Aims and Scope


WebLog Journal of Microbiology is an open access, multidisciplinary, double-blind, meticulously peer-reviewed online journal. Articles on microorganisms and their interactions with hosts and the environment are published by WebLog Journal of Microbiology. All microorganisms are covered by the journal, including viruses, bacteria, fungus, archaea, and protozoa. By publishing basic and applied research across the spectrum of the subject, the journal now reflects the diversity and significance of microbiology in solving modern global concerns, such as food security, environmental sustainability, and health.

WebLog Journal of Microbiology publishes original research articles on both procaryotic and eucaryotic bacteria, giving researchers cutting-edge findings and innovative imaging tools. Perspectives, reviews, original pieces, brief reports, and communication are among the article categories that are taken into consideration.

A committed group of worldwide microbiology professionals make up the Editorial Board of the Journal. Every member of the Editorial Board actively directs and determines the journal's development. The core of the peer-review process is an expert panel of reviewers who review the quality and material of articles submitted for publication with the goal of disseminating accurate and effective scientific information.


WebLog Journal of Microbiology widely accepts manuscripts in the following areas, but is not limited to:

Applied Microbiology Clinical Microbiology Environmental Microbiology Bacteriology Microbial Taxonomy Microbial Biochemistry Microbial Ecology Microbial Genetics Genomics and Proteomics Microbial Immunology Physiology and Metabolism Microbial Physiology Mycology Food Microbiology Biocatalysis and Fermentation Technology Bioprocess and Metabolic Engineering Molecular Biology Microbial Cell Biology Evolutionary Microbiology Microbial Pathogenicity Clinical Virology Diagnostic Microbiology Infectious Disease Medical Parasitology Systematic and Applied Microbiology Medical Microbiology HIV and Infectious Diseases Cellular Microbiology Industrial Microbiology Marine Microbiology Aquaculture Mycobacteriology Parasitological Virology Clinical Veterinary Microbiology Epidemiology Microbiology Chlamydiology Rickettsiology Aerobic Actinomycetes