Aims and Scope


WebLog Journal of Dentistry and Oral Disorders is an open access, multidisciplinary, double-blind, meticulously peer-reviewed online journal. In order to facilitate the open exchange of knowledge and information amongst researchers, dental assistants, dental hygienists, dental technicians, dental therapists, practitioners, academicians, and other healthcare professionals, WebLog Journal of Dentistry and Oral Disorders hopes to establish a platform. A wide range of disciplines are covered in this journal, including digital dentistry, minimal intervention dentistry, oral and maxillofacial surgery, forensic dentistry, dental illnesses, prosthodontics, endodontology, and orthodontics.

The journal also covers dental surgery such as root canals and implants, as well as typical issues such as chipped teeth and overbites. The substantial developments and research in this area are a reflection of dentistry's modernity and the accessibility of more advanced therapies and treatments.

WebLog Journal of Dentistry and Oral Disorders accepts articles from authors of all over the world with high-quality original research articles, review paper, case studies, clinical images, short communications and reports, perspectives, editorials, epidemiological studies and basic clinical investigative findings.

The Editorial Board of the Journal is composed of a committed group of international experts in dentistry and oral disorders. Every board editor oversees and actively manages the journal's progress. The goal of the peer-review procedure is to disseminate accurate and useful scientific knowledge. A panel of subject-matter specialists evaluates the quality and substance of the papers submitted for publication.


WebLog Journal of Dentistry and Oral Disorders widely accepts manuscripts in the following areas, but is not limited to:

Dental Implant Dental Caries Dental Pulp Dental Care Dental Pulp Stems Dental Treatment Dental Health Dental Amalgam Dental Hygiene Dental Management Dental Composite Dental Materials Operative Dentistry Oral Mucosal Diseases Dental Erosion Dental Trauma Dental Plaque Dental Anxiety Dental Pulp Stem Ccells Dental Pain Dental Stem Orthodontics Periodontal Diseases Endodontology Forensic Odontology Oral Biomechanics Implantology Dental Anesthesia Dental Disease Periodontology Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics Dental Biomaterials Science Long-Term Clinical Trials Including Epidemiology and Oral Health Technology Transfer of New Scientific Instrumentation Preventive Dentistry Esthetic and Pediatric Dentistry Prosthodontics Adhesive Techniques for Soft Tissues Slow-Releasing Agents Oral and Dental Policy Making Dental Public Health Forensics in Dentistry Dental Applications for Lasers Fluoride Supplements Dental Enamel Fluorosis Mouthguards Tooth Decay Gum Disease Sensitive Teeth Dentures Root Canal Wisdom Teeth Thumbsucking Dental Sealants Antibiotic Prophylaxis Oral and Pharyngeal Cancer Dental Unit Waterlines Baby Teeth Oral Candidiasis (Thrush) Noma Gingivitis(Gingivitis Treatment) Salivary Gland Stones and Tumours Oral Leukoplakia Treatment Oral Lichen Planus HFMD (Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease) Temporomandibular Joint Disorders Oral Cancers Bad Breath Glossitis or Glossitis Tretment Cold sores Achalasia Burning Mouth Syndrome Mouth Ulcers General Dentistry Oral Pathology Oral Diagnostic Sciences Preventive and Restorative Dental Sciences Periodontics and Oral Medicine Pediatric Dentistry Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Endodontics, Prosthodontics and Operative Dentistry Restorative Dentistry Cariology Oral Biology Forensic Dentistry or Forensic Odontology Cosmetic Dentistry Dental and Oral Hygiene Dental Biomaterials Dental Plaque Removal Dental Surgery Dentistry Emergency Dental Care Endodontics Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry Family Dentistry Geriatric Dentistry Gum Disease Treatment Modern Dentistry Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Oral Implantology Oral Surgeon Oral Surgery Case Reports Stomatology Tooth Pathological