Aims and Scope


WebLog Journal of Pathology is an open access, multidisciplinary, double-blind, meticulously peer-reviewed online journal. WebLog Journal of Pathology is dedicated to publishing original, peer-reviewed research on a wide range of topics in the field of pathology, including genetics, hematology, immunology and immunopathology, microbiology, molecular pathology, forensic pathology, cytopathology, chemical pathology and biochemistry, and anatomical pathology.

Investigative diagnostic, prognostic, and biomarker studies that improve our comprehension of the mechanisms underlying human disease and have evident clinical significance are encouraged to be submitted to the Journal. Studies with a strong hypothesis that are suitably powered and validated will generally be given preference. In addition to original research papers, the Journal aims to publish a wide range of additional formats quickly, such as viewpoints, editorials, review articles, commentary, and other features that are both requested and offered.

Article types that can be accepted in WebLog Journal of Pathology include Case Blogs, Case Reports, Case Series, Clinical Images, Editorials, Letters to the Editor, Short Communications, Rapid Communications, Commentaries, Perspectives, Opinions, Mini Reviews, Systematic Reviews, Review articles, and Research Articles.

An international group of committed pathology specialists makes up the Editorial Board of the Journal. Every member of the Editorial Board actively supervises and directs the publication's development. The peer-review process is based on an expert panel of reviewers who evaluate the quality and content of articles submitted for publication with the goal of disseminating accurate and practical scientific knowledge.


WebLog Journal of Pathology widely accepts manuscripts in the following areas, but is not limited to:

Anatomical Pathology Automated Tissue Image Analysis Biological Staining Cell Biology Clinical Pathology Cooperative Human Tissue Network Cytopathology Dermatopathology Diagnostic Cytopathology Digital Pathology General Medical Pathology Geoffrey Bourne Gross Anatomy Hematopathology Histopathology Laser Capture Microdissection Medical Training and Accreditation Molecular Pathology Neuropathology Normal Cytology Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Diagnostic Medicine Pathology Phytopathology Psychopathology Pulmonary Pathology Renal Pathology Study of Pathology in Non-Humans Surgical Pathology Veterinary Pathology Cyto Pathology Dermato Pathology Forensic Pathology Histo Pathology Neuro Pathology Hemato Pathology Psycho Pathology Phyto Pathology Immuno Pathology Virology Micro Biology Toxicology Diagnostic Pathology Plant Pathology Immunopathology Microbiology and Pathology Clinical Microbiology Industrial Microbiology Cellular Microbiology Microbial Cytology Molecular Microbiology Microbial Genetics Medical Microbiology Microbial Biochemistry Microbial Immunology Bacteriology Diagnostic Microbiology General Pathology Pathochemistry Pathophysiology Pathology History Immunofluoroscence and Staining Oral Biology Cyto and Histopathology Ultra Structural Study Cell Physiology Stem Cell Cytology Cell Adhesion and Signalling Cell Growth and Differentation Cytogenetics Cytotechnology