Aims and Scope


WebLog Journal of Neurology is an open access, multidisciplinary, double-blind, meticulously peer-reviewed online journal. It encompasses the whole field of neurological sciences and includes pre-clinical research with immediate application to the development of new therapeutic targets as well as all aspects of basic and clinical neurology research. Large clinical and socioeconomically significant diseases are prioritized, including multiple sclerosis, dementia, stroke, epilepsy, headaches, mobility disorders, and infectious diseases.

This multidisciplinary open-access publication is leading the way in enlightening researchers, scholars, practitioners, and the general public throughout the globe about important scientific findings. In order to better understand, treat, and prevent neurological illnesses.

Article types that can be accepted in WebLog Journal of Neurology include Case Blogs, Case Reports, Case Series, Clinical Images, Editorials, Letters to the Editor, Short Communications, Rapid Communications, Commentaries, Perspectives, Opinions, Mini Reviews, Systematic Reviews, Review articles, and Research Articles.

An enthusiastic group of international neurology specialists make up the Editorial Board of the Journal. Every member of the Editorial Board actively supervises and directs the publication's development. The peer-review process is based on an expert panel of reviewers who evaluate the quality and content of articles submitted for publication with the goal of disseminating accurate and practical scientific knowledge.


WebLog Journal of Neurology widely accepts manuscripts in the following areas, but is not limited to:

Neurontin Neuralgia Neuropathy Neurasthenia Neurorrhaphy Neuroretinitis Neurofibromatosis Neurofibroma Neuroma Neurodegeneration Neurogenesis Neurogenic Claudication Neural Foraminal Stenosis Neuromyelitis Optica Neuromuscular Disorders Neurilemma Neuritis Neurilemmoma Neurotransmitter Nervous System Epilepsy Alzheimer's Disease Parkinson Disease Brain Haemorrhage Neural Stem Cells Autism Back Pain Clinical Neuropsychology Cognitive Science Neuropsychiatric Disorders Brain Injury Chronic Pain Meningitis Spinal Cord Injury Neurodegenerative Disorders Sleep Disorders Bipolar Disorders Traumatic Brain Injury Dementia Head Injury Migraine Multiple Sclerosis Parkinson's Disease Stroke Neurosurgery Pain Management Spinal Disorders Stroke/Cerebrovascular Disease Clinical Neurology Clinical Neurophysiology Cognitive Disorders Neuro-Opthalmology Neuropsychology Neuroendocrinology Pediatrics Brian Tumor Head Ache Neuroimaging Spinal Cord Lancet Neurology Pediatric Neurology Child Neurology Practical Neurology Disease Neurology Experimental Neurology Neurology Stroke Interventional Neurology Vascular Neurology Neuro-developmental Disabilities Neuromuscular Medicine Neural Circuits Neural Networks Neuro-genesis Neuro-imaging Neuropathology Neuropsychiatry Neuroscience Obesity Olfaction Oligodendrocytes Orbitofrontal Cortex Oscillations Parkinson's Disease Perception PET Plasticity Prefrontal Prefrontal Cortex Protein Aggregation Protein Misfolding Psychopharmacology Psychophysics Psychosis Reconsolidation Eegeneration Rehabilitation Remyelination Vitamin B12 Deficiency Neurological Consequences Brain Injury Medicine Neuro-radiology Neuro-ophthalmology Neuro-endocrinology Neuro-epidemiology Neuro-genetics Neuro-immunology Neuro-pharmacology Neuro-physiology Neuro-psychology Neuro-surgery Neuro-oncology Neuro-toxicology Neuromorphology Neuroanatomy Neurochemistry Neurobiology Neuromuscular Diseases Neuroprotective Effects Neurotrophic