Aims and Scope


WebLog Journal of Thyroid Research is an open access, multidisciplinary, double-blind, meticulously peer-reviewed online journal. The mission of the online journal WebLog Journal of Thyroid Research is to disseminate the most recent research on thyroid hormones, thyroid disorders, and related topics. Global scholars, physicians, and healthcare professionals are among the journal's regular readers.

WebLog Journal of Thyroid Research covers a broad spectrum of topics related to thyroidology, such as diagnosis, invasive treatment, immunological aspects, thyroid hormone action and regulation, pharmacological and other treatment methods, physiological mechanisms, genetics, new guidelines in disease management, and thyroid-related diseases and complications.

Article types that can be accepted in WebLog Journal of Thyroid Research include Case Blogs, Case Reports, Case Series, Clinical Images, Editorials, Letters to the Editor, Short Communications, Rapid Communications, Commentaries, Perspectives, Opinions, Mini Reviews, Systematic Reviews, Review articles, and Research Articles.

The Journal's Editorial Board is made up of devoted specialists from thyroid research across the globe. Each member of the Editorial Board actively oversees and guides the evolution of the publication. An expert panel of reviewers who assess the caliber and substance of articles submitted for publication with the aim of distributing precise and useful scientific information forms the basis of the peer-review process.


WebLog Journal of Thyroid Research widely accepts manuscripts in the following areas, but is not limited to:

Biopsy Goiter Graves Disease Hashimotos Thyroiditis Hyperthyroidism Hypothyroidism Immunoglobulins Iodine Deficiency Levothyroxine Nuclear Medicine Obesity Radioactive Iodine Thyroid Adenoma Thyroid Cancer Thyroid Disease Thyroid Glands Thyroid Hormones Thyroid Lymphoma Thyroid Nodules Thyroid Surgery Thyroidectomy Thyroiditis Thyroxine Triiodothyronine Clinical Significance Congenital Anomalies Diseased Thyroids Embryological and Fetal Development Enlarged Thyroid Histology Hypothyroid Non-Cancerous Nodules Other Disorders Overactive Thyroid Parathyroid Physiology Radioiodine Significance of Iodine Thyroid Condition Structure Symptoms of Thyroid T3 and T4 Production and Action T3 and T4 Regulation Thyroid Thyroid Cancers Thyroid Disease Symptoms Thyroid Disorder Thyroid Function Tests Thyroid Gland Underactive Thyroid Noncancerous Nodules Thyroid Function Test Significance of Iodine