, Xu X, Rockett IR,Guo W, Zhou H. Effects of household, workplace, and public place smoking restrictions on smoking cessation. Health & Place, 2011;17:956-960.
  • Yang T, Rockett IRH, Li M, Xu X, Gu Y. Tobacco advertising, environmental smoking bans, and smoking in Chinese urban areas. Drug and Alcohol dependence, 2012;124:121-127.
  • Yang X, Kelly BC,Yang T*. The influence of self-exempting beliefs and social networks on daily smoking: A mediation relationship explored. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 2014, 28(3):921-927.
  • Yang T, Barnett R, Rockett IR, Yang XY, Wu D, Zheng W & Li L. The impact of regional economic reliance on the tobacco industry on current smoking in China. Health & place,2015; 33, 159-171.
  • Yang T, Yu L, Bottorff J L, Wu D, Jiang S, Peng S Young K J. Global Health Professions Student Survey (GHPSS) in Tobacco Control in China. American journal of health behavior, 2015; 39(5): 732-741.
  • Yang X Y, Kell BC, & Yang T*. Together we have fun: native?place networks and sexual risk behaviours among Chinese male rural?urban migrants. 2015; Sociology of Health & Illness.
  • Yang T, Barnett R, Jiang S, Yu L, Xian H, Ying J Zheng, W. Gender balance and its impact on male and female smoking rates in Chinese cities. 2016; Social Science & Medicine.
  • Yang T, Barnett R, Peng S, et al. Individual and regional factors affecting stress and problem alcohol use: a representative nationwide study of China. Health & place, 2018, 51: 19-27.
  • Yang X Y, Yang T*. Nativity homogeneity in social networks and prostitution patronage among male migrant laborers. AIDS and Behavior, 2019, 23(5): 1339-1351.
  • Jiang S, Yang T*, Bullen C, et al. Real-world unassisted quit success and related contextual factors: a population-based study of Chinese male smokers. Tobacco Control, 2020.
  • Yang X Y, Kelly B, Yang T*. Peer Association and Routine Activities in Sex Worker Patronage among Male Migrant Workers. Deviant Behavior, 2020: 1-18.
  • Peng S, Yang X Y, Yang T*, et al. Uncertainty stress, and its impact on disease fear and prevention behavior during the COVID-19 epidemic in China: A panel study. American Journal of Health Behavior, 2021, 45(2): 334-341.
  • Yang T, Peng S, Wu D, et al. Association of smoking with poor health-related quality of life among health-profession students in China: A 31-university multilevel, multivariable analysis[J]. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 2022, 20(November): 1-12.
  • Yang T., Zhang W, Peng S.Constructing and Testing for Validation of Social Theory for Stress. Journal of Zhejiang University (Humanities and Social Sciences), 2022,52(10):61-68.
  • Hoe C, Cohen J E, Yang T*, et al. Association of cigarette production and tobacco retailer density on secondhand smoke exposure in urban China. Tobacco control, 2022, 31(e2): e118-e125.
  • Cui Y, Peng S, Czaplicki L, Yang T*. Protecting minors from tobacco products: public interest litigation enables enforcement in China. Tobacco control, 2022.
  • Pei T, Yang T*. Changing Behaviour: Blindness to Risk and a Critique of Tobacco Control Policy in China?A Qualitative Study. Children, 2022, 9(9): 1412.
  • Yang T. Research on Constructing of Cross-level Theory Between Individual Behavior Cognition and Social Influence. Social Science Research Frontiers, 2023, 2(1): 33.
  • Peng S, Yang T*, Zhang W, et al. Contextual influences on deliberate self-harm among Chinese university undergraduates: A representative nationwide study. Journal of affective disorders, 2023, 335: 371-376.
  • Peng S, Yang T*, Zhang W, et al. Temporal changes in mental response and prevention patterns, and their impact from uncertainty stress during the transition in China from the COVID-19 epidemic to sporadic infection. Heliyon, 2023, 9(8).
  • Yang T, Wu D. Behavioral and Mental Health Problems in Children. Children. 2023; 10(11):1820.
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