Aims and Scope


WebLog Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology is an open access, multidisciplinary, double-blind, meticulously peer-reviewed online journal. WebLog Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology committed to publish papers in every field of public health and epidemiology. The journal's goal is to publish original research and reviews that address theoretical, methodological, and applied challenges. It places particular attention on works that use integrative or multidisciplinary techniques. WebLog Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology is a discussion forum on the epidemiology of infectious and non-infectious illnesses and their management, with the goal of advancing epidemiological awareness and public health. Public health policies rely heavily on the findings of epidemiologic research as justification for action, and every effort is made to bring the journal's findings to the attention of those who decide policy. Additionally, the journal provides a wealth of information for individuals who are actively teaching epidemiology.

WebLog Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology is an international publication with readers and authors from all over the world. Original articles, reviews, guidelines, position papers, editorials, commentary, letters to the editor, and communication are all published by WebLog Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology. Articles are only accepted based on their quality and scientific significance.

The Editorial Board of the Journal is composed of a committed group of public health and epidemiology experts from throughout the world. The journal's progress is actively overseen and guided by each board editor. The goal of the peer-review procedure is to disseminate accurate and useful scientific knowledge. A team of experts in the relevant subjects evaluates the quality and substance of the papers submitted for publication.


WebLog Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology widely accepts manuscripts in the following areas, but is not limited to:

Food and Nutrition Epidemiology Environmental Hygiene Hospital Hygiene Health Services Management Public Health Genomics Mental Health Health Economics Health Policy Social Sciences Spatial Analysis Population Health Statistics Biostatics and Medical Education Health Policy and Management Occupational Safety and Health Global Health and Population Epidemiology of Mental Health Public Health Economics Health Planning and Policy Communicable and Non-communicable Diseases Health Care Policies Environmental Health Family Medicine and Care Health Law, Bioethics Child Health Care Services Health Psychology Molecular Pathological Epidemiology Molecular Epidemiology Biostatistics Health Law Bioethics and Human Rights Occupational Health Sciences Bayesian Methods Functional Data Analysis Nonlinear Mixed Models Semiparametric Models Behavioral Toxicology Industrial Hygiene Adult Education Strategies Evolutionary Game Theory Emergency Preparedness Public Health Law Biobehavioral Research Methods Disease Prevention Global Health Infectious Diseases Tuberculosis Survival Analysis Statistical Methods Community Health Sciences Population Health Applied Epidemiology Implementation Science Health Financing Public Health Informatics Epidemic Models Prevention and Infectious Diseases Addiction Medicine Antibiotics and Biostatistics Behavioral Health Chinese Medicine Community Health Contamination of Food COVID-19 Critical Care Medicine Emergency Medicine Family Medicine Gender Equality General Medicine Health Education Health Politics HIV/AIDS Internal Medicine Medicine Occupational Health Pain Medicine Preventive Medicine Public Health Respiratory Medicine Sexual and Reproductive Health Sports Medicine Tropical Medicine Vaccinations