Aims and Scope


WebLog Journal of Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine is an open access, multidisciplinary, double-blind, meticulously peer-reviewed online journal. An internal medicine specialist called pulmonology aids pulmonologists in their diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary (lung) disorders and diseases by providing the necessary specialized knowledge and expertise. The way the respiratory system—which includes the lungs and bronchial tubes—functions is the focus of respiratory research. High-quality articles about pulmonology, respiratory medicine, and associated disorders are published by WebLog Journal of Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine. The publications have gained international attention and sparked discussion by serving as a vital resource for pulmonologists, allergists, immunologists, and other medical professionals, researchers, and students.

All facets of respiratory diseases are covered by WebLog Journal of Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine, including but not limited to pleural cavity diseases, pulmonary vascular diseases, pulmonary embolism, pulmonary arterial hypertension, pneumothorax, bronchial diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, upper and lower respiratory tract infections, lung cancer, and more.

Article types that can be accepted in WebLog Journal of Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine include Case Blogs, Case Reports, Case Series, Clinical Images, Editorials, Letters to the Editor, Short Communications, Rapid Communications, Commentaries, Perspectives, Opinions, Mini Reviews, Systematic Reviews, Review articles, and Research Articles.

The Journal's Editorial Board is composed of a committed group of international experts in pulmonology and respiratory medicine. The journal's progress is actively overseen and guided by each board editor. The goal of the peer-review procedure is to disseminate accurate and useful scientific knowledge. A group of subject area specialists evaluates the quality and substance of the papers submitted for publication.


WebLog Journal of Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine widely accepts manuscripts in the following areas, but is not limited to:

Asthmatic Breathing Disorders Breathlessness Lung Adino Carcinoma Lung Infection and Treatment Lung Nodule Lung Radiation Therapy Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis Pulmonary Angiography Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Pulmonary Aspergillosis Pulmonary Cancer Pulmonary Circulation Pulmonary Critical Care Pulmonary Dysplasia Pulmonary Effusion Pulmonary Eosinophilia Pulmonary Fibrosis Pulmonary Neoplasm Pulmonary Thromboembolism Respiratory Tract Infection Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Respiratory Tract Infections Upper Respiratory Tract Infections Lower Respiratory Tract Infections Lung Cancer Pleural Cavity Diseases Pulmonary Vascular Diseases Pulmonary Embolism Asthma Cystic Fibrosis Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Thoracic Imaging Thoracic Oncology Thoracic Surgery Bronchiectasis Tuberculosis Bronchitis and Emphysema Pneumonia Lung Diseases Bronchopneumonia Pulmonary Hypertension Lung Injury Pulmonary Atelectasis Pulmonary Edema Nose Diseases Pleural Diseases Pneumothorax Pleural Tuberculosis Respiration Disorders Cough Common Cold Human Influenza Whooping Cough Respiratory Tract Neoplasms Thoracic Diseases COPD