Editor Profile

Dr. Raj Kumar, Ph.D.
Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences (DRDO)

I joined the Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences (INMAS), DRDO in the year 2001 just after completing my Ph.D. in biotechnology from the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee. INMAS is a premier institution that worked in the area of radiation countermeasure development. I start learning about radioprotection and its importance, its national and international importance, etc. During the initial phase of my learning, I thought about radioresistant bacteria and their possible applications in the area of radioprotector development. I discussed my interest with INMAS director Dr. R.P Tripathi. He not only appreciates my logic but rather gave me a task project to initiate work in this novel area in the year 2005. since then I involved in the same area and achieved several milestones. As a result of the continuous support from my organization, I have identified the bioactive bacterial molecules that provide excellent radioprotection to the cells, mice, and Non-human primates (Monkey). This molecule has been qualified for its regulatory toxicity/safety profile, stable and efficacious human usable formulation, pharmacokinetics studies, pharmaceutical targets, and efficacy biomarker and validation studies. This molecule may be the first Indian molecule that will reach the IND status and emergency use approval from the regulatory authorities of India. Recently we received a new grant from my organization (DRDO) to conduct all regulatory studies and get the IND status for this molecule. Hopefully, we will be successful in this endeavor in near future.
- Radiation Biology
- Radiation Induced Immuno-suppression
- Cell Death
- Inflammation
- Drug Development
- Radioprotection
- Radiation Therapeutics
- Upadhay, S. N. and Kumar, R., (2004): Defferntial bio-distribution of L-35 S Cystiene in various organs of Swiss Albino Mice. Indian J. Nucl. Medi. 19(1); 12-15.
- Arora, R., Chawla, R., Puri, S.C., Sagar, R., Singh, S. Kumar, R., Sharma, A., Prasad, J, Singh, S., Kaur, G., Chaudhary. P., Quazi, G. N. and Sharma, R, K. (2004): Radioprotective and Antioxidant property of Low Altitude Podophyllum hexandrum (LAPH). J. Environ. Path. Toxicol. Oncol. 24(4): 299-314.
- Kumar, R., Singh, P. K, Arora, R., Sharma, A., Prasad, J., Sagar, R., Singh, S. Sharma, R, K. (2005): Podophyllum hexandrum (Himalayan mayapple) extract provide radioprotection by modulating the expression of protein associated with apoptosis. Biotechnol. Appl. Biochem. 42, 81-92.
- Kumar, R., Singh, P. K., Arora, R., Sharma, A., Prasad, J., Sagar, R., Singh, S., Sharma, R, K. (2005): Radioprotection by Podophyllum hexandrum in the liver of mice: A mechanistic approach. Environ. Toxicol. Pathol. 20, 326-334.
- Chawla, R., Arora, R., Kumar, R., Sharma, A., Prasad, J., Singh, S., Sagar, R., Chaudhary, P., Shukla, S., Kaur, G., Sharma, R. K., Puri, S. C., Handa, G., Gupta, V. K., Quzi, G. N. (2005): Antioxident activities of fractionated extracts od High Alititude Podophyllum hexandrum in radiation protection. Mol. Cellul. Biochem. 273, 193-208.
- Arora, R., Gupta, D., Chawla, R., Prasad, J., Sharma, A., K., Kumar, R., Sagar, R. K., Samanta. N., Sharma, R. K. (2005): Radioprotection by plant products: present status and future prospects. Phytotherapy Res. 19, 1-22.
- Arora, R., Chawla, R., Prasad, J., Singh, S., Kumar, R., Sharma, A., Sagar, R., Singh, S., Sharma, R. K., (2005): Evaluation of radioprotective activities of Rhodiola imbricata Edgew-A high Altitude Plant. Mol. Cellul. Biochem. 273, 209-223.
- Arora, A., Chawla, R., asagar, R., Prasad. J., Singh, S., Kumar, R., Sharma, A., Singh, S., Sharma, R. k. (2005): Evaluation of radioprotective activities of Rhodiola imbricate Edgew-a high altitude plant. Mol. Cellul. Biochem. 273; 209-223.
- Sharma, A. K., Haskar, A., Kumar, R., Singh, S. Prasad, J., Chawla, R., Arora, R. and Sharma, R, K. (2005): Zingiber offcinale Rosc modulates gamma radiation-induced conditioned taste aversion. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 81,864-870.
- Verma, V., Singh, S., Sagar, R., Sharma, A., Kumar, R., Sharma, R. K., Qazi, G.N. (2006): The endophytic fungus Trametes hirsute as a novel alternative source of podophyllotoxin and related aryltetralin lignans. J. Biotechnol. 122, 494-510.
- Sagar, R. K., Chawla, R., Arora, R., Singh, Sikha, S., Krishna, B., Sharma, R. K., Puri, S. C., Singh, P., Kumar, R., Sharma, A.K., Singh, S., Prasad, J., Gupta, V., Ahmed, B., Dhar, K.L., Khan, H. A., Gupta, M. L. Quazi, G. N. (2006): Protection of the hemopoitic system by Podophyllum hexandrum against gamma radiation induced damage. Planta Medica. 72(3), 114-120.
- Haksar, A., Sharma, A., Kumar, R. and Sharma, R.K. (2006): A simple method for HPLC analysis of acetylcholine and choline through indirect UV-visualization technique. Indian J. Hosp. Parma. 28-32.
- Chawla, R., Arora, R., Singh, S., Sagar, R.K., Sharma, R.K., Kumar, R, Sharma, A., Tripathi, R.P., Puri, S.C., Khan, H.A., Shawl, A.S., Sultan, P., Krishan, Tej and Qazi, G.N. (2006): Podophyllum hexandrum offers radioprotection by modulating free radical flux: role of aryl-tetralin lignans. eCAM. 3(4); 503-511.
- Singh, O.V. and Kumar, R (2007): Biotechnological production of gluconic acid: Future implications. Appli. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 75; 713-722.
- Kumar, R., Singh, S.P. and Singh, O.V. (2007): Bioremediation of Radionuclide: Emerging Technologies. OMICS-Integrated Biology. 11(3); 295-304.
- Chawla, R., Arora, R., Singh, S., Sagar, R.K., Sharma, R.K., Kumar, R, Sharma, A., Gupta, M., Prasad, J., Khan, H.A., Swaroop, A., Sinha A.K., Gupta, A.K., Tripathi, R.P. and Ahuja, P.S. (2007): Radioprotective and antioxidant activity of fractionated extracts of berries of Hippophae rhamnoides. J. Med.Food. 10(1) 101-109.
- Gupta, M.L., Prasad, J., Singh, S., Kumar, R., Singh, L., Choudhary, P., Arora, R., Chawla, R., Tyagi, S., Soni, N.L., Sagar, R.K., Devi, M., Sharma, R.K., Puri, S.C. and Tripathi, R.P.(2007): Whole body protection against lethal ionizing radiation in mice by REC-2001: A semi purified fraction of Podophyllum hexandrum. Phytomedicine. 322-329.
- Chawala, R., Arora,R., Singh, S., Kumar, R., Puri, S.C., and Sharma, R. K. (2006): Aryltetralin lignan of podophyllum hexandrum exhibit lipoprotective effect and thereby render protection against ionizing radiation. Indian Journal of Radiation Research. 3(4), pp.162.
- Gupta, M.L., Sanghmitra, Parmar,V., Khajuria, A., Samanta,N., Kumar, R., Arora, R., Puri, S. C., and Tripathi, R.P. (2006): Survival promoting effect of INM-001R, a picrorhiza kurroa extract in Podophyllum haxandrum pretreated and lethally irradiated mice. Indian Journal of Radiation Research. 3(4), pp.198.
- Singh, P.K., Kumar, R., Jain, S.K., Sharma, A.K., Arora, R., Gupta, M., Lahiri, S.S., Sharma, R.K., and Tripathi, R.P. (2006): Differential radioprotection in human Hep G2 P53++ and Hep 3B P533—cells by Podophyllum haxandrum fraction; possible role of P53 in radiation protection. Indian Journal of Radiation Research. 3(4), pp.219.
- Singh, S., Arora, R., Srivastava,S., Kumar, R., Sharma,A., Kumar, I.P., Puri,S.C., Gupta,M.,Lahiri,S.S. and Tripathi, R.P.(2006): Evaluation of radioprotective potential of the fractionated phyto extract of the adaptogenic nutraceutical Rhodiola imbricate. Indian Journal of Radiation Research.3(4), pp.253.
- Arora, R., Singh, S., Sagar, R., Kumar, R., Sharma,A., Kumar, I.P., Gupta,M., and Tripathi, R.P. (2006): Protection of hematopoeitic system against ionizing radiation induced damage by Podophyllum haxandrum; role of heme oxygenase-1 and Bcl-2. Indian Journal of Radiation Research. 3(4), pp.253-54.
- Kumar, R., Singh, S., Singh, O.V. (2008): Bioconversion of lignocellulosic biomass: Biochemical and molecular perspectives. J Indust. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 35:377-391.
- Arora, R., Singh, S., Sagar, R.K., Dhaker, A.S., Chawla, R., Kumar, R., Sharma, A., Puri, S.C., Singh, S., Prasad, J., Krishna, B., Siddiqui, S.M., Sultana, S., Tripathi, R.P., Qazi, G.N., Sharma, R.K. (2008): Radiomodulatory and free radical scavenging activity of the fractionated extract of the adaptogenic neutraceutical (Rhodiola)-A comparative In vitro assessment with ascorbate. J. Dietry Suppl. 52(2), 147-163.
- Anupam Haksar, Sharma, A., Chawla, R., Kumar, R., Arora, R., Lahiri, S.S., Islam, F., Arora, M.P., Sharma R.K. (2008): Mint Oil (Mentha spicata Linn.) offers behavioral radioprotection: A radiation-induced conditioned taste aversion study. Phytother. Res. (Published epub advanced acess).
- Manju Lata Gupta, Sanghmitra Sankhwar, Savita Verma, Memita Devi, Namita Samanta, Paban Kumar Agrawala, Raj Kumar and Punkaj Kumar Singh (2008): Whole body protection to lethally irradiated mice by oral administration of semipurified fraction of Podophyllum hexandrum and post irradiation treatment of Picororhiza Kurroa. Tokai J Exp Clin Med. 33(1), 6-12.
- Kumar, R., Arora, R., Chawla, R., Sharma, R.K. (2009): an insight into the molecular mechanism of Radioprotective activities of Podophyllum hexandrum. J. Tree for Life. Pp. 1-9.
- Pankaj Kumar Singh, Kumar, R., Sharma, A., Arora, R., Jain, S.K., Sharma, R.K. (2009): Pifithrin-alpha decreases the radioprotective efficacy of Podophyllum hexandrum fraction (REC-2009) in HepG2 cells. Biotechnol. Appl. Biochem. Vol 53; 53-64.
- Singh, S.P., Bala, M., Kumar, R., Kumar, A., Diman, S.C. (2009): Modification in the expression of MRE11/Rad50/NBS1 complex in low dose irradiated human lymphocyte. Dose Response. 7(3): 193–207.
- Pankaj Kumar Singh, Raj Kumar, Ashok Sharma, Rajesh Arora, Raman Chawla, Swatantra Kumar Jain and Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2009): Podophyllum hexandrum fraction (REC-2006) shows higher radioprotectective efficacy in the p53-carrying Hepatoma cell lines: A role of cell cycle regulatory proteins. Integrative Cancer Therapies. 8(3), 261-272.
- Raman Chawla, Sarita Jaiswal, Raj Kumar, Rajesh Arora and Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2010): Himalayan Bioresources Rhodula imbricate as a promising radioprotector for nuclear and radiological emergencies. J Pharm Bioall Sci. 2(3), 213-219.
- Sudha Rana, Raman Chawla, Raj Kumar, Shefali Singh, Antoaneta Zheleva, Yanka Dimitrova, Veselina Gadjeva, Rajesh Arora, Sarwat Sultana and Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2010): Electron Paramegenetic Resonance Spectroscopy in radiation research: Current status and perspectives. J Pharm Bioall Sci. 2(2), 80-86.
- Sudha Rana, Raj Kumar, Sarwat Sultana and Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2010): Radiation-induced biomarkers for the detection and assessment of absorbed radiation doses. J Pharm Bioall Sci. 2(3), 189-194.
- Manish Adhikari, Rajesh Arora, Raman Chawla, Joti Sharma, Atler Singh Dhaker, Damodar Gupta, Neha Dubey, Raj Kumar, Veselin Ivanov, Veselina Gadjeva, Reneta Gevrenova and Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2010): Evaluation of Silymarina as a promising radioprotector. Z. Naturforschung. 65(c) 337-346.
- Pankaj Kumar Singh, Raj Kumar, Ashok Sharma, Rajesh Arora,Raman Chawla, Swatantra Kumar Jain, Rajendra Prasad Tripathi and Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2010): Role of apoptotic proteins in REC-2006 mediated radiation protection in hepatoma cell lines. eCAM, 1-11 (Doi: 10,1093/ecam/neq059).
- Rajesh Arora, Raman Chawala, Atler Singh Dhaker, Manish Adhikari, Jyoti Sharma, Sarita Jaiswal, Damodar Gupta, Touseef Amnaa, Satish Chandra Puri, Raj Kumar, Ashok Sharma, Rakesh Kumar Sharma and R.P. Tripathi (2010): Pro-antioxidant activities of fractions of a novel captothecin-producing endophyte (Entrophosphorainfrequiens). Trakia Journal of Science 8(2), 1-15.
- Origanti D Rakesh, Rajiv Pathak, Atler Singh Dhaker, Rajesh Arora, Raj Kumar, R. Rajaram and Hemant Kumar Gautam (2011): Isolation, Charecterization and bioactivity of deep sea bacteria with special reference to induction of antibacterial and antioxidant metabolites following gamma irradiation. Canadian J Pure Appl. Sci. 5(1), 1363-1370.
- Raj Kumar, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Deen dayal Bansal, Dev Dutt Patel, Saurabh Mishra, Lyuba Miteva, Zlatka Dobreva, Veselina Gadjeva and Spaska Stanilova (2011): Induction of immunostimulatory cytokine genes expression in human PBMCs by a novel semiquinone glucoside derivative (SQGD) isolated from a Bacillus Sp. INM-1. Cellular Immunology, 267, 67-75.
- Raj Kumar, Deen dayal Bansal, Dev Dutt Patel, Saurabh Mishra, Yana Karamalakova, A Zheleva, Veselina Gadjeva and Rakesh Kumar Sharma (2011): Antioxidative and radioprotective activities of semiquinone glucoside derivative (SQGD) isolated from Bacillus sp. INM-1. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. DOI 10. 1007/s11010-010-0660-x.
- Rajesh Arora, A.S. Dhaker, J. Sharma, M. Adhikari, R. Chawala, D. Gupta, A. Zheleva, Yanka Dinitriva, Raj Kumar, A. Sharma, Rakesh Kumar Sharma and Veselina Gadjeva (2011): Radiomodulatory effects of extracts of Psoralea corylifolia Linn. Evaluated by in vitro assays and EPR spectroscopy. Z. Naturfprschung C. 66 c, 35 – 46.
- A. Zheleva, Y. Karmalakova, G. Nikolova, R. Kumar, R. Sharma and V. Gadjeva (2011): A new antioxidant with natural origin characterized by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy methods. Pharmaceutical Biotech. DOI: 10.5504/50YRTIMB. 2011.0027.
- Karmalakova, Y., Sharma, J., Sharma R.K., Gadjeva, V, Kumar, R., and Zheleva, A. (2011). Comparative investigation on radical scavenging activity and protecting properties of natural isolated and synthetic antioxidants. Pharmaceutical. Biotech. DOI: 10.5504/50YRTIMB. 2011.0032.
- Rajiv Pathak, Ruby Singh, Avnika Singh, Hemlata Gautam, atlar singh Dhaker, Raj Kumar, Rajesh Arora, Hemant K. Gautam (2011). Assessment of antibacterial and free radical scavenging activity in psychrophillic Arthrobacter sp. Pharmacology online, 1: 344-355.
- Gupta, Anil Kumar, Rajiv Pathak, Bharat Singh, Hemlata Gautam, Ram Kumar, Raj Kumar, Rajesh Arora and Hemant K. Gautam (2011). Proteomic analysis of global changes in protein expression during exposure of gamma radiation in Bacillus sp. HKG 112 isolated from saline soil. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 21(6), 574-581.
- Gupta A.K., Pathak R., Singh B., Gautam H., Kumar R., Kumar R., Arora R. and Gautam H. K. (2011) Data on Bacillus Discussed by Researchers at Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology. Published in “Proteomics Weekly”, October 3rd, 2011. (Print ISSN Number: 1535-2722, Online ISSN Number: 1537-1352.
- Zheleva, A., Karamalakova,Y., Nikolova,G., Kumar R., Sharma R. Gadjeva V. (2011): A new antioxidant with natural origin characterized by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy methods. Pharmaceut. Biotechnol. DOI: 10.550/50YRTIMB.20111.0027.
- Kasera, R., Singh, A.B., Kumar, R., Lavasa, S., Prasad, K.N., and Arora N. (2012): Effect of thermal processing and g-irradiation on allergenicity of legume proteins. Food. Chemical. Toxicity. 50; 10, 3456-3461.
- Manish Adhikari, Atlar Singh Dhaker, Jawahar Singh Adhikari, Veselin, Ivanov, Vijay Singh, Raman Chawla, Raj Kumar, Rakesh Sharma, Yana Karamalakova, Veselina Gadjeva and Rajesh Arora (2012): In vitro studies on radioprotective efficacy of silymarin against gamma-irradiation Int. J. Rad. Biol. Doi:10.3109/09553002.2013.741285
- V. S. Jamwal, S. Mishra1 D. S. Kumar Reddy, D. D. Bansal1, S. Javed, A. Singh, H. Kumar Gautam, R. Arora, A. Kumar Sharma, R. Kumar Sharma, Raj Kumar (2012): Evaluation of antioxidant and radioprotective properties of hydroxyectoine. Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 10, Suppl. 1, 25-33.
- Y. Karamalakova, Raj Kumar, V. Gadjeva1, R. Tripathi, R. K. Sharma, A. Zheleva (2012): EPR investigations on scavenging capacity and antioxidant activity of ibg-20 a fraction isolated from bacillus sp. INM-1. Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 10, Suppl. 1, 34-39.
- J. Sharma1, R. Chawla, Y. Karamalakova, Raj Kumar, R. K. Sharma, A. Zheleva, V. Gadjeva, Rajesh Arora (2012): Modulation of radiation-mediated damage by Cuscuta relexa linn. Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 10, Suppl. 1, 58-64,
- M. Adhikari, Y. Karamalakova, V. Ivanov, V. Gadjeva, Raj Kumar, R. K. Sharma, A. Zheleva, R. Arora (2012): A comparative evaluation of an antioxidant of natural origin derived from Silybum marianum characterized by in vitro assays and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 10, Suppl. 1, 17-24.
- S. Bajaj, M. Chandra, R. Pathak, R. Kumar, R. Arora, R. K. Sharma, A. Singh, H. K. Gautam (2012): Comparative antioxidant profiling of exiguobacterium isolated from different geographical regions. Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 10, Suppl. 1, 8-16.
- J. Sharma1, R. Chawla, Y. Karamalakova, Raj Kumar, R. K. Sharma, A. Zheleva, V. Gadjeva, R. Arora (2012): Investigation of the modulatory role of Bacopa monnierri (l.) pennel. extracts against radiation-induced oxidative stress and antioxidant status in vitro. Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 10, Suppl. 1, 1-7.
- Dev Dutt Patel, Deen dayal Bansal, Saurabh Mishra, Rajesh Arora, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Swatantra Kumar Jain and Raj Kumar (2012). A semiquinone glucoside derivative provides protection to male reproductive system of the mice against gamma radiation toxicity. Environmental. Toxicology. DOI 10.1002/tox.
- Dev Dutt Patel, Deen dayal Bansal, Saurabh Mishra, Rajesh Arora, Swatantra Kumar Jain and Raj Kumar (2012). Radioprotection to small intestine of the mice against ionizing radiation by semiquinone derivative (SQGD) isolated from Bacillus sp. INM-1. Mol. Cell. Biochem. DOI 10. 1007/s11010-012-1403-y.
- Mishra S, Reddy, C.S.K., Jamwal, V.S., Bansal, D.D., Patel, D.D. Malhotra, P., Gupta, A.K. Singh, P.K. Jawed, S., Raj Kumar (2013): Semiquinone derivative isolated from Bacillus sp. INM-1 protects cellular antioxidant enzymes from -radiation-induced renal toxicity. Mol. Cell. Biochem. DOI 10.1007/s11010-013-1622-x.
- Saurabh Mishra, Deen D Bansal, Poonam Malhotra, D Sudheer K Reddy, Vishawdeep S Jamwal, Dev D Patel, Ashutosh K Gupta, Praveen K Singh, Saleem Javed, Raj Kumar (2013): Semiquinone fraction, isolated from Bacillus sp. INM-1 protects hepatic tissues against γ-radiation induced toxicity. Environmental Toxicology. Doi: 10.1002/tox.21877.
- Mishra,S.,Malhotra P., Gupta A.K., singh, P.K. Mishra A., Javed,S, Raj Kumar (2013): Novel Method for screening of radioprotective agents providing protection to DNA ligase gamma radiation induced damage. Int. J. Radia. Biol. DOI:10.3109/09553002/ISSN 1362-3095.
- Saurabh Misha, Poonam Malhotra, Ashutosh K Gupta, Praveen K Singh, Saleem Javed, Raj kumar (2014): Semiquinoneglucoside derivative (SQGD) isolated from Bacillus sp. INM-1 protects against gamma radiation-induced oxidative stress. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. 37;553-562.
- Saurabh Misha, PoonamMalhotra, Ashutosh K Gupta, Praveen K Singh, SaleemJaved, Raj Kumar (2014): A Semiquinone Glucoside Derivative Isolated from Bacillus sp. INM-1 Provides Protection Against 5-Fluorouracil-induced Immunotoxicity. J Immunotoxicol. DOI. 10.3109/1547691x.2014.882448.
- Saurabh Mishra, DD Patel, DD Bansal and Raj Kumar (2014): Semiquinone Glucoside Derivative Provides Protection Against gamma-Radiation by Modulation of Immune Response in Murine Model. Environ. Toxicol. (In Press).
- Vishawdeep S.J., Mishra, S., Singh, A., Raj Kumar (2014): Free radical scavenging and radioprotective activities of hydroquinone in vitro. J. Radioprot.Res. 2(3), 37-45.
- Mishra, S., Gupta, A.K., Malhotra, P., Singh, P.K., Singh, A., Kukreti, S., Gautam, H.K., Javed, S., Raj Kumar (2014): Protection against ionizing radiation induced oxidative damage to structural and functional proteins by semiquinone glucoside serivative isolated from radioresistant bacterium Bacillus sp. INM-1. Current Biotech. 3, 1- 9.
- Pathak R., Narang,P., Chandra M., Kumar, R., Sharma, P.K., Gautam H.K. (2014): Homology modelling and comparative profiling of superoxide dismutase among extremophiles: Exiguobacterium as a model organism. Indian. J. Micribiol. 54; 450-458.
- Neha Chausali and Raj Kumar (2015): Evaluation of antioxidant properties of a pigment molecule isolated from radioresistant bacterial strain INM-2. Global J. Res. Anal. 4(9); 137-139.
- Malhotra P., Adhikari,M., Singh,S.K., Raj Kumar (2015): N-acetyl tryptophan glucopyranoside (NATG) provides radioprotection to murine macrophages J774A.1 cells. Free radical Res. 49(12); 1488-1498.
- Malhotra P and Raj Kumar (2016): N acetyl tryptophan glucopyranoside (NATG) as a countermeasure against radiation-induced immunosuppression in murine macrophages J774A.1 cells. Free Radic Res. 2016;50(11):1265-1278.
- Malhotra P., Ashutosh Gupta n Darsana Singh and Raj Kumar (2018): N-Acetyl-tryptophan glucoside (NATG) protects J774A.1 murine macrophages against gamma radiation-induced cell death by modulating oxidative stress. Mol Cell Biochem. 2018 Oct; 447 (1-2):9-19. doi: 10.1007/s11010-018-3289-9
- Shravan Kumar Singh, Manish Adhikari, Poonum Malhotra, Ashutosh K Gupta, Neha Chhachhia, Darshna Singh, Raj Kumar (2016): Proteomic & Bioinformatics analysis of molecular mechanisms of radioprotection offered by radioresistant bacterial metabolite RKIP-006. J. Proteins and Proteomics; 82-83; (BDPPAH11)
- Malhotra P, and Raj Kumar (2019). Protection to immune system of mice by N-acetyl tryptophan glucoside (NATG) against gamma radiation induced immune suppression. Mol Immunol. doi: 10.1016/j.molimm.2019.09.003.
- Malhotra P, and Raj Kumar (2018). In vitro stimulatory effect of N-Acetyl TryptophanGlucopyranoside (NATG) against gamma radiation induced immunosuppression. Environ Toxicol. 33(3): 305-314.
- Malhotra P, and Raj Kumar (2017). Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometry-based Assessment of Free Radicals Scavenging Potential of N-acetyl Tryptophan Glucoside. Defence Lif Sci J. 2(3): 317-326.
- Malhotra P, et al. N-Acetyl L-Tryptophan Glucopyranoside protects gamma radiation-induced cellular/mitochondrial perturbations: An in vitro study. (2016). Conf Proceed Int Conf Innovat Approach Appl Sci Technol. 33-41.
- Bushra Afzal, Durdana Yasin, Shaheen Husain, Almaz Zaki, Pooja Srivastava, Raj Kumar, Tasneem Fatma (2019): Screening of cyanobacterial strains for the selenium nanoparticles synthesis and their anti-oxidant activity. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bcab.2019.101307.
- Prerna Agarwala , Darshana Singha , Sheikh Raisuddinb, Raj Kumar (2020). Amelioration of ochratoxin-A induced cytotoxicity by prophylactic treatment of N-Acetyl-L-Tryptophan in human embryonic kidney cells. Toxicology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tox.2019.152324.
- Bushra Afzal, Durdana Yasin, Haleema Naaz, Neha Sami, Almaz Zaki, Moshahid Alam Rizvi, Raj Kumar, Pooja Srivastava & Tasneem Fatma (2021): Biomedical potential of Anabaena variabilis NCCU‑441 based Selenium nanoparticles and their comparison with commercial nanoparticles. Scientifc Reports (www.nature.com/scientificreports). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-91738-7.
- Almaz Zaki, Md. Nafe Aziz, Rakhshan Ahmad, Irshad Ahamad, M. Shadab Ali, de Durdana Yasin, Bushra Afzal, Syed Mansoor Ali, Anita Chopra, Vijay Hadda, Pooja Srivastava, Raj Kumar and Tasneem Fatma (2022): Synthesis, purification and characterization of Plectonema derived AgNPs with elucidation of the role of protein in nanoparticle stabilization. RSC Adv., 2022, 12, 2497–2510. DOI: 10.1039/d1ra08396a.
- Irshad Ahamad1, Fareha Bano, Razique Anwer , Pooja Srivastava, Raj Kumar and Tasneem Fatma1 (2022): Antibiofilm activities of biogenic silver nanoparticles against Candida Albicans. Frontiers in Microbiology. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.741493
- Sunil Kumar Meena, Pukha Raj Joriya, Sanwar Mal Yadav, Raj Kumar, Priyadarshi Meena and Dev Dutt Patel (2022): Modulation of radiation-induced intestinal injury by radioprotective agents: a cellular and molecular perspectives. Rev Environ Health. https://doi.org/10.1515/reveh-2021-0108.
- Prerna Agarwal , Pallavi Khodlan, Namita Kalra, Sheikh Raisuddin, Raj Kumar (2022): In-vitro alleviation of ochratoxin A mediated cytotoxicity using N-acetyl-L-tryptophan glucoside pretreatment. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lfs.2022.120968.
- Ravi Kumar, Pratibha Kumari, Swapnil Pandey, ShravaKumar Singh, and Raj Kumar (2022): Amelioration of radiation-induced cell death in Neuro2a cells by neutralizing oxidative stress and reducing mitochondrial dysfunction using N-acetyl-L-tryptophan," Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, DOI: 10.1155/2022/9124365
- Irshad Ahamad Fareha Bano Razique Anwer Pooja Srivastava Raj Kumar Tasneem Fatma (2022): Antibiofilm Activities of Biogenic Silver Nanoparticles Against Candida albicans. Frontier in Microbiology. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2021.741493
- Pratibha Kumari , Ravi Kumar , Darshana Singh, Raj Kumar (2023): N-acetyl-L-tryptophan (NAT) provides protection to intestinal epithelial cells (IEC-6) against radiation-induced apoptosis via modulation of oxidative stress and mitochondrial membrane integrity. Mol Biol Rep. 50(8):6381-6397. doi: 10.1007/s11033-023-08579-y.
- Darshana Singh, Poonam Malhotra, Prerna Agarwal, Raj Kumar (2023): N-acetyl-l-tryptophan (NAT) ameliorates radiation-induced cell death in murine macrophages J774A.1 via regulating redox homeostasis and mitochondrial dysfunction. J Biochem Mol Toxicol. doi: 10.1002/jbt.23529.
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