WebLog Journal of Medical Sciences
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About WebLog Journal of Medical Sciences

WebLog Journal of Medical Sciences is an open access, multidisciplinary, double-blind, meticulously peer-reviewed online journal. The journal's goals are to increase research communications and give medical professionals—doctor, researcher, physician, and other—a place to find the most recent developments in all branches of medicine. By expanding access to peer-reviewed scientific literary works, WebLog Journal of Medical Sciences firmly promotes the scientific fortification and advancement in the relevant scientific research community. By combining widely peer-reviewed journals under one roof, WebLog Journal of Medical Sciences enables reciprocal advancement of multidisciplinary science and knowledge sharing.

WebLog Journal of Medical Sciences is an international publication with readers and authors from all over the world. Original articles, reviews, guidelines, position papers, editorials, commentary, letters to the editor, and communication are all published by WebLog Journal of Medical Sciences. Articles are only accepted based on their quality and scientific significance.

The Journal's Editorial Board is made up of a dedicated team of global specialists in medical sciences. Every board editor actively supervises and directs the journal's development. The dissemination of accurate and practical scientific knowledge is the aim of the peer-review process. The caliber and content of the papers submitted for publication are assessed by a panel of experts in the relevant fields.

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