WebLog Journal of Cerebrovascular Disease and Stroke

- Pubmed NLM Abbr: WebLog J Cerebrovasc Dis Stroke
- Website: www.weblogoa.com/journals/weblog-journal-of-cerebrovascular-disease-and-stroke
- Category: Clinical and Medical
- Issue Regularity: Annual
- Review Process type: Double Blind
- Plagiarism checker: iThenticate
- Language: English
- Ability to collect research papers: Worldwide
Indexing In:
- Organized by: WebLog Open Access Publications
About WebLog Journal of Cerebrovascular Disease and Stroke
WebLog Journal of Cerebrovascular Disease and Stroke is an open access, multidisciplinary, double-blind, meticulously peer-reviewed online journal. WebLog Journal of Cerebrovascular Disease and Stroke that advances stroke research and presents innovative studies. The fundamental, translational, and clinical aspects of stroke and cerebrovascular illness are the main topics of this open access publication. On this crucial platform that our publication provides researchers, doctors, and other healthcare professionals can share their most recent discoveries, insights, and advancements in the field.
Our goal is to make it easier for top-notch, cutting-edge research to be shared, which will help with stroke and cerebrovascular disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation. Our goal is to create a worldwide network of professionals who work together to improve patient outcomes and treatment by using interdisciplinary approaches.
Article types that can be accepted in WebLog Journal of Cerebrovascular Disease and Stroke include Case Blogs, Case Reports, Case Series, Clinical Images, Editorials, Letters to the Editor, Short Communications, Rapid Communications, Commentaries, Perspectives, Opinions, Mini Reviews, Systematic Reviews, Review articles, and Research Articles.
The Editorial Board of the Journal is composed of a committed group of international experts in cerebrovascular disease and stroke. Every board editor oversees and actively manages the journal's progress. The goal of the peer-review procedure is to disseminate accurate and useful scientific knowledge. A panel of subject-matter specialists evaluates the quality and substance of the papers submitted for publication.
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