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Dr. Mehdi Mahdavi

Assistant Professor



Islamic Republic of Iran

Motamed Cancer Institute

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  • Cancer vaccine development and cancer immunotherapy.
  • Immunomodulation in cancer and vaccine.
  • Viral Vaccine development and optimization.
  • Novel adjuvants development.
  • Improvement of approved adjuvants.
  • Bacterial vaccine development and optimization.
  • Vaccine development for non-responder population.
  • Vaccine development for low-responder population.
  • Novel formulations of vaccines based on nanochelating technology.
  • Improvement of Influenza vaccine potency through targeting cell physiology for elderly.
  • SARS-CoV-2 vaccine development by inactivated viral particles.
  • Nano drugs for cancer immunotherapy.
  • Rejuvenation strategy to increase vaccine efficacy in the elderly.
  • Targeted immunization strategy to increase vaccine potency.
  • Vaccine preclinical assessment.
  • Targeting dendritic cell in order to increase vaccine potency.
  • Recombinant vaccine technology.
  • Universal vaccine development.
  • Increasing vaccine efficacy for neonates.
  • Glucomannan as a polysaccharide adjuvant improved immune responses against Staphylococcus aureus: Potency and efficacy studies. Dehnavi M, Haghighat S, Yazdi MH, Mahdavi M. Microb Pathog. 2023 Mar;176:106007.
  • Different formulations of inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidates in human compatible adjuvants: Potency studies in mice showed different platforms of immune responses. Melika Haghighi, Akbar Khorasani, Pegah Karimi, Rouhollah Keshavarz, Mehdi Mahdavi. Viral Immunol. October, 2022, Accepted. (Corresponding author).
  • Adjuvant Effects of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Flagellin on the Immunological Patterns of the HIV-1 Vaccine Candidate: Vaccine Formulations Versus Different Routes of Immunization. Rezaei A, Shahabi G, Faezi S, Shafiee Ardestani M, Shirzad H, Azadmanesh K, Mirzajani E, Shajiei A, Mahdavi M. Viral Immunol. 2022 Mar;35(2):150-158. (Corresponding author).
  • Mirzaee M, Haghighat S, Golkaran B, Asgarhalvaei F, Mirzaee R, Taghizadeh M, Savoji MA, Esfandiari B, Mahdavi M. Montanide ISA-720 and Naloxone in HBsAg Vaccine Formulation: Cytokine Profiling and Monitoring of Long-Lasting Humoral Immune Responses. Biomed Environ Sci. 2022 Sep 20;35(9):792-803. doi: 10.3967/bes2022.104. PMID: 36189994. (Corresponding author).
  • PPD in HBsAg vaccine formulation suppressed IL-4 cytokine responses and induced long-lived humoral immune responses: Results from 220 days monitoring of specific IgG responses. Rayhaneh Mirzaee, Fahimeh Nemati, Mina Mirzaee, Bahareh Golkaran, Akbar Khorasani, Niloufar Rashedi, Fatemeh Asgarhalvaei, Mohammad Ali Savoji and Mehdi Mahdavi. Iran J Basic Med Sci. October, 2022, Accepted. (Corresponding author).
  • Gholizadeh A, Shapoury R, Pakzad P, Mahdavi M, Danafar H. Evaluation of PLGA nanoparticles containing outer membrane proteins of Acinetobacter baumannii bacterium in stimulating the immune system in mice. Res Pharm Sci. 2022 Jul 14;17(4):360-371. doi: 10.4103/1735-5362.350237.
  • Ramak Ajideh, Mohammad Reza Pourmand, Mohammad Ali Faramarzi, Zargham Sepehrizadeh, Gholamreza Pourmand, Seyed Mehdi Hassanzadeh, Mehdi Mahdavi, Ahmad RezaShahverdi, Mohammad HosseinYazdi. Potentiation of the therapeutic effect of intravesical BCG through synthetic and biogenic selenium nanoparticles in a nitrosamine-induced bladder cancer mouse model. Advances in Cancer Biology – Metastasis. Volume 6, December 2022.
  • Haghighat S, Siadat SD, Akhavan Sepahi A, Mahdavi M. Recombinant PBP2a/autolysin conjugate as PLGA-based nanovaccine induced humoral responses with opsonophagocytosis activity, and protection versus methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection. Iran J Basic Med Sci. 2022 Apr;25(4):442-450. doi: 10.22038/IJBMS.2022.59992.13303.
  • Haghighi M, Khorasani A, Karimi P, Mahdavi M. Improvement of the inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine potency through formulation in alum/naloxone adjuvant; Robust T cell and anti-RBD IgG responses. Iran J Basic Med Sci. 2022 May;25(5):554-561. doi: 10.22038/IJBMS.2022.63527.14015. PMID: 35911642; PMCID: PMC9282741. (Corresponding author).
  • Immunogenic Evaluation of MPEG-PCL & PLGA Nanoparticles Containing Klebsiella pneumoniae K2O1 Capsular Antigen in Pulmonary Infection Model of Mice.Ghaderinia P, Shapouri R, Rostamizadeh K, Khodavandi A, Mahdavi M. IEEE Trans Nanobioscience. 2022 Aug 1;PP. doi: 10.1109/TNB.2022.3195483. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35914048.
  • Immunomodulatory Effects of α-Tocopherol on the H1N1 Influenza Vaccine: Improving the Potency and Efficacy of the Influenza Vaccine in Aged Mice. Eshraghi Y, Vahdani Y, Karimi P, Abdollahpour-Alitappeh M, Abdoli A, Taghizadeh M, Mahdavi M. Viral Immunol. 2022 Apr;35(3):244-253. (Corresponding author).
  • Recombinant PBP2a/autolysin conjugate as PLGA-based nanovaccine induced humoral responses with opsonophagocytosis activity, and protection versus methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection. Haghighat S, Siadat SD, Akhavan Sepahi A, Mahdavi M. Iran J Basic Med Sci. 2022 Apr;25(4):442-450.
  • The Candidate Antigens to Achieving an Effective Vaccine against Staphylococcus aureus. Jahantigh HR, Faezi S, Habibi M, Mahdavi M, Stufano A, Lovreglio P, Ahmadi K. Vaccines (Basel). 2022 Jan 27;10(2):199.
  • Recombinant hemagglutinin of swine H1N1 influenza virus expression in the insect cells: Formulation in Montanide ISA71 adjuvant and the potency studies. Zahmati S, Taghizadeh M, Haghighat S, Jalalirad R, Mahdavi M. Iran J Basic Med Sci. 2021 Nov;24(11):1546-1553. (Corresponding author).
  • Comparative study of the immune responses to the HMS-based fusion protein and capsule-based conjugated molecules as vaccine candidates in a mouse model of Staphylococcus aureus systemic infection. Ahmadi K, Hasaniazad M, Kalani M, Faezi S, Ahmadi N, Enayatkhani M, Mahdavi M, Pouladfar G. Microb Pathog. 2020 Nov 27;150:104656.
  • Improvement of hepatitis B vaccine to induce IFN-γ cytokine response: A new formulation. Rahimkhani A, Haghighat S, Noorbazargan H, Mahdavi M. Microb Pathog. 2021 Sep 9;160:105184. (Corresponding author).
  • Fast antibody responses by immuno-targeting and nanotechnology strategies versus HBsAg vaccine. Rezaei M, Hosseini SN, Khavari-Nejad RA, Najafi F, Mahdavi M. Iran J Basic Med Sci. 2021 Apr;24(4):545-550.
  • Molecular cloning and immunogenicity evaluation of IsdE protein of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus as vaccine candidates. Vahdani Y, Faraji N, Haghighat S, Yazdi MH, Mahdavi M. Microb Pathog. 2021 Aug;157:104953.
  • Formulation of HBsAg in Montanide ISA 51VG adjuvant: Immunogenicity study and monitoring long-lived humoral immune responses. Savoji MA, Sereshgi MMA, Ghahari SMM, Asgarhalvaei F, Mahdavi M. Int Immunopharmacol. 2021 Jul;96:107599. (Corresponding author).
  • Comparison of Cytokine Expression in Human PBMCs Stimulated with Normal and Heat-Shocked Lactobacillus plantarum Cell Lysate. Sanaei M, Mahdavi M, Setayesh N, Shahverdi AR, Sepehrizadeh Z, Yazdi MH. Probiotics Antimicrob Proteins. 2021 Apr 11. doi: 10.1007/s12602-021-09785-5.
  • Formulation of a recombinant HIV-1 polytope candidate vaccine with naloxone/alum mixture: induction of multi-cytokine responses with a higher regulatory mechanism. Fathi M, Nezamzadeh R, Abdollahpour-Alitappeh M, Yazdi MH, Khoramabadi N, Mahdavi M. APMIS. 2021 Aug;129(8):480-488. doi: 10.1111/apm.13122. (Corresponding author).
  • Preparation and pre-clinical evaluation of two novel Staphylococcus aureus capsular polysaccharide 5 and 8-fusion protein (Hla-MntC-SACOL0723) immunoconjugates. Khadijeh Ahmadi, Mohammad Mehdi Aslani, Gholamreza Pouladfar, Mehdi Kalani, Mohammad Reza Pourmand, Sara Hasanzadeh, Ladan Mafakher, Mehdi Mahdavi. IUBMB Life. 2020 Feb;72(2):226-236. (Corresponding author).
  • Immunopotentiation of the engineered low-molecular-weight pilin targeting Pseudomonas aeruginosa: A combination of immunoinformatics investigation and active immunization. Ahmadbeigi Y, Chirani AS, Soleimani N, Mahdavi M, Goudarzi M. Mol Immunol. 2020 Aug;124:70-82.
  • Evaluating the Immune Response of Recombinant H1N1 Hemagglutinin with MF59 Adjuvant in Animal Model as a Novel Alternative to the Influenza Vaccine. Niloufar Rashedi, Morteza Taghizadeh, Parisa Mohamadynejad, Mehdi Mahdavi, and Reza Jalalirad. Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol. October 2020; 19(5):497-508.
  • Bifidobacterium bifidum does not show cell toxicity on leukemic cells of AML patients but induced cell death on K562 cell line. Nazanin Ghadimi, Mehdi Mahdavi, Mohammad Mehdi Soltan Dallal. Journal of Medical Bacteriology. Vol. 9, No. 1, 2 (2020): pp. 16-24.
  • Secreted Chemicals From Probiotic Bacteria Potentiate Th1 Pattern of Immune Cells and Apoptosis Induction in Breast Cancer and Gastric Adenocarcinoma Cell Lines . Fereshteh Kamkar; Setareh Haghighat; Mehdi Mahdavi. Immunoregulation. 2020; 3(1):37-50 (Corresponding author).
  • The Probiotic Bacteria Induce Apoptosis in Breast and Colon Cancer Cells: An Immunostimulatory Effect . Zahra Khosrovan; Setareh Haghighat; Mehdi Mahdavi. Immunoregulation. 2020; 3(1):37-50 (Corresponding author).
  • Immune responses to HIV-1 polytope vaccine candidate formulated in aqueous and alcoholic extracts of Propolis: Comparable immune responses to Alum and Freund adjuvants. Mojarab S, Shahbazzadeh D, Moghbeli M, Eshraghi Y, Bagheri KP, Rahimi R, Savoji MA, Mahdavi M. Microb Pathog. 2020 Dec 16;140:103932. doi: 10.1016/j.micpath.2020. (Corresponding author).
  • Construction and development of FimH lectin domain for rising immune response after injection by uropathogenic E. coli. Zandi M, Fallah Mehrabadi, Mahdavi, M, Irani, S. Human Antibodies, 2020, Pre-press, no. pp. 1-10.
  • The Toxicity of Synthetic and Biogenic Selenium Nanoparticles on Human Brain Glioblastoma Cell Line: An in vitro Comparison. Shideh Khangholi, Mehdi Mahdavi, Ahmad Reza Shahverdi, Mohammad Hossein Yazdi. International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Forensic Medicine. 2020:10(1):26851 (Corresponding author).
  • Recombinant PBP2a of methicillin-resistant S. aureus formulation in Alum and Montanide ISA266 adjuvants induced cellular and humoral immune responses with protection in Balb/C mice. Mortazavi SS, Haghighat S, Mahdavi M. Microb Pathog. 2020 Dec 21:103945. doi: 10.1016/j.micpath.
  • Nanobodies in Human Infections: Prevention, Detection, and Treatment. Sanaei M, Setayesh N, Sepehrizadeh Z, Mahdavi M, Yazdi MH. Immunol Invest. 2020 Dec 19:1-22. doi: 10.1080/08820139.
  • Formulation of HBs Antigen in Montanide ISA266 shows superiority to commercial HBsAg vaccine in the induction of humoral immune responses Mohammad Ali Savoji, Setareh Haghighat, Mina Mirzaee, Bahareh Golkaran, Rayhaneh Mirzaee, Behzad Esfandiari, Mehdi Mahdavi. Gastroenterology and Hepatology from bed to bench. 2019; 12(4):292. (Corresponding author).
  • Recombinant Staphylococcal Antigen-F (r-ScaF), a novel vaccine candidate against methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection: Potency and efficacy studies. Majelan PA, Mahdavi M, Yazdi MH, Salimi E, Pourmand MR. Microb Pathog. 2019 Dec 3;127:159-165.
  • Epitope-based immunoinformatics study of a novel Hla-MntC-SACOL0723 fusion protein from Staphylococcus aureus: induction of multi-pattern immune responses. Khadijeh Ahmadi, Mohammad Mehdi Aslani, Gholamreza Pouladfar, Mehdi Kalani, Mohammad Reza Pourmand, Sara Hasanzadeh, Ladan Mafakher, Mehdi Mahdavi . Mol Immunol. 2019 Jul 24;114:88-99. (Corresponding author).
  • Recombinant Omp2b antigen-based ELISA is an efficient tool for specific serodiagnosis of animal brucellosis. Vatankhah M, Beheshti N, Mirkalantari S, Khoramabadi N, Aghababa H, Mahdavi M. Braz J Microbiol. 2019 Jul 27. doi: 10.1007/s42770-019-00097-z.
  • Exotoxin A-PLGA nanoconjugate vaccine against Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection: protectivity in murine model. Safari Zanjani L, Shapouri R, Dezfulian M, Mahdavi M, Shafiee Ardestani M. World J Microbiol Biotechnol. 2019 Jun 11;35(6):94. doi: 10.1007/s11274-019-2669.
  • Induction of immune responses by protein vaccines formulated with adjuvants against Leishmania major in vivo. Fatemeh Maleki, Mehdi Mahdavi, Somayeh Zarrati, Mehdi Shafiee Ardestani, Narges Khabazzade Tehrani, Abbas ali Imani Fooladi, Fatemeh Tabatabaie. Comparative Clinical Pathology. 2019 Dec 1;28(6):1609-15.
  • LLO immunogenetic adjuvant enhanced potency of hepatitis C virus NS3 DNA vaccine. Pouriayevali MH, Bamdad T, Sadat SM, Aghasadeghi MR, Sabahi F, Mahdavi M. International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2019 Oct;71(10):1645-52.
  • Epitope-based immunoinformatics study of a novel PilQ380–706-PilA fusion protein from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Sobhan Faezi, Ahmad Reza Bahrmand, Soroush Sardari, Iraj Nikokar, Korosh Khanaki, Seyed Davar Siadat, Gholamreza Goudarzi, Ali Elmi, Mehdi Mahdavi. Gene Reports 15 (2019) 100385.
  • HBs antigen and mannose loading on the surface of iron oxide nanoparticles in order to immuno-targeting: fabrication, characterization, cellular and humoral immunoassay. Mahsa Rezaei, Seyed Nezamedin Hosseini, Ramazan Ali Khavari-Nejad, Farhood Najafi, Mehdi Mahdavi. Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology, 2019, 10.1080/21691401.2019.1577888. (Corresponding author).
  • Immunologic balance of regulatory T cell/T helper 17 responses in gastrointestinal infectious diseases: Role of miRNAs. Adibzadeh Sereshgi MM, Abdollahpour-Alitappeh M, Mahdavi M, Ranjbar R, Ahmadi K, Taheri RA, Fasihi-Ramandi M. Microb Pathog. 2019 Mar 23;131:135-143. doi: 10.1016/j.micpath.2019.03.029. Review.
  • Molecular Cloning and Immunogenicity Evaluation of PpiC, GelE, and VS87_01105 Proteins of Enterococcus faecalis as Vaccine Candidates. Hamid Kazemian, Mohammad Reza Pourmand1, Seyed Davar Siadat, Mehdi Mahdavi, Mohammad Hossein Yazdi, Peyman Avakh Majelan, Davoud Afshar, Mehdi Yaseri, Mehdi Davari and Muhammad Ibrahim Getso. Iran Biomed J. 2019 Sep;23(5):344.
  • Aloe Vera Extracted Polysaccharides Shift the Immune Responses of Tumor Bearing Mice Toward Th1 Pattern: Animal Study. Mahboubeh Nikookalam, Zeinab Salehian, Sahar Mirzaee, Ramak Ajideh, Mehdi Mahdavi and Mohammad HosseinYazdi. Journal of Scientific and Technical research. 2019. J Sci & Tech Res 16(4)-2019.
  • Immunization with Hpv16e7d Vaccine to Tumor Bearing Mice: Changes of Cytokines Patterns in the Tumor Microenvironment. Pariya Mahin Samadi, Mohammad Hossein Yazdi, Setareh Haghighat and Mehdi Mahdavi. Journal of Tumor Medicine & Prevention 3(5): JTMP.MS.ID.555621 (2019). (Corresponding author).
  • Passive immunotherapy with specific IgG fraction against autolysin: Analogous protectivity in the MRSA infection with antibiotic therapy. Kalali Y, Haghighat S, Mahdavi M. Immunol Lett. 2018 Nov 26. pii: S0165-2478(18)30132-9.
  • Systemic infection with Candida Albicans in breast tumor bearing mice: Cytokines dysregulation and induction of regulatory T cells. Ahmadi N, Ahmadi A, Kheirali E, Hossein Yadegari M, Bayat M, Shajiei A, Amini AA, Ashrafi S, Abolhassani M, Faezi S, Yazdanparast SA, Mahdavi M. J Mycol Med. 2018 Nov 20. pii: S1156-5233(18)30182-3. (Corresponding author).
  • Efficacy of β-D-mannuronic acid [M2000] on pro-apoptotic process and inflammatory related molecules NFҡB, IL-8 and Cd49d using healthy donor PBMC. Khalatbari A, Mahdavi M, Jafarnezhad F, Afraei S, Zavareh FT, Aghazadeh Z, Ghaderi A, Mirshafiey A.Curr Drug Discov Technol. 2020 Nov 9. doi: 10.2174/1570163815666181109165837.
  • Truncated Core/NS3 Fusion Protein of HCV Adjuvanted with Outer Membrane Vesicles of Neisseria meningitidis Serogroup B: Potent Inducer of the Murine Immune System. Hekmat S, Sadat SM, Aslani MM, Mahdavi M, Bolhassani A, Asgar Halvaee F, Ghahari SMM, Aghasadeghi MR, Siadat SD. Iran Biomed J. 2019 Jul;23(4):235.
  • Effects of exercise training and supplementation with selenium nanoparticle on T-helper 1 and 2 and cytokine levels in tumor tissue of mice bearing the 4 T1 mammary carcinoma. Molanouri Shamsi M, Chekachak S, Soudi S, Gharakhanlou R, Quinn LS, Ranjbar K, Rezaei S, Shirazi FJ, Allahmoradi B, Yazdi MH, Mahdavi M, Voltarelli FA. Nutrition. 2019 Jan;57:141-147. doi: 10.1016/j.nut.2019.05.022.
  • Evaluation of the immune responses following co-administration of PilQ and type b-flagellin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the burn mouse model. Bakht Azad S, Nikokar I, Faezi S, Rasooly S, Mahdavi M. Microb Pathog. 2018 Oct;123:426-432.
  • Anti-tumor effects of propranolol: Adjuvant activity on a transplanted murine breast cancer model. Somayeh Ashrafi, Reza Shapouri, Ahmad Shirkhani, Mehdi Mahdavi. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 104 (2018) 45–51(Corresponding author).
  • Study of Serum Bactericidal and Splenic Activity of Total-OMP- 1 CagA Combination from Brucella abortus and Helicobacter pylori in BALB/c Mouse Model. Amir Hossein Abadi, Mehdi Mahdavi, Azad Khaledi, Seyed-Alireza Esmaeili, Davoud Esmaeili, Amirhossein Sahebkar. Microbial Pathogenesis. 2018 Aug 1;121:100-5.
  • Development of monoclonal antibodies against axenic amastigotes of Leishmania infantum strain in Iran: Implication for diagnosis of Kala-azar . Nourizadeh, E., Zargar, S.J., Alimohammadian, M.H., Ajdary, S., Mahdavi, M. Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences. 2018 Apr;21(4):388.
  • Passive immunization against methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus recombinant PBP2a in sepsis model of mice: Comparable results with antibiotic therapy. Naghshbandi RZ, Haghighat S, Mahdavi M. Int Immunopharmacol. 2018 Jan 29;56:186-192.
  • Subcutaneous administration CpG-ODNs acts as a potent adjuvant for an HIV-1-tat-based vaccine candidate to elicit cellular immunity in BALB/c mice. Panahi Z, Abdoli A, Mosayebi G, Mahdavi M, Bahrami F. Biotechnology letters. 2018 Mar 1;40(3):527-33.
  • Molecular characterization and Functional Analysis of the PilQ380-706: a Novel Secretin Domain in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Sobhan Faezi, Iraj Nikokar, Ali Elmi, Yusuf Ghasemi, Mojtaba Farahbakhsh, Alireza Salimi Chirani, and Mehdi Mahdavi. Avicenna J Med Biotech 2018; 10(1): 34-40.
  • Hannaneh Zarrinnahad, Amir Mahmoodzadeh, Monireh Parviz Hamidi, Mehdi Mahdavi, Ali Moradi, Kamran Pooshang Bagheri, Delavar Shahbazzadeh: Apoptotic Effect of Melittin Purified from Iranian Honey Bee Venom on Human Cervical Cancer HeLa Cell Line. International journal of peptide research and therapeutics. 2018 Dec 1;24(4):563-70.
  • Faranak mavandadnejad, Mohammad Hossein Yazdi, Seyed Mehdi Hassanzadeh, Mehdi Mahdavi, Mohammad Ali Faramarzi, Hamidreza Pazoki-Toroudi, Ahmad Reza Shahverdi: Biosynthesis of selenium nanoparticles by Mycobacterium bovis and their enhancing effect on the immune response against HBs antigens: An in-vivo study. IET Nanobiotechnology 09/2017;, DOI:10.1049/iet-nbt.2017.0006.
  • Setareh Haghighat, Seyed Davar Siadat, Seyed Mehdi Rezayat Sorkhabadi, Abbas Akhavan Sepahi, Mehdi Mahdavi. A novel recombinant vaccine candidate comprising PBP2a and autolysin against Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus confers protection in the experimental mice. Molecular Immunology 08/2017; 91:1-7., DOI:10.1016/j.molimm.2017.08.013.
  • Farhad Motavalli Khiavi, Arash Arashkia, Maryam Nasimi, Mehdi Mahdavi, Majid Golkar, Farzin Roohvand, Kayhan Azadmanesh: Immunization of mice by a multimeric L2-based linear epitope (17-36) from HPV type 16/18 induced cross reactive neutralizing antibodies. Research in pharmaceutical sciences 08/2017; 12(4):265., DOI:10.4103/1735-5362.212043.
  • Sajjad Rezaei, Mahdieh Molanouri Shamsi, Mehdi Mahdavi, Azadeh Jamali, Jonato Prestes, Ramires Alsamir Tibana, James Wilfred Navalta, Fabrício Azevedo Voltarelli: Endurance Exercise Training Decreased Serum Levels of Surfactant Protein D and improved aerobic fitness of Obese Women with type-2 diabetes. Diabetology and Metabolic Syndrome 08/2017; 9(1)., DOI:10.1186/s13098-017-0273-6.
  • Molanouri Shamsi M, Najedi Sh, Hassan Zm, Isanejad A, Mahdavi M. Short term exercise training enhances cell-mediated responses to HSV-1 vaccine in mice. Microbial Pathogenesis 07/2017; 110., DOI:10.1016/j.micpath.2017.07.035 (Corresponding author).
  • Mehdi Mahdavi, Amir Hossein Tajik, Massoumeh Ebtekar, Roghieh Rahimi, Mohammad Mehdi Adibzadeh, Hamid Reza Moozarmpour, Mohammad Sadegh Beikverdi, Soophie Olfat, Zuhair Mohammad Hassan, Mohammad Choopani, Morteza Kameli, Christine Hartoonian: Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, a potent adjuvant for polarization to Th-17 pattern: An experience on HIV-1 vaccine model. Apmis 05/2017; 125(6)., DOI:10.1111/apm.12660 (Corresponding author).
  • Adjuvant Effect of Royal Jelly on HIV-1 Multi-Epitope Vaccine Candidate: Induction of Th1 Cytokine Pattern. Mehdi Mahdavi. Mahboobeh Cheragh. Kamran Pooshang Bagheri. Mohammad Mehdi Adibzadeh. Amir Hossein Tajik. Hamed Memariani. Mohammad Ali Savoji, Seyed Mohammad Mahdi Ghahari and Delavar Shahbazzadeh. MOJ Immunol 2017, 5(2): 00152 (Corresponding author).
  • Sobhan Faezi, Ahmad Reza Bahrmand, Seyed Davar Siadat, Iraj Nikokar, Soroush Sardari, Mehdi Mahdavi. Construction, expression, purification and characterization of secretin domain of PilQ and triple PilA-related disulfide loop peptides fusion protein from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences 05/2017; 20(5):458-466. (Corresponding author).
  • Hajar Rostami, Masoumeh Ebtekar, Mehdi Shafiee Ardestani, Mohammad Hossein Yazdi, Mehdi Mahdavi. Co-utilization of a TLR5 agonist and nano-formulation of HIV-1 vaccine candidate leads to increased vaccine immunogenicity and decreased immunogenic dose: A preliminary study. Immunology letters 05/2017; 187., DOI:10.1016/j.imlet.2017.05.002 (Corresponding author).
  • Preparation and characterization of PLGA Nanoparticles containing recombinant core-NS3 Fusion protein of hepatitis C virus as a nano-vaccine candidate. Hekmat S, Aslani MM, Shafiee Ardestani, Aghasadeghi MR, Siadat SD, Sadat SM, Mahdavi M, Shahbazi S, Asgarhalvaee F, Ghahari SMM, Tohidi F. Vaccine Research, Volume 3-Number 8, 9-May, Aug 2016. p48-p53.
  • Saeme Asgari, Azadeh Ebrahim-Habibi, Mehdi Mahdavi, Mohammad Choopani, Hasan Mirzahoseini: Therapeutic protein deimmunization by T-cell epitope removal: Antigen-specific immune responses in vitro and in vivo. Apmis 04/2017; 125(6)., DOI:10.1111/apm.12682.
  • Sobhan Faezi, Ahmad Reza Bahrmand, Mehdi Mahdavi, Seyed Davar Siadat, Soroush Sardari, Iraj Nikokar, Korosh Khanaki, Ebrahim Mirzajani: Preparation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa alginate-flagellin immunoconjugate. Biologicals 04/2017; DOI:10.1016/j.biologicals.2017.04.001(Corresponding author).
  • HPV16E7d Candidate Vaccine Modified Genes Expression in Tumor Environment: Flic as Adjuvant Changed TGF-B Gene Expression. Behazin Aria. Nasser Rakhshani. Farhad Riazirad and Mehdi Mahdavi. Adv Cytol Pathol 2017, 2(5): 00036 (Corresponding author).
  • Sobhan Faezi, Ahmad Reza Bahrmand, Mehdi Mahdavi, Seyed Davar Siadat, Iraj Nikokar, Soroush Sardari: Development of a Novel Anti-Adhesive Vaccine Against Pseudomonasaeruginosa Targeting the C-terminal Disulfide Loop of the Pilin Protein. IJMCM 04/2017; 6(2):1-13., DOI:10.22088/acadpub.BUMS.6.2.4.
  • Setareh Haghighat, Seyed Davar Siadat, Seyed Mehdi RezayatSorkhabadi, Abbas AkhavanSepahi, Seyed Mehdi Sadat, Mohammad Hossein yazdi, Mehdi Mahdavi. Recombinant PBP2a as a vaccine candidate against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus : Immunogenicity and protectivity. Microbial Pathogenesis 04/2017; 108., DOI:10.1016/j.micpath.2017.04.037.
  • Shima Nejati, Sahar Mirzaee, Hamid Reza Nouri, Ramin Farhoudi, Nabi Allah Namvar, Mohammad Hossein Yazdi, Mehdi Mahdavi. Immune Responses of Mice Immunized with HBsAg Formulated in Naloxone/Alum Mixture: Comparison to Fendrix Vaccine. Hepatitis Monthly. 2017 Mar 1;17(3). (Corresponding author).
  • Asghar Abdoli, Nina Radmehr, Azam Bolhasani, Akram Eidi, Parvaneh Mehrbod, Fatemeh Motevalli, Zahra Kianmehr, Mohsen Chiani, Mehdi Mahdavi, Shaghayegh Yazdani, Mehdi Shafiee Ardestani, Mohammad Reza Kandi, Mohammad Reza Aghasadeghi. Conjugated anionic PEG-citrate G2 dendrimer with multi-epitopic HIV-1 vaccine candidate enhance the cellular immune responses in mice. Artificial cells, nanomedicine, and biotechnology. 2017 Nov 17;45(8):1762-8.
  • Nazila Ghorban Hosseini, Majid Tebianian, Ayoub Farhadi, Ali Hossein khani, Arian Rahimi, Mojtaba Mortazavi, Seyed Younes Hosseini, Morteza Taghizadeh, Mahsa Rezaei, Mehdi Mahdavi. In Silico Analysis of L1/L2 Sequences of Human Papillomaviruses: Implication for Universal Vaccine Design. Viral Immunology. 2017 Apr 1;30(3):210-23. (Corresponding author).
  • M. Molanouri Shamsi, S. Chekachak, S. Soudi, L.S. Quinn, K. Rangbar, J. Chenari, M.H. Yazdi, M. Mahdavi. Combined effect of aerobic interval training and selenium nanoparticles on expression of IL-15 and IL-10/TNF-α ratio in skeletal muscle of 4T1 breast cancer mice with cachexia. Cytokine 02/2017; 90:100-108., DOI:10.1016/j.cyto.2016.11.005.
  • S. Hekmat, S. D. Siadat, M. R. Aghasadeghi, S. M. Sadat, G. Bahramali, M. M. Aslani, M. Mahdavi, S. Shahbazi: From in-silico immunogenicity verification to in vitro expression of recombinant Core-NS3 fusion protein of HCV. 01/2017; 118(04):189-195., DOI:10.4149/BLL_2017_038.
  • Setareh Haghighat, Seyed Davar Siadat, Seyed Mehdi Rezayat Sorkhabadi, Abbas Akhavan Sepahi, Mehdi Mahdavi. Cloning, expression and purification of autolysin from methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: potency and challenge study in Balb/c mice. Molecular Immunology 12/2016; 82:10-18.
  • Mohammad Hossein Yazdi, Zargham Sepehrizadeh, Mehdi Mahdavi, Ahmad Reza Shahverdi, Mohammad Ali Faramarzi: Metal, Metalloid, and Oxide Nanoparticles for Therapeutic and Diagnostic Oncology. Nano Biomedicine and Engineering 12/2016; 8(4)., DOI:10.5101/nbe.v8i4.p246-267 (Review Article).
  • Mehdi Mousavi, Bahador Behrouz, Gholamreza Irajian, Mehdi Mahdavi, Fatemeh Korpi, Mohammad Motamedifar: Passive immunization against Pseudomonas aeruginosa recombinant PilA in a murine burn wound model. Microbial Pathogenesis 11/2016; 101., DOI:10.1016/j.micpath.2016.10.027.
  • Somayeh Ashrafi, Reza Shapouri, Mehdi Mahdavi. Immunological consequences of immunization with tumor lysate vaccine and propranolol as an adjuvant: A study on cytokine profiles in breast tumor microenvironment. Immunology letters. 2017 Jan 1;181:63-70. (Corresponding author).
  • Mojgan Allahyari, Reyhaneh Mohabati, Samira Amiri, Ahmad Reza Esmaeili Rastaghi, Jalal Babaie, Mehdi Mahdavi, Alireza Vatanara, Majid Golkar: Synergistic effect of rSAG1 and rGRA2 antigens formulated in PLGA microspheres in eliciting immune protection against Toxoplasama gondii. Experimental Parasitology 09/2016; 170., DOI:10.1016/j.exppara.2016.09.008.
  • Atefeh Davoudi Vijeh Motlagh, Seyed Davar Siadat, Saeid Abedian Kenari, Mehdi Mahdavi, Ava Behrouzi, Hossein Asgarian-Omran: Immunization with Protein D from Non-Typeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) Induced Cytokine Responses and Bioactive Antibody Production. Jundishapur J Microbiol. 2016 Sep 11;9(10):e36617. eCollection 2016 Oct.
  • Mahsa Yasaghi, Mehdi Mahdavi. Potentiation of human papilloma vaccine candidate using naloxone/alum mixture as an adjuvant: Increasing immunogenicity of HPV-16E7d vaccine. Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Science 09/2016; 19(9):1003-1009., DOI:10.22038/ijbms.2016.7601 (Corresponding author).
  • A.H. Abadi, A. Khaledi, A. Bahador, M. Mahdavi, D. Esmaeili: Expression, purification and characterization of the mixed total-OMP-CagA from Brucella abortus and Helicobacter pylori as vaccine Candidate. JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY, Sept. 2016. Vol. 10(3), p. 2461-2466.
  • Khaledi, A. Bahador, D. Esmaeili, M. Derakhshan, M. Mahdavi, J. Amani, Y. Amini, A. Najafi, K. Ghazvini: Cloning, expression and purification of HpaA recombinant protein of Helicobacter pylori as a vaccine candidate. JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY, Sept. 2016. Vol. 10(3), p. 1937-1941.
  • Neda Mousavi Niri, Arash Memarnejadian, Younes Pilehvar-Soltanahmadi, Mohammadreza Agha Sadeghi, Mehdi Mahdavi, Nasim Kheshtchin, Samaneh Arab, Afshin Namdar, Farhad Jadidi, Nosratollah Zarghami, Jamshid Hajati. Improved Anti-Treg Vaccination Targeting Foxp3 Efficiently Decreases Regulatory T Cells in Mice. Journal of Immunotherapy. 2016 Sep 1;39(7):269-75.
  • Akram Sadat Tabatabaee, Seyed Davar Siadat, Seyed Fazllolah Moosavi, Mohammad Reza Aghasadeghi, Hashem Khorsand, Mehdi Nejati, Seyed Mehdi Sadat, Mehdi Mahdavi. Recombinant C-terminal 311 amino acids of HapS adhesin as a vaccine candidate for nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae: A study on immunoreactivity in Balb/C mouse. Microbial pathogenesis. 2016 Sep 1;98:106-11.
  • Bahador Behrouz, Nour Amirmozafari, Nima Khoramabadi, Mahboobeh Bahroudi, Parisa Legaee, Mehdi Mahdavi. Cloning, Expression and Purification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Flagellin and Characterization of Elicited Anti-flagellin Antibody. Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal. 2016 Jun;18(6).
  • M. Molanouri Shamsi, M. Mahdavi, L. S. Quinn, R. Gharakhanlou, A. Isanegad. Effect of resistance exercise training on expression of Hsp70 and inflammatory cytokines in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue of STZ-induced diabetic rats. Cell Stress and Chaperones. 2016 Sep 1;21(5):783-91.
  • Bahador Behrouz, Mehdi Mahdavi, Nour Amirmozafari, Mohammad Javad Fatemi, Gholamreza Irajian, Mahbubeh Bahroudi, Farhad B. Hashemi. Immunogenicity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa recombinant b-type fagellin as a vaccine candidate: Protective efficacy in a murine burn wound sepsis model. Burns 05/2016;, DOI:10.1016/j.burns.2016.03.015.
  • Mehdi Mahdavi, Faranak Mavandadnejad, Mohammad H. Yazdi, Elnaz Faghfuri, Hura Hashemi, Somayeh Homayouni-Oreh, Ramin Farhoudi, Ahmad R. Shahverdi. Oral administration of synthetic selenium nanoparticles induced robust Th1 cytokine pattern after HBs antigen vaccination in mouse model. Journal of infection and public health. 2017 Jan 1;10(1):102-9.
  • Fatemeh Ravar, Ebrahim Saadat, Mehdi Gholami, Pouya Dehghankelishady, Mehdi Mahdavi, Samira Azami, Farid A. Dorkoosh. Hyaluronic acid-coated liposomes for targeted delivery of paclitaxel, in-vitro characterization and in-vivo evaluation. Journal of controlled release. 2016 May 10;229:10-22.
  • Sobhan Faezi, Ahmad Reza Bahrmand, Mehdi Mahdavi, Seyed Davar Siadat, Iraj Nikokar, Soroush Sardari, Ian Alan Holder: High Yield Overexpression, Refolding, Purification and Characterization of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Type B-Flagellin: An Improved Method Without Sonication. Int J Mol Cell Med. 02/2016; 5(1):1-12. (Corresponding author).
  • Mohammad Hossein Yazdi, Ahmad Reza Shahverdi, Bardia Varastemoradi, Mehdi Mahdavi, Elnaz Faghfouri, Faranak Mavandadnejad: Adjuvant Effect of Biogenic Selenium Nanoparticles Improves the Immune Responses and Survival of Mice Receiving 4T1 Cell Antigens as Vaccine in Breast Cancer Murine Model. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 11/2015; 12(12):10165-72., DOI:10.1166/jnn.2015.11692.
  • Mehdi Mahdavi, Massoumeh Ebtekar, Zuhair Mohammad Hassan, Sobhan Faezi, Hamidreza Khorram Khorshid, Morteza Taghizadeh, Keyhan Azadmanesh: An HIV-1 Mini Vaccine Induced Long-lived Cellular and Humoral Immune Responses. Int J Mol Cell Med. 10/2015; 4(4):218-26.
  • Safura Delavari, Mojtaba Sohrabi, Mehdi Shafiee Ardestani, Sobhan Faezi, Majid Tebianian, Morteza Taghizadeh, Arezoo Shajiei, Seyed Younes Hosseini, Masoud Moghaddampour, Mehdi Mahdavi. Pseudomonas aeruginosa flagellin as an adjuvant: The superiority of the conjugated form of flagellin versus the mixed one to an HIV-1 vaccine candidate in the induction of immune responses. Journal of medical microbiology. 2015 Nov 1;64(11):1361-8. (Corresponding author).
  • Sima Velashjerdi Farahani, Mohammad Reza Aghasadeghi, Arash Memarnejadian, Sobhan Faezi, Zahra Shahosseini, Mehdi Mahdavi. Naloxone/Alum mixture, a potent adjuvant for HIV-1 vaccine: induction of cellular and poly-isotypic humoural immune responses. Pathogens and Global Health. 2016 Mar;110(2):39. (Corresponding author).
  • Abbas Ali Imani Fooladi, Raheleh Halabian, Mehdi Mahdavi, Mohsen Amin, Hamideh Mahmoodzadeh Hosseini. Staphylococcal enterotoxin B/texosomes as a candidate for breast cancer immunotherapy. Tumor Biology. 2016 Jan 1;37(1):739-48.
  • Mohammad Hossein Yazdi, Mehdi Mahdavi, Elnaz Faghfuri, Mohammad Ali Faramarzi, Zargham Sepehrizadeh, Zuhair Mohammad Hassan, Mehdi Gholami, Ahmad Reza Shahverdi: Th1 Immune Response Induction by Biogenic Selenium Nanoparticles in Mice with Breast Cancer: Preliminary Vaccine Model. Iranian Journal of Biotechnology 05/2015; 13(2):1-9.
  • Abbas Ali Imani Fooladi, Mohammad Hossein Yazdi, Mohammad Reza Pourmand, Abbas Mirshafiey, Zuhair Mohammad Hassan, Taghi Azizi, Mehdi Mahdavi, Mohammad Mehdi Soltan Dallal. Th1 Cytokine Production Induced by Lactobacillus acidophilus in BALB/c Mice Bearing Transplanted Breast Tumor. Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology 04/2015; 8(4)., DOI:10.5812/jjm.8(4)2015.17354.
  • Amin Isanejad, Zahir Hassan Saraf, Mehdi Mahdavi, Reza Gharakhanlou, Mahdieh Molanouri Shamsi, Gøran Paulsen: The effect of endurance training and downhill running on the expression of IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α and HSP72 in rat skeletal muscle. Cytokine 04/2015; 73(2):302-308., DOI:10.1016/j.cyto.2015.03.013.
  • Roghayeh Rahimi, Massoumeh Ebtekar, Seyed Mohammad Moazzeni, Ali Mostafaie, Mehdi Mahdavi. Optimization of multi-epitopic HIV-1 recombinant protein expression in prokaryote system and conjugation to mouse DEC-205 monoclonal antibody: Implication for in-vivo targeted delivery of dendritic cells. Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Science 02/2015; 18(2):145-52.
  • Elnaz Faghfuri, Yazdi MH, Mehdi Mahdavi, Zargham Sepehrizadeh, Faramarzi MA, Faranak Mavandadnejad, Shahverdi AR: Dose-Response Relationship Study of Selenium Nanoparticles as an Immunostimulatory Agent in Cancer-bearing Mice. Archives of Medical Research 01/2015; 46(1)., DOI:10.1016/j.arcmed.2015.01.002.
  • Maryam Yazdanian, Arash Memarnejadian, Mehdi Mahdavi, Fatemeh Motevalli, Seyed Mehdi Sadat, Rouhollah Vahabpour, Hossein Khanahmad, Hoorieh Soleimanjahi, Agata Budkowska, Farzin Roohvand: Evaluation of cellular responses for a chimeric HBsAg-HCV core DNA vaccine in BALB/c mice. Adv Biomed Res 01/2015; 4(1):13., DOI:10.4103/2277-9175.148296.
  • Yazdi M.H, Mahdavi M, faghfuri E, Shahverdi A.R: Th1 immune response induction by biogenic selenium nanoparticles in mice with breast cancer: Preliminary vaccine model. Iranian journal of biotechnology. 2015 Jun;13(2):1.
  • Mahboobeh Bahroodi, Gholamreza Irajian, Bahador Behrouz, Mohammad Mehdi Fizabadi, Mehdi Mahdavi: Increasing of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Vaccine potency, using a mixture of Alum-Naloxone: Augmentation of Humoral Immune Responses. Journal of Applied Biological Sciences 01/2015; 9(3). (Corresponding author).
  • Mahdieh Molanouri Shamsi, Zuhair Mohammad Hassan, LeBris S. Quinn, Reza Gharakhanlou, Leila Baghersad, Mehdi Mahdavi. Time course of IL-15 expression after acute resistance exercise in trained rats: effect of diabetes and skeletal muscle phenotype. Endocrine 12/2014; 49(2)., DOI:10.1007/s12020-014-0501-x (Corresponding author).
  • Narges Khabazzadeh Tehrani, Mehdi Mahdavi, Fatemeh Maleki, Somayeh Zarrati, Fatemeh Tabatabaie: The role of Montanide ISA 70 as an adjuvant in immune responses against Leishmania major induced by thiol-specific antioxidant-based protein vaccine. Journal of parasitic diseases 09/2014; 40(3):1-8., DOI:10.1007/s12639-014-0574-8.
  • Somayeh Zarrati, Mehdi Mahdavi, Fatemeh Tabatabaie: Immune responses in DNA vaccine formulated with PMMA following immunization and after challenge with Leishmania major. Journal of parasitic diseases 08/2014; 40(2)., DOI:10.1007/s12639-014-0521-8.
  • Saideh f Fakharzadeh, Mohammad Ali Sahraian, Maryam Hafizi, Somayeh Kalanaky, Zahra Masoumi, Mehdi Mahdavi, Nasser Kamalian, Alireza Minagar, Mohammad Hassan Nazaran: The therapeutic effects of MSc1 nanocomplex, synthesized by nanochelating technology, on experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitic C57/BL6 mice. International Journal of Nanomedicine 08/2014; 9(1):3841-53., DOI:10.2147/IJN.S64630.
  • Samira Arabi, Mohammad Reza Aghasadeghi, Arash Memarnejadian, Fatemeh Kohram, Haniyeh Aghababa, Nima Khoramabadi, Morteza Taghizadeh, Zahra Shahosseini, Mehdi Mahdavi. Cloning, Expression and Purification of a Novel Multi-epitopic HIV-1 Vaccine Candidate: A Preliminary Study on Immunoreactivity. Vaccine Research 08/2014; 1(1)., DOI:10.18869/acadpub..1.1.10 (Corresponding author).
  • Abbas Ali Imani Fooladi, Ghasem Bagherpour, Nima Khoramabadi, Jalil Fallah Mehrabadi, Mehdi Mahdavi, Raheleh Halabian, Mohsen Amin, Jalal Izadi Mobarakeh, Behzad Einollahi: Cellular immunity survey against urinary tract infection using pVAX/fimH cassette with mammalian and wild type codon usage as a DNA vaccine. Clin Exp Vaccine Res. 07/2014; 3(2):185-93., DOI:10.7774/cevr.2014.3.2.185.
  • Christine Hartoonian, Zargham Sepehrizadeh, Mehdi Mahdavi, Arash Arashkia, Yon Suk Jang, Maasoumeh Ebtekar, Mojtaba Tabatabai Yazdi, Babak Negahdari, Azita Nikoo, Kayhan Azadmanesh. Modulation of hepatitis C virus core DNA vaccine immune responses by co-immunization with CC-chemokine ligand 20 (CCL20) gene as immunoadjuvant. Molecular Biology Reports 06/2014; 41(9)., DOI:10.1007/s11033-014-3470-5.
  • Nazli Jafarpour, Arash Memarnejadian, Mohammad Reza Aghasadeghi, Fatemeh Kohram, Haniyeh Aghababa, Nima Khoramabadi, Mehdi Mahdavi. Clustered epitopes within a new poly-epitopic HIV-1 DNA vaccine shows immunogenicity in BALB/c mice. Molecular biology reports. 2014 Aug 1;41(8):5207-14. (Corresponding author).
  • N.Kh. Tehrani, M. Mahdavi, A.A. Imani Fooladi, F. Tabatabaie. Survey Protein Vaccine Formulated with Montanide ISA 70 Effects following Immunization and after Challenge with Leishmania major. Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia 04/2014; 11(1-1):53-60., DOI:10.13005/bbra/1232.
  • Hamideh Mahmoodzadeh Hosseini, Abbas Ali Imani Fooladi, Jafar Soleimanirad, Mohammad Reza Nourani, Mehdi Mahdavi. Exosome/staphylococcal enterotoxin B, an anti-tumor compound against pancreatic cancer. Journal of B.U.ON.: official journal of the Balkan Union of Oncology 04/2014; 19(2):440-8.
  • Nastaran Sadat Savar, Ali Jahanian-Najafabadi, Mehdi Mahdavi, Mohammad Ali Shokrgozar, Anis Jafari, Saeid Bouzari: In silico and In vivo studies of truncated forms of flagellin (FliC) of enteroaggregative Escherichia coli fused to FimH from uropathogenic Escherichia coli as a vaccine candidate against urinary tract infections. Journal of Biotechnology 04/2014; 175(1)., DOI:10.1016/j.jbiotec.2014.01.037.
  • Haniyeh Aghababa, Ashraf Mohabati Mobarez, Nima Khoramabadi, Mehrdad Behmanesh, Mehdi Mahdavi, Majid Tebianian, Mehdi Nejati. A Comparative Approach to Strategies for Cloning, Expression, and Purification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Mycolyl Transferase 85B and Evaluation of Immune Responses in BALB/c Mice. Molecular Biotechnology 03/2014; 56(6)., DOI:10.1007/s12033-013-9696-y.
  • Hoda Taghizadeh Dezfuli, Delavar Shahbazzadeh, Akram Eidi, Kamran Pooshang Bagheri, Nafiseh Pakravan, Safie Amini, Mohammad Reza Aghasadeghi, Mehdi Mahdavi. Induction of IFN-γ cytokine response against hepatitis B surface antigen using melittin. Gastroenterology and hepatology from bed to bench 03/2014; 7(2):108-17. (Corresponding author).
  • Fatemeh Tabatabaie, Mehdi Mahdavi, Sobhan Faezi, Abdolhossein Dalimi, Zohreh Sharifi, Lame Akhlaghi, Fatemeh Ghaffarifar. Th1 Platform Immune Responses Against Leishmania major Induced by Thiol-Specific Antioxidant-Based DNA Vaccines. Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology 02/2014; 7(2):E8974., DOI:10.5812/jjm.8974.
  • Hamideh Mahmoodzadeh Hosseini, Abbas Ali Imani Fooladi, Jafar Soleimanirad, Mohammad Reza Nourani, Soodabeh Davaran, Mehdi Mahdavi. Staphylococcal entorotoxin B anchored exosome induces apoptosis in negative esterogen receptor breast cancer cells. Tumor Biology 01/2014; 35(4)., DOI:10.1007/s13277-013-1489-1.
  • Hamideh Rouhani Nejad, Jalil Fallah Mehrabadi, Jamile Nourozi, Mehdi Mahdavi. Construction of scFv library of human antibodies against tetanus toxin. Human antibodies 01/2014; 23(1):21-26., DOI:10.3233/HAB-140279.
  • Somayeh Zarrati, Fatemeh Maleki, Mehdi Mahdavi, Narges Khabaz zadeh Tehrani, Zahra Abrehdari Tafreshi, Amir hooman Asadi, Fatemeh Tabatabaie. Humoral immune responses in DNA vaccine formulated with poly (methyl methacrylate) against Leishmania major. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies . 2014, 2(5). 201-206.
  • Maryam Yazdanian, Arash Memarnejadian, Mehdi Mahdavi, Seyed Mehdi Sadat, Fatemeh Motevali, Rouhollah Vahabpour, Hossein Khanahmad, Seyed Davar Siadat, Mohammad Reza Aghasadeghi, Farzin Roohvand: Immunization of Mice by BCG Formulated HCV Core Protein Elicited Higher Th1-Oriented Responses Compared to Pluronic-F127 Copolymer. Hepatitis Monthly 10/2013; 13(10):e14178., DOI:10.5812/hepatmon.14178.
  • Abbas Bahador, Davoud Esmaeili, Noormohamad Mansoori, Mehdi Mahdavi. Protection against Brucella abortus 544 Strain Infection in BALB/c Mice by Subcutaneouse Administration of Multicomponent Vaccine of rCagA Conjugated with LPS + CpG. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology 10/2013; 7(3):1809-1819.
  • Arezoo Shajiei, Arezoo Rezaei Malal, Ghorbanali Shahabi, Ramin Farhoudi, Sobhan Faezi, Majid Tebianian, Nooshin Sohrabi, Mehdi Mahdavi: Pseudomonas aeruginosa Recombinant Flagellin Induced Poly-Isotypic Humoral Immune Responses in the Balb/C Mic. Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology 09/2013; 6(7)., DOI:10.5812/jjm.6760 (Corresponding author).
  • M. Molanouri Shamsi, Z H Hassan, R Gharakhanlou, L S Quinn, K Azadmanesh, L Baghersad, A Isanejad, M Mahdavi. Expression of interleukin-15 and inflammatory cytokines in skeletal muscles of STZ-induced diabetic rats: Effect of resistance exercise training. Endocrine 09/2013; 46(1)., DOI:10.1007/s12020-013-0038-4 (Corresponding author).
  • Maryam Azimi Mohamadabadi, Zuhair Mohammad Hassan, Ahmad Zavaran Hosseini, Mehrdad Gholamzad, Shekoofe Noori, Mehdi Mahdavi, Hamidreza Maroof. Arteether exerts antitumor activity and reduces CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ T-reg cells in vivo. Iranian journal of immunology: IJI 09/2013; 10(3):139-149.
  • Sobhan Faezi, Maryam Safarloo, Nour Amirmozafari, Iraj Nikokar, Seyed Davar Siadat, Ian Alan Holder, Mehdi Mahdavi. Protective efficacy of Pseudomonas aeruginosa type-A flagellin in the murine burn wound model of infection. Apmis 06/2013; 122(2)., DOI:10.1111/apm.12101.
  • Ahmad Khalili, Zuhair Muhammad Hassan, Shahram Shahabi, Ali Akbar Pourfathollah, Seyed Nasser Ostad, Shokoofe Noori, Mehdi Mahdavi, Habib Haybar, Ladan Langroudi: Long Acting Propranolol and HSP-70 Rich Tumor Lysate Reduce Tumor Growth and Enhance Immune Response against Fibrosarcoma in Balb/c Mice. Iranian journal of immunology: IJI 06/2013; 10(2):70-82.
  • Mohammad Hossein Yazdi, Mehdi Mahdavi, Neda Setayesh, Mohammad Esfandyar, Ahmad Reza Shahverdi: Selenium nanoparticle-enriched Lactobacillus brevis causes more efficient immune responses in vivo and reduces the liver metastasis in metastatic form of mouse breast cancer. DARU-JOURNAL OF FACULTY OF PHARMACY 04/2013; 21(1):33., DOI:10.1186/2008-2231-21-33.
  • Saideh Fakharzadeh, Somayeh Kalanaky, Maryam Hafizi, Mohammad Mahdi Goya, Zahra Masoumi, Said Namaki, Nezhat Shakeri, Maryam Abbasi, Mehdi Mahdavi, Mohammad Hassan Nazaran. The new nano-complex, Hep-c, improves the immunogenicity of the hepatitis B vaccine. Vaccine. 2013 May 24;31(22):2591-7. (Corresponding author).
  • Faezi S, Safarloo M, Behrouz B, Amirmozafari N, Nikokar I, Mahdavi M. Comparison between active and passive immunization with flagellin-based subunit vaccine from Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the burned-mouse model. Iranian Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases 03/2013; 7(1):10-16.
  • Maryam Azimi Mohamadabadi, Zuhair Muhammad Hassan, Ahmad Zavaran Hosseini, Shekoofe Noori, Mehdi Mahdavi, Saman Maroufizadeh, Hamidreza Maroof: Study of Immunomodulatory Effects of Arteether Administrated Intratumorally. Iranian journal of allergy, asthma, and immunology 03/2013; 12(1):57-62.
  • Fatemeh Hajari-Taheri, Maryam Seyedolmohadesin, Mansour Bayat, Mehdi Mahdavi, Mohammad Hossein Yazdi, Ali Eslamifar, Mohsen Abolhassani: The Effect of Candida Albicans Systemic Infection on Matrix Metalloproteinases in Breast Cancer Bearing Balb/c Mice. Iranian journal of allergy, asthma, and immunology 03/2013; 12(1):81-85.
  • Setareh Haghighat, Seyed Davar Siadat, Seyed Mehdi Rezayat Sorkhabadi, Abbas Akhavan Sepahi, Mehdi Mahdavi: Cloning, Expression and Purification of Penicillin Binding Protein2a (PBP2a) from Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus: A Study on Immunoreactivity in Balb/C Mouse. Avicenna J Med Biotechnol. 2013 Oct;5(4):204-11.
  • Mohammad Reza Asadi Karam, Mana Oloomi, Mehdi Mahdavi, Mehri Habibi, Saeid Bouzari: Vaccination with recombinant FimH fused with flagellin enhances cellular and humoral immunity against urinary tract infection in mice. Vaccine. 2013 Feb 6;31(8):1210-6.
  • Rahimi Roghaye, Ebtekar Massumeh, Arabi Neda, Mahdavi Mehdi: Development of a new multi-epitope HIV-1 tat/env/pol/gag vaccine candidate: a preliminary study on immunogenicity. Frontiers in Immunology 01/2013; 4., DOI:10.3389/conf.fimmu.2013.02.00024.
  • Ahmad Khalili, Shahram Shahabi, Ali A. Pourfathollah, Seyed N. Ostad, Shokoofe Noori, Mehdi Mahdavi, Arezoo Shajiei, Zuhair M. Hassan: Reduced treg and onset of a TH1pattern in combined HSP70 and propranolol treatment of fibrosarcomabearing mice. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2013, Vol. 2(6), pp. 099 -109.
  • Mohammad Reza Asadi Karam, Mana Oloomi, Mehdi Mahdavi, Mehri Habibi, Saeid Bouzari: Assessment of immune responses of the flagellin (FliC) fused to FimH adhesin of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli. Molecular Immunology 11/2012; 54(1):32-39.
  • Marzieh Holakuyee, Mehdi Mahdavi, Zuhair Mohammad Hassan, Mohsen Abolhassani: Heat Shock Proteins Enriched-Promastigotes of Leishmania major Inducing Th2 Immune Response in BALB/c Mice. Iranian biomedical journal 10/2012; 16(4):209-17.
  • Ghaffarifar Fatemeh, Tabatabaie Fatemeh, Sharifi Zohreh, Dalimiasl Abdolhosein, Hassan Mohammad Zahir, Mahdavi Mehdi. Cloning of a Recombinant Plasmid Encoding Thiol-Specific Antioxidant Antigen (TSA) Gene of Leishmania majorand Expression in the Chinese Hamster Ovary Cell Line. Malays J Med Sci. 2012 Jan-Mar; 19(1): 15–19. 09/2012; 19(1):15-9.
  • M.H. Yazdi, M Mahdavi, E Kheradmand, A.R. Shahverdi: The Preventive Oral Supplementation of a Selenium Nanoparticle-enriched Probiotic Increases the Immune Response and Lifespan of 4T1 Breast Cancer Bearing Mice. Arzneimittel-Forschung 09/2012; 62(11)., DOI:10.1055/s-0032-1323700.
  • Mohammad Mehdi Soltan Dallal, Mohammad Hossein Yazdi, Marzieh Holakuyee, Zuhair Mohammad Hassan, Mohsen Abolhassani, Mehdi Mahdavi. Lactobacillus casei ssp.casei Induced Th1 Cytokine Profile and Natural Killer Cells Activity in Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Bearing Mice. Iranian journal of allergy, asthma, and immunology 06/2012; 11(2):183-9.
  • Mohammad Hossein Yazdi, Mehdi Mahdavi, Bardia Varastehmoradi, Mohammad Ali Faramarzi, Ahmad Reza Shahverdi: The Immunostimulatory Effect of Biogenic Selenium Nanoparticles on the 4T1 Breast Cancer Model: an In Vivo Study. Biological trace element research 04/2012; 149(1):22-8., DOI:10.1007/s12011-012-9402-0.
  • Abbas Jamali, Hoorieh Soleimanjahi, Mostafa Moin, Mehdi Mahdavi, Hamidreza Hashemi, Farzaneh Sabahi, Zuhair M Hassan, Taravat Bamdad: Withdrawal from Morphine Reduces Cell-Mediated Immunity against Herpes Simplex Virus Generated by Natural Immunization. NeuroImmunoModulation 03/2012; 19(4):229-34., DOI:10.1159/000334768.
  • Molanouri Shamsi M., Z.H. Mohammad Hassan, M. Mahdavi, R. Gharakhanlou, L. Baghersad, K. Azadmanesh, R. Edalat: Influence of resistance training on IL-15 mRNA expression and the protein content in slow and fast twitch muscles of diabetic rats. Iranian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism 01/2012; 14(2).
  • Mohammad Ghaderi, Mahdieh Molanouri Shamsi, Mehdi Mahdavi, Sirvan Atashak, Lala Baghersad: The Effect of resistance exercise training on calcineurin signaling expression in skeletal muscle of diabetic rats. European Journal of Experimental Biology, 2012, 2 (4):1119-1123.
  • Vida Farsam, Zuhair Muhammad Hassan, Ahmad Zavaran-Hosseini, Shokoofe Noori, Mehdi Mahdavi, Moslem Ranjbar: Antitumor and immunomodulatory properties of artemether and its ability to reduce CD4(+) CD25(+) FoxP3(+) T reg cells in vivo. International immunopharmacology 08/2011; 11(11):1802-8.
  • Mehdi Mahdavi, Masoumeh Ebtekar, Hamid Reza Khorram Khorshid, Kayhan Azadmanesh, Christine Hartoonian, Zuhair Mohammad Hassan: ELISPOT analysis of a new CTL based DNA vaccine for HIV-1 using GM-CSF in DNA prime/peptide boost strategy: GM-CSF induced long-lived memory responses. Immunology letters 05/2011; 140(1-2):14-20., DOI:10.1016/j.imlet.2011.05.005.
  • Majid Tebianian, Ahmad Zavaran Hoseini, Seyyed Mahmoud Ebrahimi, Arash Memarnejadian, Ali Rezaei Mokarram, Mehdi Mahdavi, Nooshin Sohrabi, Morteza Taghizadeh: Cloning, expression, and immunogenicity of novel fusion protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis based on ESAT-6 and truncated C-terminal fragment of HSP70. Biologicals 03/2011; 39(3):143-8., DOI:10.1016/j.biologicals.2011.02.002.
  • Sobhan Faezi, Morteza Sattari, Mehdi Mahdavi, Mehryar Habibi Roudkenar: Passive immunisation against Pseudomonas aeruginosa recombinant flagellin in an experimental model of burn wound sepsis. Burns: journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries 02/2011; 37(5):865-72., DOI:10.1016/j.burns.2010.12.003.
  • Parisa-Alsadat Tabatabaee, Mohsen Abolhassani, Mehdi Mahdavi, Hossein Nahrevanian, Kayhan Azadmanesh. Leishmania major: Secreted antigens of Leishmania major promastigotes shift the immune response of the C57BL/6 mice toward Th2 in vitro. Experimental Parasitology 01/2011; 127(1):46-51., DOI:10.1016/j.exppara.2010.06.033.
  • Khosravi Ali Reza, Sohrabi Noushin, Hassan Zuhair, Mahdavi Mehdi, Amini Abbas Ali, Tebianian Majid, Shokri Hojjatollah, Ebrahimzadeh Mousavi Hoseinali: Evaluation of the expression of TLR-2, Dectin-1 and TNF-α level in invasive aspergillosis in cancer mice. Comparative Clinical Pathology 12/2010; 19(6):601-605., DOI:10.1007/s00580-009-0932-6.
  • Nooshin Sohrabi, Zuhair Muhammad Hassan, Ali Reza Khosravi, Majid Tebianian, Mehdi Mahdavi, Zahra Tootian, Seyyed Mahmoud Ebrahimi, Mohammad Hosein Yadegari, Zahra Gheflati: Invasive aspergillosis promotes tumor growth and severity in a tumor-bearing mouse model. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 09/2010; 56(9):771-6., DOI:10.1139/w10-064.
  • Marzieh Holakuyee, Mohammad Hossein Yadegari, Zuhair Mohammad Hassan, Mansour Bayat, Ariyo Shahin Jafari, Mohsen Abolhassani, Abbas Ali Amini, Mehdi Mahdavi. Candida albicans Structural and Secreted Proteins Modulate CD4/CD8 Ratio in Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes of Spontaneous Adenocarcinoma Bearing Mice. Iranian journal of immunology: IJI 09/2010; 7(3):142-9.
  • Ladan Langroudi, Zuhir Muhammad Hassan, Massoumeh Ebtekar, Mehdi Mahdavi, Nafise Pakravan, Shokoofe Noori: A comparison of low-dose cyclophosphamide treatment with artemisinin treatment in reducing the number of regulatory T cells in murine breast cancer model. International immunopharmacology 09/2010; 10(9):1055-61.
  • M Mahdavi, M Ebtekar, K Azadmanesh, H R Khorramkhorshid, F Rahbarizadeh, M H Yazdi, R Zabihollahi, M Abolhassani, Z M Hassan: HIV-1 Gag p24-Nef fusion peptide induces cellular and humoral immune response in a mouse model. Acta virologica 06/2010; 54(2):131-6.
  • Mohammad Hossein Yazdi, Mohammad Mehdi Soltan Dallal, Zuhair Mohammad Hassan, Marzieh Holakuyee, Solmaz Agha Amiri, Mohsen Abolhassani, Mehdi Mahdavi. Oral administration of Lactobacillus acidophilus induces IL-12 production in spleen cell culture of BALB/c mice bearing transplanted breast tumor. The British journal of nutrition 03/2010; 104(2):227-32.
  • Fakhri Haghi, Shahin Najar Perayeh, Seyed Davar Siadat, Mehdi Mahdavi. Cloning, expression and purification of outer membrane secretin PilQ406-770 of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B. Iranian Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases 01/2010; 4(4):193-199.
  • Mehdi Mahdavi, Massoumeh Ebtekar, Fereidoun Mahboudi, Hamidreza Khorram Khorshid, Fatemeh Rahbarizadeh, Kayhan Azadmanesh, Haydeh Darabi, Farzaneh Pourasgari, Zuhair Mohammad Hassan: Immunogenicity of a new HIV-1 DNA construct in a BALB/c mouse model. Iranian journal of immunology: IJI 12/2009; 6(4):163-73.
  • Christine Hartoonian, Massoumeh Ebtekar, Hoorieh Soleimanjahi, Ali Karami, Mehdi Mahdavi, Nasrin Rastgoo, Kayhan Azadmanesh: Effect of immunological adjuvants: GM-CSF (granulocyte-monocyte colony stimulating factor) and IL-23 (interleukin-23) on immune responses generated against hepatitis C virus core DNA vaccine. Cytokine 05/2009; 46(1):43-50.
  • Abbas Jamali, Mehdi Mahdavi, Zuhair Muhammad Hassan, Farzaneh Sabahi, Mohammad Jazayeri Farsani, Taravat Bamdad, Hoorieh Soleimanjahi, Morteza Motazakker, Shahram Shahabi: A novel adjuvant, the general opioid antagonist naloxone, elicits a robust cellular immune response for a DNA vaccine. International Immunology 02/2009; 21(3):217-25., DOI:10.1093/intimm/dxn139.
  • Nooshin Sohrabi, Ali Reza Khosravi, Zuhair Mohammad Hassan, Mehdi Mahdavi, Abbas Ali Amini, Majid Tebianian: Effect of Invasive Aspergillosis Infection on the Immune Responses of Cancer Mice. Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences Vol. 11, No. 4, Winter 2009, 242-249.
  • Abbas Ali Imani Fooladi, Morteza Sattari, Zuhair Mohammad Hassan, Mehdi Mahdavi, Taghi Azizi, Akira Horii: In vivo induction of necrosis in mice fibrosarcoma via intravenous injection of type B staphylococcal enterotoxin. Biotechnology Letters 12/2008; 30(12):2053-9., DOI:10.1007/s10529-008-9805-3.
  • M. Parsania, Z. M. Hassan, T. Bamdad, M. Kheirandish, M. H. Pouriayevali, R. D. Sari, M. N. Sarbolouki, A. Jamali, M. Mahdavi. Pro-apoptotic gene enhances the immunogenicity of glycoprotein B gene of herpes simplex virus-1. Gene therapy & molecular biology 06/2008; 12(1):7-14.
  • Shahram Shahabi, Zuhair Muhammad Hassan, Mehdi Mahdavi, Mahya Dezfouli, Monireh Torabi Rahvar, Mohsen Naseri, Nima Hosseni Jazani, Hamid Reza Khalkhali. Hot and Cold Natures and Some Parameters of Neuroendocrine and Immune Systems in Traditional Iranian Medicine: A Preliminary Study. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 04/2008; 14(2):147-56., DOI:10.1089/acm.2007.0693.
  • F Pourasgari, S Ahmadian, Z M Hassan, M Mahdavi, A H Salmanian, M N Sarbolouki, P Pothier: Intranasal immunization of mice with VP2 DNA of human rotavirus a induces cellular and humoral immunity. Acta virologica 02/2008; 52(4):225-9.
  • A Asadi, A A Pourfathollah, M Mahdavi, M M Eftekharian, S M Moazzeni: Preparation of antibody against horseradish peroxidase using hybridoma technology. Human antibodies 02/2008; 17(3-4):73-8.
  • M Nourizadeh, A Aghamohammadi, S M Moazzeni, M Mahdavi, A Jalili, N Rezaei, J Hadjati: Altered dendritic cell function in response to sera of common variable immunodeficiency patients. Inflammation Research 01/2008; 56(12):527-32.
  • Abbas Jamali, Mehdi Mahdavi, Shahram Shahabi, Zuhair M Hassan, Farzaneh Sabahi, Mohammad Javan, Mohammad Jazayeri Farsani, Masoud Parsania, Taravat Bamdad. Naloxone, an opioid receptor antagonist, enhances induction of protective immunity against HSV-1 infection in BALB/c mice. Microbial Pathogenesis 11/2007; 43(5-6):217-23.
  • Behnaz Riaz-Alhosseini, Mohammadhasan Zahir, Ali MOstafaie, Mehdi Mahdavi, Mehrdad Hashemi: Surveying the effect of 100 kD protein of shark cartilage on erythroleukemic K562 cell line and normal lymphocytes. J exp zoo india, 2008, p459-463.
  • High Production of IL-18 by Dendritic Cells Induced by Sera from Patients with Primary Antibody Deficiency. Maryam Nourizadeh1, Asghar Aghamohammadi1, Seyed Mohammad Moazzeni2, Mahdi Mahdavi, Nima Rezaei1, and Jamshid Hadjati. Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol June 2007; 6(2): 59-65.
  • N. Aghdami, S.M. Moazzeni, F. Gharibdoost, M. Mahdavi. Comparison of different methods for dendritic cell generation from mouse bone marrow. Yakhteh 06/2007; 9(2):81-90.
  • Marzieh Holakuyee, Mohammad Hossein Yadegari, Zuhair Mohammad Hassan, Mehdi Mahdavi. Evaluation the Anti-Proliferative Activity of Structural Proteins and Fraction of Supernatant from Culture of Candida albicans. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 02/2007; 10(2):318-21., DOI:10.3923/pjbs.2007.318.321.
  • M. Mahdavi, S.M. Moazzeni, A.M. Zarnani: The effect of supernatant from decidual cell culture on induction of indolaemine 2,3 dioxygenase (IDO) in dendritic cells during allogenic MLR. Yakhteh 06/2006; 8(30):70-79+160.
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