Aims and Scope


WebLog Journal of Forensic Science and Criminology is an open access, multidisciplinary, double-blind, meticulously peer-reviewed online journal. WebLog Journal of Forensic Science and Criminology showcases a broad spectrum of contemporary developments in forensic and experimental research. WebLog Journal of Forensic Science and Criminology seeks to offer an Open Access forum where scholars can exchange their in-depth understanding of fundamental, applied, and research criminology and forensic studies. The Journal offers a platform for the publication of innovative investigations, observations, scholarly inquiries, and reviews in a variety of forensic scientific fields. It places a strong emphasis on originality and the highest caliber of creative thought. A multidisciplinary field called forensics is utilized to evaluate DNA, blood samples, bones, and other materials scientifically. The interdisciplinary study of crime and aberrant behavior is known as criminology.

With great pleasure, this journal accepts research papers, review articles, short communications, case reports, mini-reviews, opinions, letters to the editor, and other works pertaining to current criminology and forensic science research.

The Journal's Editorial Board is made up of devoted specialists from forensic science and criminology across the globe. Each member of the Editorial Board actively oversees and guides the evolution of the publication. An expert panel of reviewers who assess the caliber and substance of articles submitted for publication with the aim of distributing precise and useful scientific information forms the basis of the peer-review process.


WebLog Journal of Forensic Science and Criminology widely accepts manuscripts in the following areas, but is not limited to:

Anthropology Biochemistry Toxicology Clinical Forensic Medicine Digital and Multimedia Sciences Forensic Analytical Chemistry Forensic Anthropology Forensic Biology Forensic Education Forensic Entomology Forensic Genetics Forensic Microbiology Forensic Odontology Forensic Osteology Forensic Pathology Forensic Physical Evidence Forensic Psychiatry Forensic Radiology Forensic Serology DNA Fingerprinting Sexual Medicine Forensic Sociology Forensic Thanatology Forensic Hematology Forensic Techniques Forensic Toxicology Neuroanatomy Periodontal Anatomy Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Sectional and Imaging Anatomy Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy Forensic DNA fingerprinting Forensic Medicine Forensic Toxicology Forensic Psychology Forensic Entomology Forensic Pathology Forensic Chemistry Crime Scene Investigation Cyber Forensics Bite-mark Evidence Battered Child Syndrome Questioned Documents Ballistics Projectiles and Wounds Fingerprints and Identification Tool Marks Contact Traces Poisoning Breath Analyzers Forensic Archaeology Ballistic Fingerprinting Body Identification Fingerprint Identification Forensic Accounting Forensic Arts Forensic Footwear Evidence Gloveprint Analysis Palmprint Analysis Vein Matching Computer Forensics Forensic Data Analysis