Aims and Scope


WebLog Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics is an open access, multidisciplinary, double-blind, meticulously peer-reviewed online journal. Rapid global dissemination of excellent geriatric research articles is WebLog Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics's primary goal. The journal publishes articles mostly on cutting-edge technology advancements in scientific and clinical geriatrics and gerontology research. Gerontology, the scientific study of old age, the aging process, and the unique issues facing the aged, as well as geriatrics, the social science specialization focused on the health care of the elderly, comprise the main focus of the journal.

This publication aims to give geriatric doctors, gerontologists, and other professionals working in this field a consistent platform to obtain the most recent research news and to share their knowledge, thereby advancing the subject's research.

Article types that can be accepted in WebLog Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics include Case Blogs, Case Reports, Case Series, Clinical Images, Editorials, Letters to the Editor, Short Communications, Rapid Communications, Commentaries, Perspectives, Opinions, Mini Reviews, Systematic Reviews, Review articles, and Research Articles.

A dedicated group of international specialists in gerontology and geriatrics make up the Editorial Board of the Journal. Every board editor actively monitors and directs the journal's development. The dissemination of precise and practical scientific knowledge is the aim of the peer-review process. The caliber and content of the papers submitted for publication are assessed by a group of subject-matter experts.


WebLog Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics widely accepts manuscripts in the following areas, but is not limited to:

Social Determinants of Health Health Disparities Neighborhoods and Health Aging and the Life Course Social Relationships Social Demography Spatial Methods Quantitative Methods Intergenerational Health Human Flourishing Biological Risk Global Aging Demography of Older Populations Aging Process Physician-patient Communications Human Biology Mental and Physical Health Outcomes Psychosocial Factors Healthy Aging Cell Biology Genetics Regulation of Aging Alzheimer’s Disease Cancer Diabetes Emotion Cognition Aging Neuroprotection Long-term Care Polypharmacy Psychology of Adult Development Aging Inmates Home and Community-Based Services Aging Demographics Biogerontology Geroscience Aging Population Biological Theories of Aging Genetics Factors Social Geronotology Psychological Gerontology Environmental Gerontology Nutrition and Aging Aging and Memory Aging Portfolio Biological Clock and Epigenetic Clock Elderly Care Life Extension Geriatric Medicine Geriatric Giants Cardiogeriatrics Geriatric Dentistry Geriatric Dermatology Geriatric Diagnostic Imaging Geriatric Emergency Medicine Geriatric Nephrology Geriatric Neurology Geriatric Oncology Geriatric Pharmacotherapy Psychogeriatrics Preventive Geriatrics Geriatric Rehabilitation Geriatric Rheumatology Geriatric General Surgery Geriatric Trauma Geriatric Nutrition Geriatric Podiatry Aging-Related Diseases Dementia Endocrine Disorders Gender Differences with Age Geropsychology Intestinal and Renal Disorders Life Expectancy Statistics Memory and Aging Mobility Disorders Old Age Respiratory Disease Social Gerontology