Aims and Scope


WebLog Journal of Nephrology is an open access, multidisciplinary, double-blind, meticulously peer-reviewed online journal. WebLog Journal of Nephrology publishes review and original research articles with an emphasis on kidney disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment, as well as related disorders. Submissions in the following areas are welcome: cell biology, developmental biology, genetics, immunology, pathology, clinical nephrology, dialysis, and transplantation; pathophysiology of renal illness and its progression.

A superb synthesis of recent basic research, clinical epidemiology, clinical research, meta-analysis, pertinent editorials, viewpoints, and significant reviews is provided by WebLog Journal of Nephrology. Basic science, biochemical, and immunological research are highlighted along with epidemiology, screening, diagnosis, and therapy strategies.

An enthusiastic collection of global experts in nephrology comprise the Journal's Editorial Board. Each member of the Editorial Board actively oversees and guides the evolution of the publication. An expert panel of reviewers who assess the caliber and substance of articles submitted for publication with the aim of distributing precise and useful scientific information forms the basis of the peer-review process.


WebLog Journal of Nephrology widely accepts manuscripts in the following areas, but is not limited to:

Diabetic Nephropathy Chronic Kidney Diseases Acute Kidney Disease Kidney Fibrosis Kidney Calculi Renal Failure Renal Transplantation Chronic haemodialysis Renal Cancer Renal Impairment Glomerulonephritis Urogynecology Reconstructive Urology Renal Hypertension Nephrolithiasis Renal Immunology Renal Physiology Renal Osteodystrophy Renovascular Disease Clinical Nephrology Pediatric Nephrology Neurourology Pediatric Urology Tubulointerstitial Disorders Geriatric Nephrology Haematuria Cerebrovascular Surgery Kidney Failure Dialysis Renal Diseases Renal Transplanatation Renal Vacular Diseases Renal Calculus Lupus Nephritis Acute Kidney Injury Critical Care Nephrology Renal Disease in Cancer Patients Experimental Nephrology Clinical pathology of Renal Diseases Cellular Mechanisms of Kidney Diseases Molecular Mechanisms of Kidney Diseases Peritoneal Dialysis Hereditary Renal Diseases Renal Tubular Diseases Hemodialysis Kidney Biopsies Renal Replacements Renal Anatomy Nephron Endowment Obstructive Nephropathy Urinary Tract Obstruction Cystic Diseases of the Kidney Stem Cells in Renal Biology Intensive Care Nephrology Aging and Kidney Disease Gender and Kidney Disease Interventional Nephrology