Aims and Scope


WebLog Journal of Otolaryngology is an open access, multidisciplinary, double-blind, meticulously peer-reviewed online journal. WebLog Journal of Otolaryngology strives to remove all barriers to obtain scientific knowledge and spread it around the world. Our journal's open access policy helps published articles reach a wide range of readers worldwide. The journal covers every essential subject in otolaryngology. The main goal of our journal is to publish important and high-caliber research and to be the best platform for knowledge acquisition among all open access otolaryngology journals available worldwide.

WebLog Journal of Otolaryngology focuses primarily on innovative surgical approaches, healthcare-improving treatments, otolaryngology treatment trends, and associated updates that support the scientific community's ongoing investigation and advancement. In order to be the best online journal of otolaryngology research, we strive to publish excellent scientific research articles on all facets of otolaryngology. The area of expertise of otolaryngology treats patients with illnesses and conditions pertaining to the ear, nose, and throat (ENT).

Article types that can be accepted in WebLog Journal of Otolaryngology include Case Blogs, Case Reports, Case Series, Clinical Images, Editorials, Letters to the Editor, Short Communications, Rapid Communications, Commentaries, Perspectives, Opinions, Mini Reviews, Systematic Reviews, Review articles, and Research Articles.

The Journal's Editorial Board is composed of a committed group of international otolaryngology specialists. Every editor on the board actively oversees and guides the journal's advancement. The goal of the peer-review procedure is to disseminate accurate and useful scientific knowledge. A group of expert reviewers evaluates the quality and substance of the papers that are submitted for publication.


WebLog Journal of Otolaryngology widely accepts manuscripts in the following areas, but is not limited to:

Otolaryngology Head Surgery Neck Surgery Pediatric Otolaryngology Auditory Processing Disorder Hearing Dysfunction Laryngology Voice Nasopharyngeal Cancer Facial Nerve Paralysis Rhinology Sinusitis Thyroid Cancer ENT Audiology Head Oncology Otologic Surgery Cholesteatoma Cochlear Implants Lymphangioma Tonsillar Disease Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Sinus Surgery clinical Laryngology Voice Disorders Hearing Loss Otology Neurotology Neck Oncology Regenerative Therapies Obstructive Sleep Arena Adenoid Disorders Otitis Media Salivary Gland Tumors Acoustic Tumors Skull Base Surgery Hearing Preservation Head Plastic Surgery Ear Disorders Septorhinoplasty Head Cancer Neck Cancer Head and Neck Surgery Oral Cancer Otology Neurotology Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Ear Nose Throat Tonsillitis Vocal Cord Paralysis Thoracic Cancer Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Laryngeal Trauma Nasal Polyps Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Rhinoplasty Tracheostomy Parathyroid Surgery Mastoiditis Tonsillectomy Swallowing Disorders ENT Diseases Nasal Polyposis Nasal Surgery Nasal Mucosa Nasal Cancer MRI Head and Neck Neck Trauma Neck Muscles Hearing Voices Nasal Endoscopy Microscopy of the Ear Hearing Impairment and Deafness Hearing Disorders Cleft Lip Throat Cancer